Aquarium guide 2 EXPLAIN Indicate these Guide Questions to each of the group activity card Picture A ?? Guide Questions Flowers Bees What do butter ies do with the owers As they obtain nectar what do bees also pick up from owers What will happen to the po

EXPLAIN Indicate these Guide Questions to each of the group activity card Picture A ?? Guide Questions Flowers Bees What do butter ies do with the owers As they obtain nectar what do bees also pick up from owers What will happen to the pollen of owers that stick to the legs of the butter ies What is the importance of the butter ies to the owers How do you describe their relationship Do they bene ?t from each other Picture B ?? Fishes Plants in an Aquarium Picture B ?? Guide Questions What do plants provide to the ?shes What do the ?shes give to the plants in the aquarium How do they relate with one another Are they both bene ?tted Why Can you describe the kind of interaction between plants and ?shes in an aquarium Picture C Guide Questions Binds Nest in a Tree What do birds nest do with the tree As it attach laid in a tree what bene ?t does it have What do the tree provides for the nest of the tree How do they relate with one another Can you give the type of interaction they have Picture D Guide Questions Branch of a tree and orchids attached on it What do the branch of a tree provide to the orchid Do they interact with one another Do branch of a tree was harmed by the orchid What type of interaction they have Can you describe the kind of interaction between branch of a tree and orchid attached on it Reporting of Outputs Allow the group of pupils assigned for Picture A and B to discuss their collected data CElaborate G Finding practical Application of concepts and skill daily living H Making a Generalization Evaluate I Evaluating learning Encourage the pupils to explain their answers on Guide Questions as part of their task Give feedback to the presented outputs Discuss the answers to the di ?erent guide questions and give additional input whenever necessary Ask Based on the activities how can you describe the type of interaction among living things Why are these interactions among organisms important Can you give similar examples of positive interaction between and among organisms State why you considered this as a positive interaction Across Curriculum ESP Ask - In real life situation how are you going to relate your experiences with others - Do you think people can have a mutual interaction with animals How - How are you going to treat people who treats you like you do Ask the following questions - What kind of interaction between organisms where both of them bene ?ted with each other - What is the importance of interaction among organisms - Butter ies and owers - Fishes and plants in an aquarium - Birds nest in a tree - Orchids attached on the branch of a tree Part I ?? Direction Read each of the statement carefully and select the letter with the correct answers then the letter with

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  • Publié le Fev 13, 2022
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  • Taille du fichier 36.6kB