A quick introduction to xml
A Quick Introduction to XML This document provides a quick introduction to some of the terms and concepts used in the analysis of the XML documents in the Tutorial section of the CellML website The terms are taken from the origin- al XML specification http www w org TR REC-xml- published in February by the World Wide Web Consortium The following online resources provide more thorough documentation on XML ? http www w org XML http www w org XML ?? the W C's XML page ? http www ucc ie xml ?? the official XML FAQ ? http www xml com axml testaxml htm ?? the annotated XML specification ? http www oasis-open org cover xml html ?? the XML Cover pages The following list of terms is by no means exhaustive and the definitions are in some cases incomplete XML XML stands for e Xtensible Markup Language and it is a standard for structured text documents developed by the World Wide Web Consortium http www w org W C The W C represents about paying member companies and is responsible for many of the standards relating to the internet including HTML XML can be used to structure text in such a way that it is readable by both hu- mans and machines and it presents a simple format for the exchange of information across the internet between computers As such elec- tronic commerce is the principal application area for XML XML is a simplification or subset of the Standard Generalized Markup Language SGML which was developed in the s for the large-scale storage of structured text documents XML document An XML document contains a prolog and a body The prolog con- sists of an XML declaration possibly followed by a document type declaration The body is made up of a single root element possibly with some comments and or processing instructions An XML docu- ment is typically a computer file whose contents meet the require- ments laid out in the XML specification However XML documents may also be generated on the fly by a computer responding to a re- quest from another computer For instance an XML document may be dynamically compiled from information contained in a database XML Declaration The first few characters of an XML document must make up an XML declaration The declaration is used by the processing soft- ware to work out how to deal with the subsequent XML content A typical XML declaration is shown below The encoding of a docu- ment is particularly important as XML processors will default to UTF- when reading an -bit-per-character document This will cause characters to be rendered incorrectly if the document uses Lat- in encoding iso- - XML processing applications are required to handle -bit-per-character documents in the Unicode encoding which makes XML a truly international format able to handle most modern languages embeddeddtd xml version encod- ing iso- - embeddeddtd Document Type Declaration A document author can use an optional document type declaration after the
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- Publié le Nov 25, 2021
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 13.9kB