Administration guide 11 PUBLIC iQ - VIEW PRO PD - - ADMINISTRATION G UIDE Version PUB INT EN ?? R Copyright ? - IMAGE Information Systems Europe GmbH Release date - - PD - - iQ -VIEW Administration Guid e PUB INT EN ?? R iQ - VIE W Gru ndl ege nde Anf ord

PUBLIC iQ - VIEW PRO PD - - ADMINISTRATION G UIDE Version PUB INT EN ?? R Copyright ? - IMAGE Information Systems Europe GmbH Release date - - PD - - iQ -VIEW Administration Guid e PUB INT EN ?? R iQ - VIE W Gru ndl ege nde Anf ord eru nge n CO NF DE - D i i Q - TABLE OF CONTENT S Introduction Scope of the document Purp ose of the software Warnings and precautions Sy stem requirements General hardware and software requirements for iQ -VIEW General hardware and software requirements for iQ -VIEW PRO Additional system requirements for iQ -VIEW PRO TCP IP ports and AE titles Specific system requirements for Unicode languages Specific system requirements for display of DICOM -encapsulated PDF objects Verifying hardware and software compatibility Ensuring system security Using hardware encryption for data protection Ensuring system availability when using energy -saving modes System requirements for concurrent licen se server Installing the software Installing the iQ -VIEW PRO D workstation after download Installing the iQ -VIEW PRO D workstation from removable media Installing the iQ -VIEW PRO and iQ - D concurrent servers Launching the application Upgrading the application General Upgrading single licenses Upgrading concurrent licenses Uninstalling the software Uninstalling iQ -VIEW PRO Uninstalling the concurrent license server Removing parts of an existing installation Licensing Licensing system Activati ng the software Single licenses What is a single license Activating single licenses Concurrent licenses What is a concurrent license Installing the concurrent license server Activating a concurrent license Administrating a concurrent license network via Concurrent License Server License management Setting up monitoring options and automatic server startup PD - - iQ -VIEW Administration Guid e PUB INT EN ?? R iQ - VIE W Gru ndl ege nde Anf ord eru nge n CO NF DE - D i i Q - Controlling the concurrent server Customizing the ini file Concurrent licensing FAQ and trouble -shooting License migration and renewal Changing an existing single license Removing an existing single license Migrating single licenses Changing an existing concurrent license Removing an existing concurrent license Migrating concurrent licenses Maintenance Maintenance schedule Regular software and system restarts Constancy tests and re - calibration of diagnostic displays Protection from virus malware infection and power loss Performing overflow management Securing sufficient hard disk space Ensuring a proper network connection Keeping the system up -to-date Ensuring the system ? s state of the art Recording and reporting software malfunctions Concurrent license server maintenance Folders and paths iQ -VIEW PRO installation iQ -VIEW PRO concurrent server installation Software administration Initial configuration Providing and updating user documentation DICOM server administration and configuration ??General ? section Server status Pass word protection ??Server ? section General server settings Changing the directory of iQ -VIEW PRO ? s local imagebox and database file Logging DICOM server communication Server control Association control Advanced server settings Setting up overflow management Automatic routing with iQ -VIEW PRO General Multi -thre ading Activating auto -routing Setting up

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  • Publié le Jui 19, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 3.7MB