Atex guide 1 Basic concepts for protection in explosive atmospheres ATEX GUIDE Selection EQUIPMENT SELECTION EVOLUTION OF DUST STANDARDS APPLICATION EXAMPLES AMERICAN STANDARDS ALUBOX-EX Series Junction boxes in aluminium alloy pag OPTIMA-EX Series Indust
Basic concepts for protection in explosive atmospheres ATEX GUIDE Selection EQUIPMENT SELECTION EVOLUTION OF DUST STANDARDS APPLICATION EXAMPLES AMERICAN STANDARDS ALUBOX-EX Series Junction boxes in aluminium alloy pag OPTIMA-EX Series Industrial plugs pag ZENITH-T Series Polycarbonate boxes for industrial applications in areas classified as explosion hazard areas pag LIT-EX Series Fluorescent housings for applications in explosive atmosphere pag UNION-EX Series Plastic metal cable glands and accessories for applications in explosive atmosphere pag ZENITH-X Series AISI L steel boxes suited for particularly aggressive environments in explosive atmosphere pag Guide to the ATEX directives CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ATEX DIRECTIVE EC EQUIPMENT TYPES OF PROTECTION ATEX DIRECTIVE EC WORKPLACE ADVANCE-GRP Series Switched interlocked socket outlets pag ISOLATORS-EX Series Switch-disconnectors in plastic or metal enclosures pag ZENITH-P Series Increased safety enclosures junction boxes and control boxes for applications in hazardous environments pag ZENITH-A Series Sturdy aluminium alloy boxes particularly suited as control stations for applications in explosive atmospheres pag ATEX - Product tests and certification - Quality audits - Declaration of conformity safety instructionsIdentification of the zones - Equipment selection - Declaration of conformity safety instructions - ATEX EC ATEX a Categories group II Categories M M group I Verification of conformity Equipment Directive Essential Safety Requirements ESR ATEX EC ATEX Risk analysis area classification explosion protection document Selection of the equipment Workplace Directive Minimum requirements for workplaces health and safety of the workers EX Guide to the ATEX directives INTRODUCTION What is ATEX ??ATEX ? is the acronym for ??ATmosphere EXplosive ? i e explosive atmosphere An explosive atmosphere is a mixture of flammable gases vapours mists or dusts with air under specific atmospheric conditions in which after ignition has occurred combustion propagates to the flammable mixture In order for a potentially explosive atmosphere to form the flammable substances must be present in a certain concentration If the concentration is too low lean mixture or too high rich mixture no explosion occurs instead there is just a slow combustion reaction or no reaction at all Thus the explosion can occur only in the presence of an ignition source and when the concentration is within the explosive range of the substances i e between the lower explosive limit LEL and upper explosive limit UEL The explosive limits depend on the ambient pressure and the percentage of oxygen in the air ATEX DIRECTIVES The European Union regarding the hazard caused a potentially explosive atmosphere has adopted two harmonized directives on health and safety known as ATEX EC also ATEX a and ATEX EC also ATEX The ATEX Directive EC sets out the Essential Safety Requirements for products and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres and the respective conformity assessment procedures The ATEX Directive EC on the other hand defines minimum health and safety requirements for workplaces with a potentially explosive atmosphere in particular it divides the workplaces into zones according to the probability of havingan explosive atmosphere and specifies the basic criteria by which the equipment is selected within these zones The ATEX
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- Publié le Oct 16, 2021
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
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