Audax 400 KILOMETER AUDAX CUE SHEET Subic to Alaminos and back KM Coordina te s Loc a tion De s c ription Dire c tion Che c k points Turns N ' E ' SBMA Gate Dewey Ave corner Zambales National Highway Upon exiting the SBMA gate turn left to the Zambales Na

KILOMETER AUDAX CUE SHEET Subic to Alaminos and back KM Coordina te s Loc a tion De s c ription Dire c tion Che c k points Turns N ' E ' SBMA Gate Dewey Ave corner Zambales National Highway Upon exiting the SBMA gate turn left to the Zambales National Go through Subic Town Castillejos until you reach San Marcelino N ' E ' Intersection with the San Marcelino Municipal Hall a - store and the San Marcelino Public Market Just go straight and ignore the shortcut Head off to Iba Zambales N ' E ' T-junction of San Narciso and San Antonio Turn right at the T-junction heading to San Felipe or Iba Zambales Go through the towns of San Felipe and Cabangan N ' E ' Fuel Max gas station on your left after Cabangan Market Ha v e y our bre v e t c a rd s ta mpe d Recommended stop for refreshments or snacks or a toilet break After shell just go straight through the town of Botolan and follow directions to Iba Zambales FUEL MAX GAS STATION CUT-OFF hours a nd mins N ' E ' Fork in the town of Iba Zambales facing the plaza Take the right road Go around the plaza by turning left on the st small street and another left on the st small street N ' E ' T-junction behind the town plaza of Iba Zambales Turn right at a small busy street When in doubt ask locals for directions towards Pangasinan province Important thing is to go back to the Zambales National Highway to Masinloc N ' E ' Fork with a big Mt Tapulao sign Take the right road pointing to Masinloc Candelario and Sta Cruz This rolling terrain has a - km climb starting approximately at the km mark N ' E ' Total Gas Station on your left From this point just go straight towards the direction of Infanta Pangasinan N ' E ' Fo rk Take the right road Go through the towns of Candelaria Sta Cruz towards Infanta Pangasinan N ' E ' Fork inside the town of Infanta Take the right road pointing to Alaminos The Infanta Pangasinan Municipal Hall should be on your left N ' E ' waiting shed across Banana Boat Beach Resort in Dasol Ha v e y our bre v e t c a rd s ta mpe d From this point follow the road going to Alaminos DAS OL WAITING S HE D CUT-OFF hours a nd mins T-junction going to Sual Turn right at the T-junction heading to the town of Sual N ' E ' Caltex Gas Station on your left Look for the David's Salon marshals Ha v e y our bre v e t c a rd s ta mpe d Turn around and bike back to SBMA CALTE X GAS S TATION CUT-OFF hours a nd mins T-junction going to Sual Turn left at the T-junction heading back

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  • Publié le Apv 18, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 73.4kB