Bee inspection guide Guidance for Inspectin g Alleged Cases of Pesticide -Related Bee Incidents U S Environmental Protection Agency Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Office of Compliance and Office of Civil Enforcement May DISCLAIMER This gui

Guidance for Inspectin g Alleged Cases of Pesticide -Related Bee Incidents U S Environmental Protection Agency Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Office of Compliance and Office of Civil Enforcement May DISCLAIMER This guidance is an inspection support tool provided by the U S Environmental Protection Agency EPA for use by EPA regions states and tribes conducting inspections under the Federal Insecticide Fungicide and Rodenticide Act FIFRA This guidance represents EPA's recommended procedures for these inspectors when they are conducting FIFRA inspections as a result of an incident involving bee deaths This guidance is not a regulation and therefore does not add eliminate or change any existing regulatory requirements The statements in this document are intended solely as guidance This document is not intended nor can it be relied on to create any rights enfor ceable by any party in litigation with the United States EPA state and tribal officials may decide to follow the guidance provided in this document or to act at variance with the guidance based on analysis of site -specific circumstances This guidanc e may be revised without public notice to reflect changes in EPA ? s policy Deviations from this guidance on the part of any duly authorized official inspector or agent to follow its contents shall not be a defense in any enforcement action nor shall deviation from this guidance constitute grounds for rendering the evidence ob tained thereby inadmissible in a court of law The mention of trade names or commercial products constitutes neither endorsement nor recommendation for use Purpose This guidance was developed to identify unique considerations that federal state and tribal inspectors should take into account when they are conducting Federal Insecticide Fungicide and Rodenticide Act FIFRA inspections as a result of the death of honey bees and other social bees These techniques may not apply to the inspection of the death of other bees e g alfalfa leafcutting bees Th is guidance will aid in standardizing bee incident inspections across federal state and tribal agencies when trying to determine if the deaths are related to the use of a pesticide in violation of FIFRA The data gathered in these types of inspections will help determine if the death of the bees was associated with the legal or illegal use of a pesticide This information contained in this guidance is intended to suppleme nt the FIFRA Inspection Manual Bee-Related Inspections When conducting an inspection as a result of the death of bee s the inspector should act promptly and follow a regimented plan that focuses on the circumstances of the incident as well as the collection of evidence that will be needed to prove any violations All standard inspection and sampling protocols should be followed including but not limited to issuing Notices of Use Inspection creating and maintaining chain s of custod y for any samples collected for analysis and issuing Receipts for Samples as outlined in the FIFRA Inspection Manual State or tribal pesticide inspectors should follow any agency or

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  • Publié le Dec 03, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 1.3MB