Bibliography 48 Alice Paul Annie Schreier Junior Division Individual Website Student-Composed Process Paper Annotated Bibliography Primary DuBois Ellen C Feminism and Suffrage The Emergence of an Independent Women ? s Movement in America - Ithaca NY Corne

Alice Paul Annie Schreier Junior Division Individual Website Student-Composed Process Paper Annotated Bibliography Primary DuBois Ellen C Feminism and Suffrage The Emergence of an Independent Women ? s Movement in America - Ithaca NY Cornell University Press It helped me understand ? politics and the gender gap in voting patterns have focused renewed attention on an issue generally perceived as nineteenth-century ? This book is primary because it is written as a autobiography I used this book to create to understand what the politics were like during that time Baker Jean H Sisters The Lives of America ? s Suffragists st ed New York Hill and Wang It helped me understand the struggles and tirelessly for liberation traveling and speaking organizing and arguing This book is primary because it uses autobiography throughout the book I used this book to create good and reliable information Dreier Peter ?? Years Ago Alice Paul Led Another Voting Rights March That Led to Women's Suffrage ? The Huffington Post TheHuffingtonPost com It helped me understand more about why Alice Paul is such an amazing women in our history This site is primary because it contains quotes and photos from Alice Paul I used this site to create the articles on my site called Protest and lasting impacts Dismore David Today in Herstory Suffragist Alice Paul Kept in Hospital during Hunger Strike Feminist Majority Foundation WordPress It helped me understand more about Alice Paul being in jail and going through her hunger strike This site is primary because it has an interveiw on it and has pictures along with quotes I used this site to create my article about her hunger strike ? Alice Paul Describes Force Feeding New York Times London England Dec It helped me understand more about what it was like for Alice Paul to have to be force fed This site is primary because New York Times was actually there I used this site to create the hunger strike article Paul Alice Interview By Amelia R Fry Dec It helped me understand what Alice Paul might have sounded like just by the words she uses This site is primary because Alice Paul is being interviewed by Mrs Fry I used this site to create background knowledge of other primary resources about Alice Paul Library of Congress Washington D C It helped me understand more artifacts about Alice Paul This site is primary because it consists of documents and quotes from Alice Paul I used this site to gain information that I would not use in my project Paul Alice Interview By Robert S Gallagher Feb It helped me understand what Alice Paul might have sounded like just by the words she uses and what kind of person she was This site is primary because Alice Paul was interviewed by Robert Gallagher I used this site to create background knowledge of other primary resources about Alice Paul Kleiman Dena Alice Paul a Leader for Suffrage and Women's Rights Dies at Unity Women

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  • Publié le Mar 12, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 85.5kB