Body building guide 3rd edition by mohammad sikandar khan lodhi

BODY BUILDING TRANNING BY SIKANDER KHAN LODHI BODY BUILDING GUIDE Type the abstract of the document here The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document Type the abstract of the document here The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document MOHAMMAD SIKANDER KHAN LODHI BIO -MEDICAL ENGINEERING GUIDE INC BODY BUILDING TRANNING BY SIKANDER KHAN LODHI W W W M E D I C A L -I M A G E -P R O C E S S I N G B L O G S P O T C A Page NOTE Ask by yo ur doctor before use this guide DIET SELECTION TECHNIQUE - Chicken egg white absorptions in human body Fish absorptions in human body Beef absorptions in human body one pound beef of ??Eye of Round ? has gram of protein Chicken meat absorptions in human body Whole Chicken egg absorptions in human body ----------------------- CHEST WORK OUT - Chest day Flat bench press Incline bench press Dec -line bench press Chest pull over Deeps on paddle bar Cable cross over Chest day Flat dumbbell press incline dumbbell press decline dumbbell press Flat bench chest flying Incline bench chest flying ---------------- chest -finished -------- BI-CEP DAY AND st BODY BUILDING TRANNING BY SIKANDER KHAN LODHI W W W M E D I C A L -I M A G E -P R O C E S S I N G B L O G S P O T C A Page nd BODY BUILDING TRANNING BY SIKANDER KHAN LODHI W W W M E D I C A L -I M A G E -P R O C E S S I N G B L O G S P O T C A Page rd BODY BUILDING TRANNING BY SIKANDER KHAN LODHI W W W M E D I C A L -I M A G E -P R O C E S S I N G B L O G S P O T C A Page th BODY BUILDING TRANNING BY SIKANDER KHAN LODHI W W W M E D I C A L -I M A G E -P R O C E S S I N G B L O G S P O T C A Page th BODY BUILDING TRANNING BY SIKANDER KHAN LODHI W W W M E D I C A L -I M A G E -P R O C E S S I N G B L O G S P O T C A Page --------- bi cep finished ?? TRICEP DAY - BODY BUILDING TRANNING BY SIKANDER KHAN LODHI W W W M E D I C A L -I M A G E -P R O C E S S I N G B L O G S P O T C A Page BODY BUILDING TRANNING BY SIKANDER KHAN LODHI W W W M E D I C A L -I

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  • Publié le Nov 12, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 10MB