Calculator guide The GNU Emacs Calculator Calc is an advanced desk calculator and mathematical tool written by Dave Gilles pie that runs as part of the GNU Emacs environment This manual also written mostly by Dave Gillespie is divided into three majo r pa
The GNU Emacs Calculator Calc is an advanced desk calculator and mathematical tool written by Dave Gilles pie that runs as part of the GNU Emacs environment This manual also written mostly by Dave Gillespie is divided into three majo r parts Getting Started the Calc Tutorial and the Calc Reference The Tutorial intr oduces all the major aspects of Calculator use in an easy hands-on way The remainder of the manual is a complete reference to the features of the Calculator This file documents Calc the GNU Emacs calculator included with GNU Emacs Copyright ? Free Software Foundation Inc Permission is granted to copy distribute and or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License Version or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation with the Invariant Sections being just G NU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE with the Front-Cover texts being A GNU Manual and with the Back-Cover Texts as in a below A copy of the license is included in the section entitled GNU Free Documentation License a The FSF's Back-Cover Text is You have the freedom to copy and modify this GN U manual Getting Started General description and overview Tutorial A step-by-step introduction for beginners Introduction Introduction to the Calc reference manual Data Types Types of objects manipulated by Calc Stack and Trail Manipulating the stack and trail buffers Mode Settings Adjusting display format and other modes Arithmetic Basic arithmetic functions Scientific Functions Transcendentals and other scientific functions Matrix Functions Operations on vectors and matrices Algebra Manipulating expressions algebraically Units Operations on numbers with units Store and Recall Storing and recalling variables Graphics Commands for making graphs of data Kill and Yank Moving data into and out of Calc Keypad Mode Operating Calc from a keypad Embedded Mode Working with formulas embedded in a file Programming Calc as a programmable calculator Copying How you can copy and share Calc GNU Free Documentation License The license for this documentation Customizing Calc Customizing Calc Reporting Bugs How to report bugs and make suggestions Summary Summary of Calc commands and functions Key Index The standard Calc key sequences Command Index The interactive Calc commands Function Index Functions in algebraic formulas Concept Index General concepts Variable Index Variables used by Calc both user and internal Lisp Function Index Internal Lisp math functions Next Tutorial Previous Top Up Top Getting StartedThis chapter provides a general overview of Calc the GNU Emacs Calculator What it is how to start it and how to exit from it and what are the various ways that it can be used What is Calc About This ManualNotations Used in This ManualDemonstration of CalcUsing CalcHistory and AcknowledgmentsNext About This Manual Previous Getting Started Up Getting Started What is Calc Calc is an advanced calculator and mathematical tool that runs as part of the GN U Emacs environment Very roughly based on the HP- series of calculators its many features include Choice of algebraic or RPN stack-based entry of calculations Arbitrary precision integers
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