Cas install guide Endeca Content Acquisition System Installation Guide Ver sion ? A ugust ? Re vision A Contents Preface About this guide Who should use this guide Con ventions used in this guide Contacting Or acle Suppor t Chapter Bef ore y ou install Ov

Endeca Content Acquisition System Installation Guide Ver sion ? A ugust ? Re vision A Contents Preface About this guide Who should use this guide Con ventions used in this guide Contacting Or acle Suppor t Chapter Bef ore y ou install Ov ervie w of the Content Acquisition System Compatibility with Endeca components Prerequisite Endeca components System requirements CAS Document Con version Module Licensing f or CMS connectors Suppor ted CMS connectors Recommended reading Chapter Installing the Content Acquisition System Creating a user f or the Endeca ser vices on Windo ws Installing CAS on Windo ws Installing CAS on UNIX Adding the Endeca CAS ser vice to inittab on UNIX Installing only the CAS Console on UNIX Installing CAS silently on Windo ws Installing CAS silently on UNIX Installing a plug-in into CAS Updating the Deplo yment Template to use the WSDL client stubs and the CAS component Web Cr awler installation Pac kage contents and director y str ucture About changing the role used f or the CAS Console e xtension Chapter Uninstalling the Content Acquisition System Uninstalling CAS on Windo ws Uninstalling CAS Console on UNIX Uninstalling CAS on UNIX Uninstalling a plug-in from CAS Uninstalling CAS Console if its e xtension configur ation w as changed iii Cop yright and disc laimer Cop yright ? Or acle and or its affiliates All r ights reser ved Or acle and J ava are registered tr ademar ks of Or acle and or its affiliates Other names ma y be trademar ks of their respectiv e o wners This softw are and related documentation are pro vided under a license ag reement containing restr ictions on use and disclosure and are protected b y intellectual proper ty la ws Except as e xpressly per mitted in y our license ag reement or allo wed b y la w y ou ma y not use cop y reproduce tr anslate broadcast modify license tr ansmit distr ibute e xhibit perf orm pub lish or displa y an y par t in an y f orm or b y an y means Re verse engineer ing disassemb ly or decompilation of this softw are unless required b y law f or interoper ability is prohibited The inf ormation contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not w arr anted to be error-free If y ou find an y errors please repor t them to us in wr iting If this is softw are or related documentation that is deliv ered to the U S Go vernment or an yone licensing it on behalf of the U S Go vernment the f ollo wing notice is applicab le U S GO VERNMENT END USERS Or acle prog rams including an y oper ating system integ rated softw are an y prog rams installed on the hardw are and or documentation deliv ered to U S Go vernment end users are commercial computer softw are pursuant to the

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  • Publié le Jui 05, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 121.4kB