Chemist user guide CHEMIST User Guide Copyright ? THIX All Rights Reserved Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s Get Started Apparatus Chemicals Tools Label Settings What is CHEMIST CHEMIST is a virtual chemical laboratory running on iPad iPhone and Android device

CHEMIST User Guide Copyright ? THIX All Rights Reserved Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s Get Started Apparatus Chemicals Tools Label Settings What is CHEMIST CHEMIST is a virtual chemical laboratory running on iPad iPhone and Android devices where you can experiment with various lab equipment procedures and chemicals however you want ??without the potentials of being harmed ??Get Started After opening the app you see the experiment area and three buttons on the top Get Apparatus See Apparatus on page Note the three buttons at the top of the screen Tap on the lefthand button to open apparatus library Then drag down the apparatus to the blue area Add Chemicals See Chemicals on page Tap on the button in the middle among three to open chemical library Select categories Drag chemical to the vessel and hold Adjust the amount you want to add by moving fingers up and down on the vessel Use Tools See Tools on page Tap on the right hand button to open tools menu Drag tools to the destination apparatus ?? Apparatus There are different apparatus including vessel s ? mL beaker ? mL erlenmeyer flask ? mL boiler ? mL test tube ? mL beaker ? mL erlenmeyer flask ? mL boiler ? mL gas bottle ? Wa tc h g l a ss ? Evaporating dish ? Funnel ? Alcohol lamp ? Bunsen burner ? Steel stand ? Tr ipod ? Glass tube s ? Lid Ve ss e l H e a t C apacity All vessels have a maximum heat capacity of ? except the mL and mL boiler which have higher heat capacity of ? Ve ss e l Vo l u m e C a p a c i t y All substances over the maximum volume will be removed from the vessel automatically The gases in the lab atmosphere will fill in when there is space in the vessel Heating ? Use steel stand Set vessels on the steel ring and place the burner on the base Move the steel ring up and down to adjust the heating temperature ? Use tripod Place burner under the tripod and set the vessel on the top of it Heating temperature will be the maximum heating temperature of the burner Maximum Heating T emperature ? Alcohol lamp ? ? Bunsen burner ? Filter Place filter on the steel ring of the steel stand and stand a vessel on the base ?? Lid Drag the lid to the vessel to cap it The lid can prevent gas from leaving the container Tap on the red cross above the lid to remove it ?? Glass Tube Drag the glass tube to the vessel Drag the other end of the tube to another vessel to link them Tap the red cross in the middle of the glass tube to remove it The mL and mL beaker watch glass and evaporating dish can not be used to

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  • Détails
  • Publié le Jul 14, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 9.4MB