A user guide or user's guide, also commonly known as a manual, is a technical c

A user guide or user's guide, also commonly known as a manual, is a technical communication document intended to give assistance to people using a particular system.[1] It is usually written by a technical writer, although user guides are written by programmers, product or project managers, or other technical staff, particularly in smaller companies.[2] User guides are most commonly associated with electronic goods, computer hardware and software. Most user guides contain both a written guide and the associated images. In the case of computer applications, it is usual to include screenshots of the human-machine interface(s), and hardware manuals often include clear, simplified diagrams. The language used is matched to the intended audience, with jargon kept to a minimum or explained thoroughly. Contents [hide]  1Contents of a user manual  2Computer software manuals and guides  3References  4See also Contents of a user manual[edit] The sections of a user manual often include:  A cover page  A title page and copyright page  A preface, containing details of related documents and information on how to navigate the user guide  A contents page  A guide on how to use at least the main function of the system  A troubleshooting section detailing possible errors or problems that may occur, along with how to fix them  A FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)  Where to find further help, and contact details  A glossary and, for larger documents, an index Computer software manuals and guides[edit] User manuals and user guides for most non-trivial software applications are book-like documents with contents similar to the above list. The "PhotoMeister User's Manual"[3] is a good example of this type of document. Some documents have a more fluid structure with many internal links. The Google Earth User Guide[4] is an example of this format. The term guide is often applied to a document that addresses a specific aspect of a software product. Some usages are Installation Guide,Getting Started Guide, and various How to guides. An example is the Picasa Getting Started Guide.[5] In some business software applications, where groups of users have access to only a sub-set of the application's full functionality, a user guide may be prepared for each group. An example of this approach is the Autodesk Topobase 2010 Help [6] document, which contains separate Administrator Guides, User Guides, and aDeveloper's Guide. References[edit] 1. Jump up^ "Online Technical Writing: User Guides". hcexres@io.com. Retrieved 13 August 2009. 2. Jump up^ Gary Blake and Robert W. Bly, The Elements of Technical Writing, pg. 143. New York: Macmillan Publishers, 1993. ISBN 0020130856 3. Jump up^ "PhotoMeister Professional Version 2" (PDF). Paessler Software Solutions. Retrieved 15 July 2013. 4. Jump up^ "Google Earth User Guide". Google. 4 June 2009. Retrieved 13 August 2009. 5. Jump up^ "Getting Started with Picasa: Getting Started Guide". Google. 15 June 2009. Retrieved 13 August 2009. 6. Jump up^ "Autodesk Topobase 2010 Help". Autodesk. Retrieved 13 August 2009. See also[edit]  Owner's manual  Release notes  Moe book  Technical writer  Manual page (Unix)  Instruction manual (gaming)

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  • Publié le Fev 24, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 0.1192MB