DL Club Guide As per the CMV Act & Rules a person may hold only one Driving Lic

DL Club Guide As per the CMV Act & Rules a person may hold only one Driving Licence which is uniquely numbered in the National Register. Hence, DL Club option facilitates the citizen to merge the licences held by him/her into one Driving Licence. This option could be accessed either by the public or by the RTO Staff. For the public: Home Page  Apply Online  DL Club When a citizen tries to submit an application for DL Club, then a screen as shown below is displayed: Note: Only States / RTOs that have enabled the DL Club Service are shown. If your required State / RTO is NOT available contact the RTO Authority. For the RTO Staff: Login with the credentials  DL Menu Item  DL Club Enter the two DL Numbers that need to be clubbed. Click on Submit button. If there are any pending applications (already applied for any service) on any of these two DL numbers then a message as shown below is displayed: If there are no pending applications on the entered two DL Numbers and if the DL Details are available in the Sarathi 4 Database, then a screen as shown below with the details of the DL Numbers is displayed On click of “Confirm” button an application number is generated for the DL Club request and acknowledgement page as shown below is displayed: Flow Introduction for DL Club - Scenarios The Fee and Print flows for DL Club are NOT introduced in the following scenarios: 1. If the validities of the Driving Licence after clubbing are expired or would be expiring in 30 days 2. When the Class of Vehicle information is not consistent with validities of the Driving Licence 3. When the Validities information is not consistent with Class of Vehicles available in the Driving Licence 4. If the Driving Licence Data is found to be ported from legacy versions of Sarathi 5. If the Address Details are not found. 6. If Photo and Signature not found. uploads/s1/ dlclub-guide.pdf

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  • Publié le Jan 20, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 0.8259MB