Guidelines to Port Meteorological Officers Role of the PMO The PMO is a repres

Guidelines to Port Meteorological Officers Role of the PMO The PMO is a representative of the National Meteorological Service (NMS), and is the primary contact with local marine authorities and the maritime community at large. The international PMO network is vital to the success of the JCOMM VOS Scheme, to; Maintain the strength of the international VOS. Maintain the quality and frequency of ships’ weather reports. Responsibilities of the PMO Broadly defined by the WMO; WMO Technical Regulations (WMO No. 49). Guide to Marine Meteorological Services (471). Manual on Marine Meteorological Services (558). Specifically defined by the NMS having considered the port being serviced, and the type and volume of marine traffic. The range of functions will include: Functions of the PMO Recruit ships of any nationality into, and maintain a national VOS fleet. Functions of the PMO Regularly visit ships recruited into the national VOS fleet to; Maintain contact with the Observers. Provide ongoing training to the Observers. Maintain and inspect the meteorological and selected oceanographic instruments. Check the presence and condition of supplied handbooks, meteorological tables and charts. Maintain the ship's supply of logbooks, autographic charts, muslin, wicks and other consumables. Recover and inspect completed logbooks and autographic charts. Functions of the PMO Maintain accurate records of ships recruited into the national VOS fleet, including; Full ship details, as required for WMO Pub 47. (fill VOSClim Ship Recruitment Form) All instrumentation supplied and recovered. All instrument checks and calibrations, including dates. Functions of the PMO Upon the request of the Master of any ship and regardless of its country of recruitment; Check the meteorological and selected oceanographic instruments. Provide advice or assistance on meteorological matters. Functions of the PMO provide the following services to ships, regardless of their nationality and country of recruitment; Perform a barometer check. Check meteorological code tables. Check instructions for Observers. Install TURBOWIN and Meteoclass software in sat-c terminal Provide advice on bulletins, including a list of areas for which forecasts are issued and to update the relevant facsimile broadcast schedules. Functions of the PMO Promote and maintain liaison with; The NMS. (O/o DDGM(WF) Pune) Neighbouring PMOs. Harbour authorities and shipping companies. Merchant marine schools. Functions of the PMO Inquire from ship's officers of any problems that may be experienced, such as The transmission of observations (meteorological or oceanographic) to a Land Earth Stations (LES) or other facility. Explain code 41 (For the transmission of meteorological observations, free of cost) The reception and adequacy of forecasts, bulletins and facsimile broadcasts, and to bring pertinent comments to the attention of the NMS. Functions of the PMO Support complementary national, regional and international marine programmes, such as; Drifting Buoy Programme. Argo Float Programme. Ship of Opportunity Programme. Automated Shipboard Aerological Programme. Keep in your mind Number of ships in VOS is not important It is the number of ships which reports that count Coded Observations are worthless if they are not received at the Forecasting Office Doesn’t matter which country a ship reports for, so long as it reports. Ship Visits Visits to IVOF Ships Visits to Foreign VOS What makes an effective visit? IVOF - Before Visit Preparation is the key Prioritise ships to visit Read notes on last visit Check Observation’s quality Be informed ready to target any problem areas During Visit Purpose of visit - to thank for Observations, to encourage, to train, to check instruments, to issue supplies Visit Master - discuss Observations programme, forecasts, voyage, marine industry On Bridge - check instruments, stationery Ask to see Log book - discuss coding with duty officer & discuss any coding errors View transmission format on hard copy of telex messages Collect information required in VOSCLIM form After Visit Record details of visit in VOS database Follow up on any issues Advise by Email, or mail supplies Important Factors Real Time access to GTS SHIP Observations Benefits of preparedness Constant monitoring of Observations and follow up visits to ships are crucial Providing ships with clear instructions Some Pointers Remember Ships are doing us a favour - thank and encourage them to ensure continued Observations. Credibility - PMO is the interface between Met Service & Maritime industry Visits provide intelligence on changes in Maritime industry Discretion required with info learned On Board Same as national VOS Support, thank, encourage, discuss value of their Observations If ship unknown - ask if doing Observations? Look at logbook and transmission format Discuss any coding problems Ship Recruitment Which ships to target? Try to recruit newly constructed ship Seek permission from Shipping Company Satisfy local requirements - charter length, route, interest, communications Barometer Comparisons on Foreign VOS Ships Find out the Barometer Type and Setting before making the comparison Is it a PAB with MSL Correction Table? Is it an Aneroid set to MSL? Is it an Aneroid set to station level and used with a MSL correction table? Comparison Must compare like with like After comparison, calibration label issued must not be ambiguous Ship’s Officer must understand how any correction is to be applied Summary of Key Factors which make PMO Effective Visiting – Preparedness, Access to real time GTS OBs Recruitment – Follow up Barometer comparisons – Determining barometer setting, unambiguous labels Performance Monitoring – Constant checking uploads/s1/ guide-pmo.pdf

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  • Publié le Oct 28, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
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