Quick Guide on the Use of BDO Invest Online Facility 1 of 17 Is this your first

Quick Guide on the Use of BDO Invest Online Facility 1 of 17 Is this your first time to open an account using the BDO Invest Online Facility? If yes, your default choice is “Open a New Account”. Want to learn more? Read the BDO Invest Online Facility Navigation Guide. Answer the Investor Profile Questionnaire (IPQ)/Client Suitability Assessment (CSA) to find out what kind of investor you are and the suitable investments within your risk profile. Check if the investment objective, time horizon, features and inherent risks of your selected UITF match your investment needs, risk tolerance and requirements. Read and understand the following: a. Client Investment Suitability (CIS)/ Investment Policy Statement (IPS) b. Risk Disclosure Statement (RDS) specific to your selected UITF Read the general Risk Disclosure Statement (RDS) to learn and understand that various investments carry different degrees of risks based on the nature of the securities, investment vehicles and other factors. Read, understand, and agree to the terms of the Omnibus Participating Trust Agreement (OPTA) before making your investment. Keep in mind that the UITF is not a deposit account but a Trust agreement. Invest now. Choose your deposit account where funds will be drawn to make your investment. Ensure that the details are correct before you submit. 4 S T E P 3 S T E P 2 S T E P 1 S T E P 5 S T E P BDO Invest Online Facility Navigation Guide 2 of 17 List of Contents A. How to Accomplish the Investor Profile Questionnaire (IPQ) Online B. How to Open a New UITF/EIP Account C. How to Make a One-Time Investment in BDO UITFs D. How to Invest in BDO UITFs via the BDO Easy Investment Plan (EIP) E. How to Redeem Investments in BDO UITFs F. How to Unsubscribe from EIP 3 5 8 11 13 16 BDO Invest Online Facility Navigation Guide 3 of 17 A. How to Accomplish the Investor Profile Questionnaire (IPQ) Online 1. Click Account Information. Choose Conduct / Update IPQ / CSA 2. Click Update. 3. Click Proceed. NAVIGATE Welcome, Valued Client Home My Trust Investments Update CA / SA >> Account Information My Trust Investments Transaction Conduct / Update IPQ / CSA Conduct / Update IPQ / CSA Home Account Information Conduct / Update IPQ / CSA >> >> Welcome, Valued Client Risk Profile Summary Lastest IPQ / CSA Please update IPQ / CSA Score Profile General Investment Approach Update View Conduct / Update IPQ / CSA Home Account Information Conduct / Update IPQ / CSA >> >> Welcome, Valued Client Investor Profile Questionnaire (IPQ) / Client Suitability Assessment (CSA) Proceed Cancel Investments and services offered to you by all Trust Institutions are not deposit accounts and are not insured by the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC). These are not obligations of, and are not guaranteed or insured by BDO Unibank, Inc. (BDO), its affiliates or subsidiaries and do not carry any guarantees on returns. All income, as well as losses, arising from such investments/services are for the account of the investors. This INVESTOR PROFILE QUESTIONNAIRE (IPQ)/CLIENT SUITABILITY ASSESSMENT (CSA) FORM will help you understand the type of investor you are based on your investment objectives, risk appetite, cash flow requirements and other pertinent details as an investor. While not comprehensive, a general idea of your investment preference will be a helpful guide. On the basis of the information you provide, we present/recommend to you the various investment instruments/vehicles suitable to your needs and objectives. It is important that your responses to the questions are accurate and complete. There is no right or wrong answer. This IPQ/CSA is done prior to account opening and must be updated at least every three (3) years unless you decide to invest in complex investment products in which case this IPQ/CSAwill be updated annually. In case of changes before then in your circumstances, preferences or characteristics (i.e. change in liquidity needs, risk tolerance, tax status, number of dependents, wealth), you should request for a new CSA to be undertaken by BDO to determine and evaluate your new risk profile, investment objectives and other pertinent requirements. If you do not notify BDO of such changes, it will be deemed a waiver of your right to a new CSA for the prescribed period. 4. Answer the Investor Profile Questionnaire (IPQ) / Client Suitability Assessment (CSA) to know what kind of investor you are and the suitable investments within your risk profile. Choose Submit. BDO Invest Online Facility Navigation Guide 4 of 17 5. Click I Agree. 6. The result of your IPQ/CSA indicating your score, risk profile, general investment approach and recommended UITFs suitable to your profile will be displayed. Risk Profile Score Current IPQ Score 24 Aggressive Score Profile General Investment Approach Submit Cancel Conduct / Update IPQ / CSA Home Account Information Conduct / Update IPQ / CSA >> >> Welcome, Valued Client Choose the best answer for you. 1. What do you want to achieve from this investments? To keep my funds intact To have a regular source of income To make my funds grow Others, please specify Choose the best answer for you. 9. How would you rate yourself as an investor? Submit Cancel Very experienced - Highly diversified investment portfolio, investments in major foreign currencies are noted (i.e. US Dollar and Euros), considerable presence of high-risk investment products/outlets, may contain a sprinkling of offshore placements Fairly experienced - Investments are diversified with a balance of equities and fixed income, including bonds and government securities. High-risk investments still account for a small portion of the investment portfolio. Little experience - Has exposure to term deposits and money market placements, minimum investments in stocks/equities or limited to Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) only. Much of investments are in fixed-income low-risk instruments. No experience - Excess funds are mainly parked in bank savings accounts. Invests majority of its portfolio in equities and may also invest in structured products and/or derivatives Based on the result of the IPQ/CSA, the following are your Risk Profile, General Investment Approach and Recommended UITFs. Please click on each recommended UITF for more information on said UITF. The information will show why the recommendation is suitable for you. If you have questions or need further qualifications on the IPQ/CSA or the recommended UITFs, 1. Click Transaction Choose: a. Regular UITF Subscription - for one-time investment in UITF b. EIP Contribution/Unsubscription - for scheduled investments in UITF via EIP 2. For Regular UITF Subscription (one-time investment in UITF) Select Open A New Account. Click Online Facility Service Agreement (OFSA) to understand the terms of UITF online investing. Read and close the document. Click Proceed. 3. For EIP Contribution (scheduled investments in UITF) Select Open A New EIP Account. Click Online Facility Service Agreement (OFSA) to understand the terms of UITF online investing. Read and close the document. Click Proceed. BDO Invest Online Facility Navigation Guide 5 of 17 B. How to Open a New UITF/EIP Account NOTE: For existing investors in the BDO Invest Online, the default option is Add to An Existing Account. NAVIGATE Welcome, Valued Client Home Transaction Regular UITF Subscription EIP Contribution / Unsubscription >> >> Account Information My Trust Investments Transaction Regular UITF Subscription Account Selection Select an account in which you wish to invest Open a New Account I declare that I have completely read, fully understood and agree with the OFSA. Online Facility Service Agreement (OFSA) The use of the UITF Online investing is covered by the Online Facility Service Agreement (OFSA). Please take time to read and understand the OFSA by clicking on the link below. After reading the OFSA, close the OFSA and continue with your transaction. Based on the result of the IPQ/CSA, the following are your Risk Profile, General Investment Approach and Recommended UITFs. Please click on each recommended UITF for more information on said UITF. The information will show why the recommendation is suitable for you. If you have questions or need further qualifications on the IPQ/CSA or the recommended UITFs, Add to an Existing Account Based on the result of the IPQ/CSA, the following are your Risk Profile, General Investment Approach and Recommended UITFs. Please click on each recommended UITF for more information on said UITF. The information will show why the recommendation is suitable for you. If you have questions or need further qualifications on the IPQ/CSA or the recommended UITFs, Easy Investment Plan (EIP) Select Easy Investment Plan (EIP) Option Open a New EIP Account I declare that I have completely read, fully understood and agree with the OFSA. Online Facility Service Agreement (OFSA) The use of the UITF Online investing is covered by the Online Facility Service Agreement (OFSA). Please take time to read and understand the OFSA by clicking on the link below. After reading the OFSA, close the OFSA and continue with your transaction. Change/Add to Existing EIP Account 4. As applicable, the question below will appear in your screen. Answer (click Yes or No) to uploads/s1/ help-guide 2 .pdf

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  • Publié le Jan 02, 2023
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