QUICK START GUIDE Part Number: 45038200 10 February 2004 2004  Electronics for

QUICK START GUIDE Part Number: 45038200 10 February 2004 2004  Electronics for Imaging, Inc. This Quick Start Guide provides system requirements and an overview of how to set up your Fiery X3e 22C-KM Color Server™ so you can begin printing. The guide describes the initial tasks you must perform and points you to sections in the user documentation where the procedures are described in detail. A full set of user documentation is provided on the User Documentation CD. A brief description of the user manuals and how to print them follows. NOTE: The term “Fiery X3e” is used in this document to refer to the Fiery X3e 22C- KM Color Server. The term “Windows” refers to Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP , and Windows Server 2003, wherever appropriate. Media pack Your Fiery X3e media pack should contain the following: • User Software CD • User Documentation CD • Printed Quick Start Guide • Printed Release Notes • Kodak Gray Scale 2 Quick Start Guide About the documentation This manual is part of a set of Fiery X3e™ documentation that includes the following manuals for users and system administrators: • The Quick Start Guide summarizes the steps for configuring the Fiery X3e and printing. It also describes how to access the Acrobat PDF files on the User Documentation CD. • The User Software Installation Guide describes how to install software from the User Software CD to enable users to print to the Fiery X3e, and also describes setting up printing connections to the Fiery X3e. • The Configuration Guide explains basic configuration and administration of the Fiery X3e for the supported platforms and network environments. It also includes guidelines for setting up UNIX, Windows NT 4.0/2000/Server 2003, and Novell NetWare servers to provide printing services to users. • The Printing Guide describes the printing features of the Fiery X3e for users who send jobs from their computers. • The Color Guide provides information on managing the color output of the Fiery X3e. It explains how to calibrate your copier and take advantage of the ColorWise® color management system, as well as features in ColorWise Pro Tools™. • The Fiery Color Reference addresses concepts and issues associated with managing color output of the Fiery X3e and outlines key workflow scenarios. In addition, it offers information on printing from popular Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS applications. • The Job Management Guide explains the functions of the job management utilities, including Command WorkStation™, Command WorkStation LE, and DocBuilder Pro™ (optional), and how you can use them to monitor and control jobs on the Fiery X3e. This manual is intended for an operator or administrator, or a user with the necessary access privileges, who monitors and manages job flow, performs color calibration, and troubleshoots problems that may arise. • Release Notes provide last-minute product information and workarounds for some of the problems you may encounter. 3 About the documentation Printing the manuals The PDF files on the User Documentation CD include blank pages to allow for correct pagination with duplex printing. The CD also includes an installer for Adobe Acrobat Reader, an application that allows you to view and print the user documentation from a Windows or Mac OS computer. If your system includes Acrobat Reader version 5.1 or later, you can view and print these documents directly from the User Documentation CD. If not, install the version of Acrobat Reader provided on the User Documentation CD. TO INSTALL ACROBAT READER ON A MAC OS OR WINDOWS COMPUTER 1. Insert the User Documentation CD into the CD-ROM drive of your computer. 2. Double-click the CD icon to open the Documentation folder. 3. For Macintosh: Open the Acrobat Reader folder, and then open the Mac folder. Double-click Reader Installer. For Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Server 2003: Open the Acrobat Reader folder, and then open the Windows folder. Double-click AcroReader51_ENU_full.exe. When installation is complete, you can view, print, and search the following files: Configuration Guide, User Software Installation Guide, Printing Guide, Job Management Guide, Color Guide, and Fiery Color Reference. NOTE: To view the documentation on your computer, copy the language folder you want to use to your computer. You can change the name of the folder, if necessary, but all the manuals must remain in the same folder. 4 Quick Start Guide System requirements To install the Fiery X3e user software on a Windows or Mac OS computer, the computer must be equipped with a built-in or external CD-ROM drive. The following table lists the minimum system requirements. Minimum requirements for Windows 98/Me Windows NT 4.0 Windows 2000/ XP/Server 2003 Mac OS Operating system Windows 98/Me Windows NT with NT Service Pack 6 Windows 2000 with Service Pack 3 Windows XP with Service Pack 1 Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition, Enterprise Edition, or Datacenter Edition, all the 32-bit version (printer driver only supported) Mac OS 8.6 to 9.2 Mac OS X 10.2.4 or higher Mac OS X 10.1 to 10.2 Classic Memory for printing and Fiery X3e utilities (Fiery Downloader, ColorWise Pro Tools, and Fiery Spooler [Mac OS only]) 8MB of RAM for printing 128MB of RAM for printing and utilities 32MB of RAM for printing 64MB of RAM for utilities Networking protocol IPX/SPX, TCP/IP , or AppleTalk AppleTalk (Ether Talk supported) TCP/IP Networking protocol for Fiery® utilities TCP/IP TCP/IP NOTE: AppleTalk can be used for Fiery Downloader. 5 System requirements PostScript printer driver Adobe PostScript Printer Driver for Windows (included with user software) Adobe PostScript Printer Driver for Windows NT (included with user software) Microsoft PostScript Printer Driver for Windows 2000/XP/ Server 2003 (included with Windows 2000/XP/ Server 2003 operating systems) The PostScript Printer Description (PPD) files for Windows XP are provided for Windows Server 2003 Adobe PostScript Printer Driver (included with user software) PCL printer driver PCL Printer Driver for Windows only (included with user software) — EFI Fiery Remote Scan TWAIN-compliant application software Fiery WebTools™ • Java-enabled web browser: —Internet Explorer v5.5 or higher (Windows 98/Me/NT 4.0/2000) —Internet Explorer v6.0 (Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003) —Internet Explorer v5.0 for Mac OS NOTE: Microsoft releases frequent updates to its browsers. As support cannot be guaranteed for all versions, use the versions specified for best results. • A monitor and video memory that supports 16-bit color at a minimum resolution of 800x600 • A TCP/IP-enabled network and the IP address or DNS name of the Fiery X3e • Web Services enabled on the Fiery X3e Minimum requirements for Windows 98/Me Windows NT 4.0 Windows 2000/ XP/Server 2003 Mac OS 6 Quick Start Guide Command WorkStation (Windows only) • Windows-based computer with a 200-MHz or greater Pentium processor • 60MB of available hard disk drive space for installation • At least 2x CD-ROM drive • A monitor that supports 16-bit color at a minimum resolution of 1024x768 • 128MB of RAM • Video adapter card with 2MB of video memory • TCP/IP networking protocol installed — Command WorkStation LE (Mac OS X) • 300Mhz Apple Macintosh G3 • 128MB RAM • 80MB hard disk drive space (installation) • 500MB hard disk drive space—recommended for generating full previews of raster files and handling large PS/PDF files • Operating system—MAC 10.2.4 or later • Java for Mac OS X—Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition, version 1.3.1 NOTE: More system resources (RAM and hard disk drive space) and a faster processor will lead to better system performance. DocBuilder Pro (av ailable as an option) on Command WorkStation (Windows only) In addition to requirements for Command WorkStation: • Windows-based computer with 333-MHz Pentium processor • 90MB of available hard disk drive space • Dongle to be installed on parallel port for every client workstation — Parallel port 24MB of RAM 32MB of RAM 64MB of RAM — Parallel cable included with the Fiery X3e has a DB-25 male connector that connects to the computer on one end and a DB-25 female connector that connects to the Fiery X3e on the other end. Minimum requirements for Windows 98/Me Windows NT 4.0 Windows 2000/ XP/Server 2003 Mac OS 7 Preparing to print Preparing to print To set up your Fiery X3e, you must perform the following tasks: • Connect the Fiery X3e physically to a functioning network. • Configure the network server. • Set up the Fiery X3e from the Control Panel. • Prepare client workstations for printing. A brief explanation of each task follows. Connecting the Fiery X3e to a functioning network NOTE: When you add the Fiery X3e to a network, it is assumed that a network administrator has already installed a network cabling system and has connected workstations and servers. For examples of different networks, see the Configuration Guide. TO CONNECT THE FIERY X3E TO A NETWORK 1. Prepare a network node for the Fiery X3e. 2. Route the cable to a location near the copier where the Fiery X3e will be installed, and attach the cable to the network interface of the Fiery X3e. For more information, see Chapter 1 of the Configuration Guide. TO PREPARE uploads/s1/ ic401-guidequick-start-guide.pdf

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