Welcome to Aquarius, a brand new application from Acustica Audio. Its purpose i

Welcome to Aquarius, a brand new application from Acustica Audio. Its purpose is to simplify and automate authorization, installation and uninstallation process of your purchased Acustica products (ACQUA plug-ins etc.). Aquarius runs as Windows 32 bit (64 bit optional) and Mac OSX universal-binary application (32/64 bit). You will need a working internet connection in order to run the application. Off-line mode is not available, yet. Important : On Windows, application needs access to system folders, so it must run with administrator privileges. Aquarius automatically tries to elevate administrator privileges at startup, so usually no additional user action is needed. On Mac OSX, user will be prompted to enter username and password for every operation which involves system folders (authorization, installation etc.) When started, application searches your computer for installed Acustica products and then connects to the Aquarius server in order to retrieve the status of products found. Progress bar at the top of the window will keep you informed about the progress. This is the main progress bar, which is always telling you, what is Aquarius doing at that moment, so keep an eye on it. For successful server connection, your credentials must be entered (a window will pop-up). Enter an e-mail address and password of your Acustica Audio account. If »Remember me« option is checked, program will remember your credentials the next time you log in. You can cancel this operation using »Escape« key or by clicking on the »Close« button – in this case, application will close. 1 Important: Before you actually start to install plugins, Aquarius must know three important things to operate correctly: 1. path where your products (installation files) are downloaded (stage area) 2. paths where your installed products are located, so Aquarius can find them 3. paths where your products/updates will be installed, so Aquarius can install them properly When started for the first time, Aquarius creates default standard paths for stage area, searching and installing. You can change these paths in Settings window (»Search paths« and »Installing« tabs). So, if you want to add or change some things, now it is the right time to do it. See chapter »Settings« for detailed explanation. You will notice two icons at the top center of the Aquarius window (Purchased and Updates). They represent the two major areas of the program. A mouse click on any of the icons opens its corresponding page. Currently selected icon is colored blue. When program starts, Updates page is opened automatically. When clicking on the icon at the top right corner of the program, a pop-up menu will show. Menu contains the following options: • Logout (will disconnect you from the server and the login window will pop up again) • Settings (settings window will pop up) • Exit (application will terminate) You can click on the Aquarius image at the top left to force refresh of the current page. 2 Purchased page This page contains your purchased Acustica Audio products, supported by Aquarius. Each product is presented in a form of a »product« strip. Product can be (re)installed at any time and as many times you like. Installation process will always install THE LATEST version of the selected product. To install product, first select desired plugin format (VST2, AAX, AU) and architecture (32, 64 bits). Then click on the »Install« button. Product will be downloaded, installed and authorized automatically. Before installing a product, check »Settings/Installation« page to ensure, that proper installation target paths are defined. Please see chapter »Settings« for more details. After successful installation, you will be automatically redirected to the »Updates« page. Green question mark button will show a hint about possible actions, which can be taken. For more information about downloading and installing process check chapter »Stage area, downloading and installing details«. 3 Updates page Using this page, you can update your installed products with newer (upgrade) or older (downgrade) versions of the product. There can be multiple sections of items visible on this page (up to four) – we will call them sections A, B, C and D (from top to bottom, respectively). Each section item is presented in a form of »update« strip. You can (re)authorize products using this page, as well. Important: you will NOT see items for your installed products here, unless products are previously installed from »Purchased« page. Section A (Updates available) Section contains available updates for installed products. You can update product with a newer or older version. When product is updated to the latest version, it is automatically moved to the section B, otherwise it remains in section A. To install, select desired update version (its description and size will be displayed) and click on the »Update« button. Before installing an update, check “Settings/Installation” page to ensure, that proper installation target paths are defined. Please see chapter »Settings« for more details. If multiple update items are available in this section, you can update them all using »Update All« button. This option will install all available updates from the section A, sequentially, one by one. To authorize the product, select »Re-Authorize« option – please see chapter »Authorization« for more details. To uninstall product, select »Uninstall” option and then click again on the button. Green question mark button will show a hint about possible actions, which can be taken. Section B (Updates Installed) Section contains up-to-date installed products (sorted by days, months etc.). To downgrade a product, select desired version and click on the »Downgrade« button. Before downgrading, check “Settings/Installation” page to ensure, that proper installation target paths are defined. After you downgrade a product, it will be automatically moved to the section A. To authorize product, select »Re-Authorize« option or button – please see chapter »Authorization« for more details. To uninstall product, select »Uninstall” option and then click again on the button. Green question mark button will show a hint about possible actions, which can be taken. 4 Section C (Manual Updates Only – Please Re-install) Section contains manually installed products, supported by Aquarius. Re-install of these products is required – use »Purchased« page for this task (see chapter »Purchased«). When installed, product will be automatically moved to the section B. To authorize product, select »Re-Authorize« button – please see chapter »Authorization« for more details. Green question mark button will show a hint about possible actions, which can be taken. Section D (Manual Updates) Section contains installed products, which are not yet supported by Aquarius. To authorize product, click on the »Re-Authorize« button – please see chapter »Authorization« for more details. Green question mark button will show a hint about possible actions, which can be taken. Important note: this section contains also plugins, which are part of the bundles. Simply ignore them, because only the bundle product is relevant (it is listed in sections A and/or B). 5 Authorization Authorization is available on »Updates« page only. Whenever there is an “Re-authorize” button available in the »update« strip, the following rules apply: Under the product’s name and category you can see the number of used licenses and the total number of bought / available licenses. Of course you can not use more licenses than you own – in that case, you should buy additional licenses. Depending of those two numbers and computers involved in the authorization process, question mark button can have different colors and meanings. So, let’s look at the colored question mark button – it is the main indicator of the authorization status of product in question. By clicking on this button, you can see a hint about its status and possible actions. So what do the different colors mean? GREEN – Everything is OK – your product is properly authorized and you don’t need to do anything. Still, the authorization button on the right (labeled »RE-AUTHORIZE«) is available. You should use the authorization button only if you experience unexpected problems with the product, despite it is properly authorized. Your existing license slot will be used and used licenses count will NOT increase. Note, if you’ve already used all your available licenses, the authorization button will not be available at all – in such a case, please contact a technical support. YELLOW – Authorize product – product hasn’t yet been authorized on this computer and the authorization button on the right is labeled »AUTHORIZE«. By clicking on it, you will authorize product in question on this particular computer. Note, that a new license slot will be used, so used licenses count WILL increase. There is one exception, though. If product is already marked as authorized on this computer, but license file can not be found (corrupted, deleted), clicking on the authorization button will fix this situation using the existing license slot (used licenses count will NOT increase). RED – Contact technical support – no further action is possible (authorization button is not available). 6 Stage area usage, downloading and installing Aquarius stores downloaded files into a stage area. Stage area path is defined in “Settings/Installation” page. When (re)installing or updating product, which has already been downloaded, its files from uploads/s3/ aquarius-quick-guide.pdf

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