P a g e | 1 MICHELIN Guide Main Cities of Europe 2014 : the selection ESTABLISH

P a g e | 1 MICHELIN Guide Main Cities of Europe 2014 : the selection ESTABLISHMENTS SELECTED 1562 Hotels Establishments 2286 Restaurants 98 l Luxury in the traditional style ö 19 345 k Top class comfort õ 105 532 j Very comfortable ô 358 431 i Comfortable ó 830 147 h Quite comfortable ò 765 9 I Other recommended accommodation 281 l à h...I Pleasant hotels and pleasant restaurants ö à ò 289 = "Bib Gourmand" Establishments offering good quality cuisine at reasonable prices 279 (55 N) N Particularly interesting wine list 458 A Pubs serving good food 32 « Tapas bars 30 MICHELIN STARS m 349 (66 N) mm 81 (10 N) mmm 15 (1 N) P a g e | 2 MICHELIN Guide Main Cities of Europe 2014 New stars New nm stars Exceptional cuisine, worth a special journey Spain MADRID Diverxo mn New n stars Excellent cooking, worth a detour Belgium BRUSSELS Bon-Bon n France PARIS Akrame n Germany BERLIN FACIL n Germany FRANKFURT ON MAIN Tiger-Gourmetrestaurant n Greece ATHENS Funky Gourmet n Netherlands AMSTERDAM Bord'Eau n Netherlands ROTTERDAM Fred n Netherlands ROTTERDAM FG - François Geurds n United Kingdom LONDON Dinner by Heston Blumenthal n United Kingdom LONDON Greenhouse n New m star Very good cuisine in its category Austria VIENNA Konstantin Filippou m Austria VIENNA Tian m Austria VIENNA Edvard m Austria VIENNA Vincent m Belgium ANTWERP The Glorious m Belgium ANTWERP L'épicerie du Cirque m Belgium BRUSSELS Villa Lorraine m Belgium BRUSSELS WY m Denmark COPENHAGEN Clou m Denmark COPENHAGEN Studio at The Standard m Denmark COPENHAGEN Marchal m P a g e | 3 MICHELIN Guide Main Cities of Europe 2014 New stars continued.. Finland HELSINKI Chef & Sommelier m Finland HELSINKI Ask m France LYONS L'Alexandrin m France LYONS Takao Takano m France LYONS La Rémanence m France STRASBOURG 1741 m France TOULOUSE Ô Saveurs m France TOULOUSE En Pleine Nature m France PARIS St-James Paris m France PARIS Goust m France PARIS La Scène m France PARIS Rech m France PARIS ES m France PARIS Qui plume la Lune m France PARIS Jin m France PARIS Okuda m France PARIS Septime m Germany BERLIN Pauly Saal m Germany BERLIN Les Solistes by Pierre Gagnaire m Germany BERLIN 5 - cinco by Paco Pérez m Germany COLOGNE Le Patron m Germany HAMBURG Anna Sgroi m Germany MUNICH Geisels Werneckhof m Germany MUNICH Les Deux m Germany MUNICH EssZimmer m Greece ATHENS Botrini's m Hungary BUDAPEST Borkonyha Winekitchen m Italy ROME All'Oro m Italy ROME Enoteca la Torre m Netherlands AMSTERDAM Bridges m Netherlands ROTTERDAM Wereldmuseum m Norway OSLO Ylajali m Norway OSLO Fauna m Portugal LISBON Eleven m Spain BARCELONA Tickets m Spain BARCELONA Gaig m Spain BARCELONA 41º m Spain VALENCIA El Poblet m Sweden GOTHENBURG Bhoga m P a g e | 4 MICHELIN Guide Main Cities of Europe 2014 New stars continued.. Sweden STOCKHOLM Oaxen Krog m Sweden STOCKHOLM Operakällaren m Switzerland GENEVA Il Lago m Switzerland GENEVA Le Flacon m Switzerland GENEVA Bayview m Switzerland ZURICH mesa m Switzerland ZURICH Pavillon m United Kingdom BIRMINGHAM adam's m United Kingdom LONDON Angler m United Kingdom LONDON Story m United Kingdom LONDON Social Eating House m United Kingdom LONDON Outlaw's at The Capital m United Kingdom LONDON Brasserie Chavot m United Kingdom LONDON Ametsa with Arzak Instruction m United Kingdom LONDON Bo London m United Kingdom LONDON Lima m P a g e | 5 MICHELIN Guide Main Cities of Europe 2014 Deletion of stars From n to m France LYONS Auberge de l'Ile m France PARIS Apicius m Luxembourg LUXEMBOURG Mosconi m Netherlands AMSTERDAM Ron Blaauw (now RON Gastrobar) m United Kingdom LONDON L'Atelier de Joël Robuchon m Deletion of n Finland HELSINKI Chez Dominique (closed) France PARIS Senderens (now Lucas Carton) Germany COLOGNE La Vision (closed) Deletion of m Belgium BRUSSELS Jaloa Denmark COPENHAGEN Kong Hans Kaelder France LYONS L'Effervescence France PARIS Bigarrade (closed) France PARIS L'Instant d'Or France PARIS Le Lumière France PARIS Stella Maris (closed) France PARIS Le Divellec France PARIS 35° Ouest Germany MUNICH Tramin Germany BERLIN Margaux (closed) Germany HAMBURG Gourfleets (closed) Ireland DUBLIN Locks Brasserie Sweden GOTHENBURG Fond (closed) Sweden GOTHENBURG Kock & Vin (closed) Sweden STOCKHOLM Lux Stockholm (now Lux Dag főr Dag) United Kingdom LONDON Tom Aikens (closed) United Kingdom LONDON Rhodes Twenty Four (closed) United Kingdom LONDON Apsleys (closed) United Kingdom LONDON Semplice (closed) P a g e | 6 MICHELIN Guide Main Cities of Europe 2014 Bib Gourmand = New Bib Gourmands Austria VIENNA Harry's Time = Austria VIENNA Speisekammer = Austria VIENNA mochi = Austria VIENNA Das Engel = Austria VIENNA Hohensinn = Belgium ANTWERP Godard = Belgium BRUSSELS Wine in the City = Belgium BRUSSELS Le Wine Bar Sablon des Marolles = Belgium BRUSSELS Spectrum = Denmark COPENHAGEN Pluto = Denmark COPENHAGEN Rebel = Denmark COPENHAGEN Bror = Finland HELSINKI Boulevard Social = Finland HELSINKI Emo = France LYONS Les Saveurs de Py = France LYONS Balthaz'art = France LYONS La Table 101 = France PARIS Les Canailles = France PARIS La Régalade Conservatoire = France PARIS Bistrot Belhara = France STRASBOURG Le Tire-Bouchon = France STRASBOURG La Table de Christophe = France STRASBOURG Le Bistrot du Boulanger = France TOULOUSE Le Bibent = Germany MUNICH Mangi = Germany HAMBURG Brahms Restaurant = Germany HAMBURG Marbella = Germany BERLIN La Soupe Populaire = Hungary BUDAPEST Déryné Bistro = Netherlands AMSTERDAM A-Fusion = Netherlands AMSTERDAM Bistrot Neuf = Netherlands AMSTERDAM De Jonge Dikkert = Netherlands THE HAGUE Les Ombrelles = P a g e | 7 MICHELIN Guide Main Cities of Europe 2014 Bib Gourmand = New Bib Gourmands continued.. Netherlands THE HAGUE Basaal = Netherlands THE HAGUE Brasserie NL = Poland WARSAW Brasserie Warszawska = Spain VALENCIA Kaymus = Spain VALENCIA Kaymus Centro = Sweden STOCKHOLM Oaxen Slip = Switzerland BERN milles sens - les goûts du monde = Switzerland GENEVA Le Vallon = Switzerland GENEVA Ponts et Passerelles = Switzerland GENEVA La Cantine des Commerçants = Switzerland ZURICH Rias = Switzerland ZURICH Drei Stuben = Switzerland ZURICH Stapferstube da Rizzo = United Kingdom LONDON Green Man & French Horn = United Kingdom LONDON A. Wong = United Kingdom LONDON Honey & Co = United Kingdom LONDON Gail's Kitchen = United Kingdom LONDON Polpo Smithfield = United Kingdom LONDON Del Mercato = P a g e | 8 MICHELIN Guide Main Cities of Europe 2014 Bib Gourmand = Deletion of Bib Gourmands Austria SALZBURG Gwandhaus Austria SALZBURG Maier's Austria VIENNA Tian Belgium BRUSSELS L'Auberge de l'Isard Belgium BRUSSELS Viva M'Boma Czech Republic PRAGUE Le Terroir Denmark COPENHAGEN Retour Denmark COPENHAGEN Kanalen Denmark COPENHAGEN Sommelier Denmark COPENHAGEN Skovshoved Hungary BUDAPEST Bock Bisztró Hungary BUDAPEST Arcade Bistro Hungary BUDAPEST Vár a Speiz Germany BERLIN Bieberbau Germany BERLIN Alpenstück Germany COLOGNE Sorgenfrei Germany HAMBURG RIVE Bistro Germany HAMBURG Ono by Steffen Henssler Germany HAMBURG Amadée Finland HELSINKI Solna Finland HELSINKI Grotesk France LYONS L'Ouest France LYONS Brasserie Léon de Lyon France PARIS L'Ordonnance France PARIS Bistrot Paul Bert France PARIS La Cerisaie France PARIS Jean-Pierre Frelet France PARIS L'Escient France PARIS L'Inattendu France PARIS Les Cailloux France PARIS Café Moderne Italy TURIN Goffi del Lauro Netherlands AMSTERDAM Zuid Zeeland Netherlands THE HAGUE Rousseau Spain MADRID La Fragua de Sebín Spain MADRID Alboroque Tradición Spain BARCELONA Toc Switzerland BERN Flo's Switzerland ZURICH Blaue Ente United Kingdom LONDON Benja Bangkok Table United Kingdom LONDON Giaconda Dining Room P a g e | 9 MICHELIN Guide Main Cities of Europe 2014 The total selection Austria VIENNA Steirereck im Stadtpark n Austria VIENNA Gourmet Restaurant Silvio Nickol n Austria VIENNA Konstantin Filippou N m Austria VIENNA Mraz & Sohn m Austria VIENNA Bauer m Austria VIENNA Dom Beisl m Austria VIENNA Tian N m Austria VIENNA Edvard N m Austria VIENNA Vincent N m Austria SALZBURG Ikarus m Austria SALZBURG Pfefferschiff m Austria SALZBURG Carpe Diem m Belgium BRUSSELS Comme Chez Soi n Belgium BRUSSELS Sea Grill n Belgium BRUSSELS Bon-Bon N n Belgium BRUSSELS Le Chalet de la Forêt n Belgium ANTWERP 't Zilte n Belgium ANTWERP The Glorious N m Belgium ANTWERP L'épicerie du Cirque N m Belgium ANTWERP Bij Lam & Yin m Belgium ANTWERP Kommilfoo m Belgium ANTWERP Dôme m Belgium ANTWERP 't Fornuis m Belgium ANTWERP Het Gebaar m Belgium BRUSSELS Alexandre m Belgium BRUSSELS 't Stoveke m Belgium BRUSSELS Kamo m Belgium BRUSSELS senzanome m Belgium BRUSSELS San Daniele m Belgium BRUSSELS La Paix m Belgium BRUSSELS Bruneau m Belgium BRUSSELS Va Doux Vent m Belgium BRUSSELS Villa Lorraine N m Belgium BRUSSELS WY N m Belgium BRUSSELS La Truffe Noire m Czech Republic PRAGUE La Degustation Bohême Bourgeoise m Czech Republic PRAGUE Alcron m Denmark COPENHAGEN Geranium n Denmark COPENHAGEN Noma n P a g e | 10 MICHELIN Guide Main Cities of Europe 2014 The total selection continued.. Denmark COPENHAGEN Den Røde Cottage m Denmark COPENHAGEN Relæ m Denmark COPENHAGEN Kadeau m Denmark COPENHAGEN Clou N m Denmark COPENHAGEN Grønbech & Churchill m Denmark COPENHAGEN uploads/s3/ michelin-guide-europe-2014.pdf

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