W E L C O M E TO THE LOUVRE We are happy to welcome you back! Due to the pandem
W E L C O M E TO THE LOUVRE We are happy to welcome you back! Due to the pandemic, we have had to make changes to visiting conditions. From July to September, the museum will be open from 9 a.m. until 6 p .m. every day except Tuesdays. For health and safety reasons, some changes have been made to the services on offer (Level -2). The cloakroom will remain closed, meaning that motorcycle helmets, suitcases and large bags will no longer be allowed. Pushchairs and wheelchairs, on the other hand, will be available but will be cleaned after each use. The book and gift shop is open, as well as the Comptoir du Louvre, Goguette and the Café Mollien. Audio guides will be available for rent as of 15 July. Signs in the museum will guide you around the new one-way system we have put in place to prevent overcrowding in the exhibition rooms. The recently renovated Galerie d’Apollon and the Salle des États (where the Mona Lisa is displayed) will be entered and exited through separate doors. Visitors will be asked to follow the recommended itineraries strictly at peak times. Please follow the signs and directions indicated in the museum. 1 m À partir de 11 ans From 11 years old Protect yourself and others We hope you enjoy your visit www.louvre.fr di : h 45 musée, ée, ewsletter LE POUR LES PORTEURS DU BRACELET ! on ouverts : en mezzanine sous la Pyramide. vente RMN et -20 % sur la carterie et la papeterie. me à 21 h 45, les autres points de vente à 21 h 30. À la rencontre d’Emil Ferris Venez découvrir comment Emil Ferris s’empare des tableaux de maître pour façonner des récits nés de son imagination ensorcelante. Mercredi 9 octobre à 18 h Ateliers croquis à partir de 12 ans L’artiste aborde l’autoportrait « façon monstre » en utilisant sa technique de dessin au stylo bille. Les participants s’auto-dévisagent pour chercher la petite bête qui sommeille en eux. Mercredi 23 et jeudi 24 octobre à 14 h 30 Atelier croquis pour les adultes Choisissez une œuvre du musée pour y scruter les détails de l’arrière-plan et personnages secondaires. Imaginez pour eux un premier rôle dans une histoire cousue main. Vendredi 25 octobre à 19 h 30 en famille Atelier avec Sandrine Goalec À l’occasion de la sortie du 2e tome des Souris du Louvre, ne manquez pas cet atelier créatif en compagnie de son illustratrice Sandrine Goalec. À partir de 8 ans, mercredi 30 octobre à 14 h et à 16 h. Pour réserver : ticketlouvre.fr 5 octobre 2019 C O V I D - 1 9 M E A S U R E S I N F O R M AT I O N C O R O N AV I R U S SENS DE VISITE THIS WAY 337 327 317 316 346 408 406 405 403 413 417 348 300 304 231 228 105 102 345 320 236 133 135 137 136 338 173 185 170 160 163 164 165 166 169 172 104 103 100 102 105 646 650 704 705 706 708 710 712 717 718 719 716 702 700 715 711 709 644 641 640 633 662 601 605 526 531 500 544 550 505 600 553 Sculptures / France 500–1850 Sculptures / France 500–1850 Near Eastern Antiquities 7500 BC–AD 500 Greek Antiquities 500–30 BC Roman Antiquities 100 BC–AD 500 Sculptures / Europe 1500–1850 Egyptian Antiquities / Ancient Egyptian Civilisation 4000–30 BC Sculptures / France 1600–1700 The Petite Galerie The Pavillon de l’Horloge From palace to museum Egyptian Antiquities / Ancient Egyptian Civilisation 4000–30 BC Islamic Art 700–1800 Greek Antiquities 6500–500 BC Near Eastern and Egyptian Art 30 BC–AD 1800 Sculptures / Europe 500–1600 Decorative Arts / Europe 500–1850 The Galerie d’Apollon / The French Crown Jewels Paintings / Italy 1250–1800 Paintings / Spain 1400–1850 Paintings / France 1780–1850 Paintings / Great Britain / United States 1550–1850 Greek and Roman Antiquities 700 BC–AD 400 Egyptian Antiquities / Chronological Display 4000–30 BC The Pavillon de l’Horloge One museum, many collections R I C H E L I E U 100–106 D E N O N 160–187 Exit Bookshop / museum shops V U T F B I/J K L M N S A G I/J H D/E G N M L K S R P P S K L G T P R S U L LY 130–137 Explore 45,000 m2 of the palace and discover over 30,000 artworks, including the famous Winged Victory of Samothrace, Venus de Milo and Mona Lisa. Rooms in the following sections are open: Near Eastern, Egyptian, Greek and Roman antiquities; introduction to Islamic art; Italian and Northern European sculptures; Italian, Spanish and English paintings; 19th-century French painting masterpieces; French Crown Jewels; Napoleon III Apartments; decorative arts in the Middle Ages and under Louis XIV; and French sculptures from the 17th to the 19th century. Level 2 is closed. WELCOME TO THE LOUVRE LEVEL 0 LEVEL 1 LEVEL -1 uploads/s3/ louvre-museum-map-summer-2020-pdf 1 .pdf
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- Publié le Jui 11, 2021
- Catégorie Creative Arts / Ar...
- Langue French
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