Jim West Bibliography Books Jeremiah in History and Tradition, co-edited with N
Jim West Bibliography Books Jeremiah in History and Tradition, co-edited with Niels Peter Lemche, (Copenhagen International Seminar Series, ed. Ingrid Hjelm and Emanuel Pfoh), Routledge, Forthcoming. Zwingli to Amyraut: Exploring the growth of European Reformed Traditions, (eds. Jon Balserak, Jim West) in the Reformed Historical Theology series, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2017. History, Politics and the Bible from the Iron Age to the Media Age, (eds. James Crossley, Jim West), Bloomsbury/ Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2016. Huldrych Zwingli’s The Lord’s Supper: Memorial or Thanksgiving to Christ, Translation and Introduction. An Occasional Publication of the Pitts Theology Library, 2016. Finding Myth and History in the Bible: Scholarship, Scholars and Errors- A Festschrift for Giovanni Garbini, (eds. Lukasz Niesiolowski-Spano, Jim West, Chiara Peri), Equinox, 2016. Through the Year With Zwingli and Bullinger: A Devotional, Quartz Hill Publishing, 2015. ‘Christ our Captain: An Introduction to Huldrych Zwingli,’ Quartz Hill Publishing, 2011. Church Discipline: P.H. Mell’s Manual and its Meaning, Tennessee Baptist Historical Society, 2010. Big Emory Baptist Association: 1875-2006, Quartz Hill Publishing, 2008. The Humor of Huldrych Zwingli: The Lighter Side of the Protestant Reformation, Edwin Mellen Press, 2007 Baptist Confessions of Faith: For the Person in the Pew, Quartz Hill Publishing, 2006 Petros Baptist Church: A History, Quartz Hill Publishing, 2006 Systematic Theology: Theology for the Person in the Pew, Quartz Hill Publishing 2006 Biblical Studies: A Beginners Guide to Significant Aspects of the Study of the Bible, Quartz Hill Publishing, 2005. The Person in the Pew Commentary Series, Quartz Hill Publishing, 2006-2016, are all available from Quartz Hill Publishing House) or directly from the author in PDF format. Essays Jeremiah Through Zwingli’s Eyes, for the Christian History Institute Website, January, 2019. Staring Down the Wishing Well (in a Forthcoming collection of Essays), 2019 Huldrych Zwingli’s Implementation of the Lord’s Supper for Sacramental Life, Vol 30:1, (Lent- Easter) 2018. Huldrych Zwingli: His Path to Reformation, for the Christian History Institute Website, March, 2018. Revised 20 December, 2018 Luther, Luther, Luther: He didn’t reform Christianity as much as this guy did, for Religion News Service, November, 2017. The Reformation in Wittenberg (in 3 Parts), for the Christian History Institute Website, April-May, 2017. When the State Advanced the Church in Christian History Magazine, #118, May, 2016. Tearing Down the Images, in Christian History Magazine, #118, May, 2016. Whose Mythic, Rhythmic, Theological and Cultural Memory is it Anyway? in Biblical Interpretation Beyond Historicity, Edited by Ingrid Hjelm, Thomas L. Thompson, 2016. CNN’s ‘Finding Jesus’: the ‘James Ossuary,’ Bible and Interpretation, March 2015. Maurice Casey, My Friend: A Remembrance, Bible and Interpretation, May 2014. Jesus The Reformer, Bible and Interpretation, May, 2014. The Tale of the Lead Codices from Jordan: A Brief History, Bible and Interpretation, January, 2014 Beware the Angry Prophet: 2 Kings 2:23-25, Bible and Interpretation, March, 2013. Christopher Rollston and Martin Luther: On Christian Academic Freedom, Bible and Interpretation, October, 2012. “A (Very, Very) Short History of Minimalism: From the Chronicler to the Present”, in Thompson, Thomas L. & Thomas S. Verenna, eds., "Is This the Carpenter’s Son?" The Question on the Historicity of the Figure of Jesus (CIS, London: Equinox) 2012. Blogging the Bible: A Short History, in the Bulletin For the Study of Religion, September, 2010. A (Very, Very) Short History of Minimalism: From the Chronicler to the Present, Bible and Interpretation, September, 2010. Theological Exegesis, in Bible and Interpretation, July, 2010. Whoring After Her Lovers: The Quest for Power, Control, Exploitative Domination, and The Industry of Accreditation- Or, How Academic Manipulators Have Become the New Magisterium, Bible and Interpretation, July, 2010. The Sackgasse of A-Theistic Biblical Studies, Bible and Interpretation, June, 2010. All in a Day’s Work in Teaching the Bible, January, 2010. Blogging The Bible in Bible and Interpretation, December, 2009. Source Criticism in Teaching the Bible, October 2009. Stalemate: Archaeological Research, The Public, and Our Responsibility, in Bible and Interpretation, 2009. Bible Studies For Life Sunday School Commentary; September- November 2009 in the Baptist and Reflector Revised 20 December, 2018 Nineteenth-Century Baptists and Church Discipline: Case Studies from Georgia in Baptist History and Heritage, Fall, 2009. On Location: The 2009 Meeting of the Catholic Biblical Association, in SBL Forum, Summer, 2009. Thomas Thompson: A Word of Appreciation from a Pastor, in Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2009 Oh What a Baptist Web We Weave in Ethics Daily, October, 2008. Academics, Biblical Studies, and ‘The Man on the Street’: Whither Biblical Studies on the Web?, in Bible and Interpretation, 2008. The Bible in Wilson County, in Ethics Daily, October, 2006 Jesus The Reformer, in The Journal of Biblical Studies, Vol 6, No. 2, 2006 Competing Traditions and the Birth of Texts, Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament, Vol 19, No. 2, 2005 Biblical Archaeology Review: Friend or Foe? in Bible and Interpretation, September 2005 A Very, Very Short Note in Response to James K. Hoffmeier, See J-Hiphil, (Volume 2), 2005 The Bible in the Pew: Congregations and Critical Scholarship from the Pastor's Perspective, Expository Times, July 2005 The Copenhagen Boomerang: Deadly Weapon or the Retrieval of a Forgotten Truth? In Bible and Interpretation, April 2005 Family Bible Study Sunday School Commentary; March-May 2004 in the Baptist and Reflector Huldrych Zwingli: A Contribution to the “Open Theism” Debate, for The Evangelical Theological Society 2003 Scholars and the James Ossuary: A Reply to Bruce Chilton, in Bible and Interpretation, September 2003 Dictionary and Encyclopedia Entries “Parrhesia” in the Hebrew Bible in The Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, (DeGruyter, Forthcoming) “Perish/ Perishing” in the Hebrew Bible in The Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, (DeGruyter, Forthcoming) “Preaching” in the Hebrew Bible in The Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, (DeGruyter, Forthcoming) “Predestination” in the Hebrew Bible in The Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, (DeGruyter, Forthcoming) “Providence” in the Hebrew Bible in The Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, (DeGruyter, Forthcoming) “Partiality” in the Hebrew Bible in The Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, (DeGruyter, Forthcoming) “Politics and the Bible” in the Hebrew Bible in The Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, (DeGruyter, Forthcoming) “Free Will” in The Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, Vol 9, (DeGruyter, 2014) Revised 20 December, 2018 “James” in Global Perspectives on the New Testament (Pearson, 2014) “Jeremiah” in Global Perspectives on the Old Testament (Pearson, 2014) “Bethlehem” in The Encyclopedia of the Historical Jesus (Routledge Press, 2008) “Jericho” in The Encyclopedia of the Historical Jesus (Routledge Press, 2008) “Jerusalem” in The Encyclopedia of the Historical Jesus (Routledge Press, 2008) “Patience” in The New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible (Abingdon Press, 2008) “Perceive” in The New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible (Abingdon Press, 2008) “Race (sport)” in The New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible (Abingdon Press, 2008) “Reaping” in The New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible (Abingdon Press, 2008) “Register/Registration” in The New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible (Abingdon Press, 2008) “Rehoboth” in The New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible (Abingdon Press, 2008) “Remain, To” in The New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible (Abingdon Press, 2008) “Rescue” in The New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible (Abingdon Press, 2008) “Reverence” in The New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible (Abingdon Press, 2008) “Rhetorical Question” in The New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible (Abingdon Press, 2008) “Rimmon-Perez” in The New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible (Abingdon Press, 2008) “Sentinel, Sentry” in The New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible (Abingdon Press, 2008) “Sail” in The New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible (Abingdon Press, 2008) “Sailor” in The New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible (Abingdon Press, 2008) “Scold” in The New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible (Abingdon Press, 2008) “Second Coming” in The New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible (Abingdon Press, 2008) "Sheol" in The Eerdman’s Dictionary of the Bible (Eerdman’s Publishing, 2000) "Abaddon" in The Eerdman’s Dictionary of the Bible (Eerdman’s Publishing, 2000) "Apollyon" in The Eerdman’s Dictionary of the Bible (Eerdman’s Publishing, 2000) "Hades" in The Eerdman’s Dictionary of the Bible (Eerdman’s Publishing, 2000) Devotional Writings “Weekly Devotional” column in the Morgan County News, 1994-Present Book Reviews for Reading Religion The Magdalene in the Reformation, Margaret Arnold, 2018. In the Mirror of the Prodigal Son: The Pastoral Uses of a Biblical Narrative, c. 1200-1550, Pietro Delcorno, 2018. In the Footsteps of King David: Revelations from an Ancient Biblical City, Yosef Garfinkel et al., 2018. Christianity, Book-Burning and Censorship in Late Antiquity, Dirk Rohmann, 2018. Book Reviews for Relegere The People’s Book: The Reformation and the Bible, Jennifer Powell McNutt & David Lauber, eds Vol. 6, Nr. 2, 2016. Book Reviews for Reviews in Religion and Theology Brown, Cynthia, Believing Thinking, Bounded Theology: The Theological Methodology of Emil Brunner, 2017. Viazovski, Yaroslav, Image and Hope: John Calvin and Karl Barth on Body, Soul, and Life Everlasting, 2017. Book Reviews for the Center For Barth Studies Revised 20 December, 2018 Resch, Dustin, Barth’s Interpretation of the Virgin Birth: A Sign of Mystery, October, 2014. Book Reviews in the Society for Old Testament Study Book List Numerous Book Reviews in the uploads/s3/ bibliography 38 .pdf
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