Okay, so when I first got my cable, I could not find where to start, what to do

Okay, so when I first got my cable, I could not find where to start, what to do, or anything. A bunch of the links are old and don't work, DIY PDFs missing, etc etc. Okay, So I have a 2007 E92 335i. I bought my cable from Amazon for $20 and it worked fine. I have made a step by step process to get you coding doors, lights, etc. Follow each step and you should be set. None of the links are mine, and seem to change time to time, I will update them if I can. I'm not taking credit for any work, just providing my step by step guide of how to instal and what stuff to update since it's scattered between 3 or 4 peoples posts and not all in one spot (until now). JB4: If you have JB4 installed, it must be disabled first (set to map 0), before coding to your car. 1) Pull up this link and click on the mediafire link in that post, but DON'T download anything YET. (provided is a link to the the post by wildycatcrazy's which includes his mediafire link and some instructions, inside are files needed and a PDF tutorial by him) http://www.e90post.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1204192 2) The first thing you need to get are the SP_Daten files that some programs need to run and code your car. You need the SP_Daten for E89 if your car is a: E81,82,84,87,88,90,91,92,or 93. I know it doesn't make sense. But download the E89 SP_daten folder if you have one of the above cars. A link to the daten files are in the MEGA download link you opened from Wildcatcrazy's post above. "DATEN Link.txt". Download that .txt file and go to the link it has. This will open another MEGA download page, and get the E89.rar file. It's quite large but has all the updated Daten files. Once downloaded, extract the E89 folder. This will be used later. 3) In the original MEGA folder. Download each folder as a zip (BMW Coding Tool, Driver_D_CAN_USB, EC-APPS, etc.) all 7 folders. 4) Download BMW Standard tools-212.exe you see in the main folder. ALSO download the BMW Standard tools install instruction pdf. 5) Extract all the folders you downloaded earlier. 6) Open the BMW Standard tools 212 instal instruction PDF and follow the instructions EXACTLY. INCLUDING the directions to set up your cable for your computer. These instructions are great and will get you almost there. The will also tell you what to do with the Daten files you downloaded and extracted. 7) Next after everything is installed, Open this link: http://www.dehmicro.com/bmw/ and ONLY download the Final_V49_2014 zip folder. 8) Extract the folder and go into the NCSEXPER folder you just extracted and copy everything in there and go to your C:/NCSEXPER_64 (Note you will not use the "_64" version if you have a 32 bit machine, just use the other "NCSEXPER") and replace everything in there with the updated stuff you just copied. 9) Download this .txt file at : http://www.e90post.com/forums/attach...3&d=1372835591 10) Go to C:\NCSEXPER_64\CFGDAT and replace the NCSEXPER.txt file with the new one you just downloaded. 11) Before you do anything, watch this quick video showing you how to use the BMW Coding tools with NCS Expert: ***YOUTUBE VIDEO*** https://youtu.be/UoAK2d97HjQ He runs through everything you need to do when coding. 12) When you use NCSEXPER (with BMW Coding tools) you will load the profile "FSW PSW MAN" (this is the only one that would work for me). 13) Your desktop should have Both BMW Coding tools and the NCS Expert programs there. If not they are in your programs (BMW Coding tools) and in C:\NCSEXPER_64\BIN\NCSEXPER.exe for NCS Expert 14) Here is the excel sheet with a lot of coding options (it gives you what year it works on etc) and tells you what module each thing is in and what to change the code to. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=...nbPmItRKnaI8_w I hope this helps. If you do these exact steps and make sure to read that PDF install guide you will be great. You have to go through each of the above steps to properly get your programs updated and working. If you have any questions ask them below, because other people may have the same question, and I'll do my best to answer it. Edit: Links should be working, this is just additional instructions to the work Wildcatcrazy has done and helped me get up and coding. uploads/S4/ bmw-coding-guide.pdf

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  • Publié le Dec 04, 2022
  • Catégorie Law / Droit
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 0.0449MB