Programming for Lathe Manual Guide-0i 1st Edition November 2007 Page 1 DOOSAN I

Programming for Lathe Manual Guide-0i 1st Edition November 2007 Page 1 DOOSAN Infracore eZ Guide i TABLE OF CONTENTS OVERVIEW 2-3 MAIN MENU 4 CYCLE SELECTION MENU LAYOUT 5 PROCESS MENU DESCRIPTION 6 HELP SCREEN DESCRIPTION 7 CONTOUR MENU DESCRIPTION 8 STARTING A NEW PROGRAM 9 CREATE A DRILLING CYCLE 9-11 CREATE A ROUGH FACING CYCLE 13-21 CREATE A ROUGH TURNING CYCLE 22-26 CREATE A GROOVING CYCLE 27-29 CREATE A THREADING CYCLE 30-32 DETAILS OF CYCLE MENU INPUT ITEMS 34-41 Page 2 OVERVIEW Manual Guide 0i is a basic, conversational-type NC tool path generator for shop-floor programming. “Conversational” simply means that when the programmer starts a process (by pushing a selection button), the system will “request” information pertaining only to that process, in the form of a dialog box. When all required information is input, the system will advance to the next logical step in the process until a tool path is created. The programming system is integrated into the standard NC edit screen, with a “soft key” to activate the programming menus. The output from Manual Guide 0i is similar to a standard NC program, but with special 4-digit G-codes. This allows a traditional NC program created offline to be combined with Manual Guide 0i code in the same program, and edited or executed in the same screen. Manual Guide 0i is only intended to automate the time consuming task of calculating points along a tool path. Knowledge of NC programming is still required, since the system will not output the “incidental” codes required to safely move a lathe turret to and from the cutting area, and perform tool changes, spindle start/stop, etc. There is no special graphic simulation function provided with Manual Guide 0i. Instead, the standard Fanuc tool path graphics are used in conjunction with Machine Lock (M17) mode. This manual will cover, step-by-step, the method of creating a usable program. Pages 34 thru 41 contain detailed descriptions of the menu input items used in creating a program in Manual Guide 0i Manual Guide 0i Page 3 Programs are created through the standard NC interface Preparatory commands and initial positioning moves are input through the standard NC edit mode, then C.A.P. mode is entered for cutting cycle creation. NOTE: Manual Guide 0i will not create rapid points or tool change information automatically, The programmer is responsible for all machine movement between actual cutting cycles, including rapid to/from home position, tool changes, spindle and tailstock commands, etc. Manual Guide 0i Press the C.A.P. soft key to access the programming functions Page 4 Main C.A.P. menu Manual Guide 0i Page 5 Cycle Selection Menus Manual Guide 0i Page 6 The PROCESS key does nothing more than paste F,S,M, and T codes into the program. It is generally easier to add these commands manually, so this function will be not be covered in this manual. Manual Guide 0i Page 7 The G CODE and M CODE buttons function as an “online help” feature. M code help is similar to G code help shown here. Manual Guide 0i Page 8 The CONTUR key uses the exact same menu as the FIGURE menu (shown on page 5) to create the tool path geometry, but the output is different in that the CONTUR output is converted directly into standard NC code, while the FIGURE output is in 4-digit G-code format. Manual Guide 0i CONTUR and FIGURE “intermediate” format MG0i uses this code internally to calculate the tool path, and resulting G-codes CONTUR program output This is direct NC code and cannot be applied to a roughing cycle, for example FIGURE program output This code must be preceded by a “cycle” block Page 9 The first step in creating a new program is to input the startup commands that will index the turret to the proper station, start the spindle, and move the turret to the cutting start point. Again, it is important to note that ONLY cutting motions are handled by the cycle menus - all other machine motions must be programmed manually. Manual Guide 0i Check for available program numbers, and start a new program. In this case, enter”O”0003, EOB, and press INSERT. This is done on the standard NC edit screen The first tool will drill a 1” dia. hole x 1” deep. Enter the blocks shown here through the MDI keys… ..then press the C.A.P. soft key to access the cycle and part figure menus Page 10 Manual Guide 0i Select DRILL There are (5) choices for drilling. Select #2 “G1101 DRILLING” Page 11 Manual Guide 0i The “W” value selects the type of drilling. The “Q” value specifies the peck depth. We will use drilling type 1, so this value can be omitted. If an unneeded value is entered, the system will ignore it. If a necessary value is missing, an alarm will be issued when the OK button is pressed later. Fill in remaining values as shown When all values are entered, press OK. The cycle will be added to the program at the last cursor position Page 12 The system will return to the main menu. The zero return motions and tool change must be entered manually, so press the LEFT SHIFT soft key to return to the NC edit screen This is the code that was just created by the G1101 DRILLING menu. Note the highlighted EOB Insert the blocks after the G1101 line as shown, then press the C.A.P. soft key to create the next cycle Manual Guide 0i IMPORTANT : The rough facing cycle (or any other cycle) will consider these coordinates to be the corner of the rough stock, and will begin cutting from here Page 13 Next, we will rough face the part. Facing cycles are in the TURN menu Manual Guide 0i Press TURN Select 3 - END FACE ROUGHING Page 14 Manual Guide 0i Turning cycles are slightly different than drilling cycles. Once the cycle menu has been filled out, a part figure must be created in order to describe the cutting area Cycle information is described on 2 screens. The screens advance automatically when the last value on each screen is entered, or the PAGE hard key can be used After entering all cutting data, press FIGURE. The cycle line will be automatically written to the program, and the part figure menu will appear As each item is highlighted, the diagram changes Page 15 Manual Guide 0i When the FIGURE or CONTUR soft key is pressed, a message may pop up asking whether to edit the contour program or create a new one. Manual Guide 0i uses a “temporary” program number, set by parameter, as a “working program” area. This has no effect on the NC program currently being created. Set this parameter to a program number that you will never use for regular NC programs, since MG0i will delete it the first time you create a part figure OR Page 16 Manual Guide 0i Press 1 This is the only choice of figures for turning Enter values as shown. The FEED METHOD determines how the tool will travel to the beginning of the cycle from where it is currently located. The optional FEED RATE may be used to vary the cutting feed at different points along the contour. Press OK when finished Page 17 Manual Guide 0i This screen shows the temporary output for the part figure, and a line drawing of the figure so far. This is an intermediate step before the G codes are written to the program. Later, once we have “built” a part figure, we will go back and modify one of the elements The first element of this figure will be a straight line to Z0, so press LINE In this case, the system only needs to know the end point Z for this line, so enter 0 TOUCH STATE defaults to “nothing”. If the element you are drawing is tangent to, or blends with, the last element, press LAST, otherwise you can just press OK to accept the data Page 18 Manual Guide 0i The next element is added to the list. Press LINE Enter end point as shown, and press OK Page 19 This is all that is needed for a facing tool path. The process type determines the cutting direction. The part figure points determine the area to be cut. After the area specified by the part figure is machined, the tool will return automatically to the coordinates immediately preceding the cutting cycle command. Manual Guide 0i Press the right shift key, then NC CNV to add this part figure to the program Page 20 There are (3) options on this screen: 1) Enter an unused 4-digit program number, then press YES – the part figure codes are generated and saved as a subprogram that can be called with an M98 command. This option is normally used when a rough and finis profile are the same, to save the effort of drawing the figure twice 2) Press YES without entering uploads/S4/ manualguide-0i-programming.pdf

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  • Publié le Jul 08, 2021
  • Catégorie Law / Droit
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 2.5645MB