K to 12 Mathematics Curriculum Department of Education, Philippines A. Conceptu

K to 12 Mathematics Curriculum Department of Education, Philippines A. Conceptual Framework DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Features of the Curriculum Guide (CG) DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION A. Conceptual Framework • Description • Goals • Content Areas • Skills and Processes • Values and Attitudes • Mathematical Tools • Context • Theories and Principles B. Learning Standards • Learning Area Standard • Key Stage Standards • Grade Level Standards - Content/Strand - Content Standards - Performance Standards - Learning Competencies (with codes and available learning materials) Glossary Code Book Legend Key Stage Standards DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Grade Level Standards DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Development of Learner’s Materials (LMs) and Teaching Guides (TGs) The Development Process DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CURRICULUM GUIDE Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies General Guidelines and Principles for Instructional Materials Development Format/ Design of LM and TG LM/TG Development (WRITING PROCESS) Validation of LM/TG Refinement of LM/TG Review of LM/TG (Quality Circle Reviewers) Finalization of LM/TG Format/Design DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION I. Introduction II. Learning Competencies/Objectives III. Pre-/Diagnostic Assessment (LM and TG) IV. Reading Resources/Instructional Activities A. What to KNOW? B. What to PROCESS? C. What to REFLECT or UNDERSTAND? D. What to TRANSFER? V. Summative Assessment (TG only) VI. Summary/Synthesis/Feedback Glossary of terms References and other reading materials (Print and Non-print) Development of LM/TG DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PERSONS INVOLVED: Practitioners (DepEd teachers/ master teachers/ head teachers/supervisors and private school teachers) Content Consultants Validation of LM/TG DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Refinement of LMs/TGs DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PERSONS INVOLVED: Writers Consultants Representatives from the group of validators Output: Revised LM/TG based on the comments/ suggestions and recommendations of the validators/ reviewers upon agreement with the writers and consultants. Review of LMs/TGs (Quality Circle Reviewers) DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Persons Involved: Quality Circle Reviewers (invited by IMCS) Language Editors (c/o IMCS) Outputs: Comments/Suggestions/ Recommendations on the Content of the LMs/TGs Language Edited LMs/TGs Finalization of LMs/TGs DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Assessment Classroom Assessment DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION • Tracks learners progress • Feedback • Report Classroom Assessment DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION What is assessed in the classroom? • Content Standards • Performance Standards • Learning Competencies • Concept Development Classroom Assessment DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Types of Assessment? • Formative Assessment o Before the lesson o During the lesson o After the lesson • Summative Assessment o Written Work o Performance Task o Quarterly National Assessment DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION National Achievement Test (NAT) • Grades 6 and 10 National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) • Grade 9 Sample Curriculum Guide for Grade 7 - Mathematics Grade 7 Mathematics DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competency Code The learner... The learner... The learner... Patterns and Algebra demonstrates understanding of key concepts of algebraic expressions, the properties of real numbers as applied in linear equations, and inequalities in one variable. is able to model situations using oral, written, graphical, and algebraic methods in solving problems involving algebraic expressions, linear equations, and inequalities in one variable. 1. translates English phrases to mathematical phrases and vice versa. M7AL-IIc-1 2. interprets the meaning of an where n is a positive integer. M7AL-IIc-2 3. differentiates between constants and variables in a given algebraic expression. M7AL-IIc-3 4. evaluates algebraic expressions for given values of the variables. M7AL-IIc-4 Grade 7 Mathematics DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competency Code 5. classifies algebraic expressions which are polynomials according to degree and number of terms. M7AL-IId-1 6. adds and subtracts polynomials. M7AL-IId-2 7. derives the laws of exponent. M7AL-IId-e-1 8. multiplies and divides polynomials. M7AL-IIe-2 Grade 7 Mathematics DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competency Code 9. uses models and algebraic methods to find the: (a) product of two binomials; (b) product of the sum and difference of two terms; (c) square of a binomial; (d) cube of a binomial; (e) product of a binomial and a trinomial.*** M7AL-IIe-g-1 10. solves problems involving algebraic expressions. M7AL-IIg-2 11. differentiates between algebraic expressions and equations. M7AL-IIh-1 Grade 7 Mathematics DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competency Code 12. translates English sentences to mathematical sentences and vice versa. M7AL-IIh-2 13. differentiates between equations and inequalities. M7AL-IIh-3 14. illustrates linear equation and inequality in one variable. M7AL-IIh-4 15. finds the solution of linear equation or inequality in one variable. M7AL-IIi-1 Grade 7 Mathematics DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competency Code 16. solves linear equation or inequality in one variable involving absolute value by: (a) graphing; and (b) algebraic methods. M7AL-IIi-j-1 17. solves problems involving equations and inequalities in one variable. M7AL-IIj-2 Issues and Challenges in Mathematics Curriculum Reform Issues and Concerns in Mathematics Curriculum Reform DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION • Creativity to think out of the box • Spiral progression - Need to review and relearn mathematics strands - Support for capacity building • Proper use of technology Suggestions on SEA-BES Common Core Regional learning Standards (CCRLS) Suggestions on SEA-BES Common Core Regional Learning Standards (CCRLS) DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 1. Pilot test of the CCRLS among SEAMEO member countries at least for a year. 2. Benchmarking to share best practices. 3. Institutionalizing the use of CCRLS among SEAMEO member countries . Thank you! uploads/S4/ math-curriculum-guide.pdf

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  • Publié le Jul 15, 2021
  • Catégorie Law / Droit
  • Langue French
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