Module Registration - Student User Guide BEFORE MODULE REGISTRATION............
Module Registration - Student User Guide BEFORE MODULE REGISTRATION.........................................................................................................1 Timetabling .............................................................................................................................................1 Enrolment................................................................................................................................................1 Intercollegiate studies .............................................................................................................................1 OVERVIEW OF MODULE REGISTRATION..............................................................................................1 Selecting, submitting and confirming your modules................................................................................1 Approval of your module selections by teaching departments................................................................1 Confirmation of your programme of study by your parent department....................................................1 ACCESSING MODULE REGISTRATION ..................................................................................................2 Technical considerations ........................................................................................................................2 ‘Student Home Page’ screen ..................................................................................................................2 ‘Student Academic Details’ container .....................................................................................................2 ‘Select your modules/course components’ link .......................................................................................2 UNDERTAKING MODULE REGISTRATION .............................................................................................3 Selecting your modules...........................................................................................................................4 Saving your module selections and returning to submit and confirm them later.....................................6 Submitting your module selections .........................................................................................................6 Confirming your module selections.........................................................................................................7 Changing your confirmed module selections ..........................................................................................7 Tracking the approval of your module selections and programme of study............................................7 Online Module Registration – Student User Guide BEFORE MODULE REGISTRATION Timetabling Please note that Portico does not include timetabling information, so you should check with the teaching department concerned to ensure that your choice of any optional or elective modules does not clash with other classes. In addition, many departments have specific procedures for approving module selections, which you should familiarise yourself with. For example, if you are selecting a language module, your level of ability in that language should be assessed by visiting the Language Centre. Enrolment You must enrol prior to undertaking module registration, as places on the modules you have selected cannot be guaranteed if you have not enrolled and arranged for your fees to be paid. If in doubt, check your enrolment status in the ‘Statement of Student Status’ in the ‘Student Record and Fee Data’ container on your student home page in PORTICO. Intercollegiate studies Contact you parent department for advice on which intercollegiate modules are available to you if you are planning to study a module with another institution, It may be that the module details have already been set up in PORTICO, which you can check using the ‘Module directory’ link in the ‘Student Academic Details’ container, by selecting all modules with a department of “Intercollegiate Course”. If the module you want to select has not been set up, you should use one of the generic ‘placeholder’ module codes instead, such as INTC00_5, INTC0001, where INTC represents intercollegiate modules, and 00_5 and 0001 represents the module’s credit value (0.5 and 1.0 respectively). For postgraduate modules the prefix is INTCG. It is essential that you let your parent department know the details of the actual module the placeholder code represents, so that the Examinations Section can register you onto the correct code, once the details have been set up in PORTICO. OVERVIEW OF MODULE REGISTRATION Selecting, submitting and confirming your modules The module registration facility enables you to select modules for the forthcoming year in accordance with the rules for your programme of study. If you are a continuing student, you should discuss with your parent department any outstanding re-assessments before making module selections for the forthcoming year. Any compulsory modules that you must study will already have been selected and submitted for you. You may also be required to choose some optional and/or elective modules in order to fulfil the quota of credit for your individual programme of study. You can save your choices at any point during the selection process, but you must remember to return to the module registration process in order to submit and confirm them. STAFF CANNOT APPROVE YOUR SELECTIONS UNTIL YOU HAVE CONFIRMED YOUR MODULE CHOICES. FAILING TO CONFIRM YOUR SELECTIONS MAY RESULT IN YOU NOT GAINING A PLACE ON ONE OR MORE OF YOUR CHOSEN MODULES. Approval of your module selections by teaching departments Having selected, submitted and confirmed the modules you would like to study, the departments who teach those modules will approve or reject your choices, depending upon availability. You will be notified via your UCL email address if any of your module selections have been rejected, and you should contact your parent department who will help you make alternative selections. Confirmation of your programme of study by your parent department Once all your module selections have been approved by the relevant teaching departments, your parent department will assess whether this is a suitable programme of study for you for the academic year, and will either approve it, or contact you about making any necessary changes. Online Module Registration – Student User Guide 1 ACCESSING MODULE REGISTRATION Technical considerations Automatic security logout When accessing the module registration system, be careful to use the PORTICO onscreen navigation controls where they are provided, rather than your browser’s navigation controls. Using your browser’s Back button may cause you to have two sessions of your ‘Student Home Page’ open at once, and because PORTICO is a secure site, it will interpret this as if another user is trying to access you personal information, and will automatically log you out of the session. Screen resolution Action and/or navigation buttons appear at the bottom of most module registration screens, and where a lot of information is displayed it may be necessary to scroll down to the bottom of the page, especially if your monitor is set to a low screen resolution. ‘Student Home Page’ screen Having successfully logged in to PORTICO, you will see your ‘Student Home Page’, on which a container called ‘Student Academic Details’ will be visible. Take note of the dates during which module registration is available to students and staff. ‘Student Academic Details’ container ‘Module Registration Documentation’ Help with module registration can be accessed via the ‘Module Registration Documentation’ link, (leading to this user guide). ‘Module directory’ Information about modules taught at UCL can be accessed via the ‘Module directory’ link. When viewing information via the ‘Module directory’ link, it will display details of all UCL modules, but when accessing the directory via the Search button within the module registration facility, it will only display modules running during the forthcoming academic year that are relevant to your programme of study. ‘Select your modules/course components’ link The module registration facility can be accessed via the ‘Select your modules/course components’ link. ‘View Module Selection Status’ Details about teaching and/or parent department approval/rejection of your module selections can be accessed via the ‘View Module Selection Status’ link. ‘View Confirmed Module Registrations’ A list of the modules that have been confirmed as part of your programme of study can be accessed via the ‘View Confirmed Module Registrations’ link. ‘View Resits/ Deferrals’ If you are a continuing student, an indication of outstanding re-assessments that may affect your module selections for the forthcoming year, which should be discussed with your parent department, can be accessed via ‘View Resits’ link. Online Module Registration – Student User Guide 2 UNDERTAKING MODULE REGISTRATION ‘Select your modules/course components’ link Click the ‘Select your modules/course components’ to begin making your module selections. If you have difficulty accessing the module registration facility, follow the advice given in any messages. Module registration switchboard The screen that is displayed when first entering the module registration facility is the main switchboard for the module registration process, and will display a summary of relevant information about: 1. your course (at the top of the screen), 2. any compulsory modules that you must take (in the middle of the screen), 3. any optional or elective modules that you may need to select (at the bottom of the screen). ‘Select’ buttons The Select buttons take you to a new screen (see next page), allowing you to chose modules from either a fixed list, e.g. “GEOG2009” etc, as in row 1 above (click the link to see information about the module), or from a wider group, e.g. “All Geography year 2 modules”, as in row 2 above. Note the individual rules for each selection group, e.g. ‘a maximum of 0.5 credits’, as in rows 2 and 3 above. Cross-reference this with any overarching rules applicable to different selection groups, e.g. ‘an overall maximum of 0.5 credits’, specified for selection groups 2 and 3 above, or to all your selections as a whole. ‘Clear buttons The individual Clear buttons remove your chosen modules from the selection group, and the Clear All Selections button will remove all your chosen modules, allowing you to amend your choices if you are unhappy with your initial selections. Online Module Registration – Student User Guide 3 Selecting your modules Fixed list selection screen When you click on a Select button, you will be taken to one of two types of selection screens. The first type will display a short fixed list of modules. To select modules from this list, click in the relevant tick boxes, taking care that you chose the correct amount of credit. In the example below, the 3 modules selected are appropriate for the selection group rule of “a minimum of 1.5 and a maximum of 1.5 credit in total”. If you accidentally select the wrong amount of credit, an error message will appear when you attempt to submit your selections to the module registration switchboard screen by clicking the Submit Selections button. It may be helpful to think of the Submit Selections button like an ‘add to uploads/S4/ module-registration-student-userguide.pdf
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- Publié le Mai 17, 2022
- Catégorie Law / Droit
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 0.3711MB