aaa : American Automobile Association; top rating given by U.S. bond rating ser

aaa : American Automobile Association; top rating given by U.S. bond rating services. --- AAA ; American Automobile Association ; meilleure cote attribu e par  les services de notation des obligations am ricaines.  above and beyond : More than required. --- AU-DESSUS ET AU-DESSUS ; Plus que n cessaire.  above board : Visible; honest. Wegerd president Leonard Greer insists everything  is above board. The SEC and state regulators are investigating. (Forbes, Oct. 10,  1994, p. 42) --- CI-DESSUS DU CONSEIL ; Visible ; honn te. "Le pr sident de Wegerd,   Leonard Greer, insiste sur le fait que tout est en ordre. La SEC et les r gulateurs  de l'Etat enqu tent." (Forbes, 10 oct. 1994, p. 42)  acceleration principle : Hypothesis that investment varies with the rate of change in aggregate demand. First introduced by John M. Clark in 1917, the principle was developed to explain the large variations in investment over the course of a business cycle. Keynes incorporated the acceleration principle into his General Theory. --- PRINCIPE D'ACC L RATION ; Hypoth se selon laquelle l'investissement    varie en fonction du taux de variation de la demande globale. Introduit pour la premi re fois par John M. Clark en 1917, le principe a t d velopp pour expliquer      les grandes variations des investissements au cours d'un cycle conomique. Keynes a  incorpor le principe de l'acc l ration dans sa th orie g n rale.       accountable : Responsible for. --- RESPONSABLE ; Responsable de. accounting information systems : (AIS) Computerized information retrieval systems. While a convenience to experienced professionals, jargon can form a language  barrier that is a formidable obstacle to newcomers. This is perhaps as much the case for accounting and information systems (AIS) professionals as it is for doctors, lawyers, or engineers. (The CPA Journal, Sept. 1993, p. 80) --- SYST MES   D'INFORMATION COMPTABLE ; (AIS) Syst mes informatis s de recherche d'information.   "Bien que le jargon soit pratique pour les professionnels exp riment s, il peut   constituer une barri re linguistique qui constitue un obstacle de taille pour les  nouveaux arrivants. C'est peut- tre autant le cas pour les professionnels de la  comptabilit et des syst mes d'information (SIA) que pour les m decins, les avocats    ou les ing nieurs." (The CPA Journal, septembre 1993, p. 80)  ace : Expert; to achieve a perfect score. --- ACE ; Expert ; pour obtenir un score parfait. ace in the hole : UP YOUR SLEEVE - Hidden advantage. Sears strategic ace-in-the-   hole with its Visa co-brand is one of research. (Brandweek, Nov. 6, 1995, p. 8)  --- ACE IN THE HOLE ; UP YOUR SLEEVE - Avantage cach . "L'atout strat gique de   Sears avec sa co-marque Visa est la recherche." (Brandweek, 6 nov. 1995, p. 8) acid test : Final, decisive test; proof. Seven acid tests of whether personnel    was making an effective business contribution were discussed at the conference on restructuring business - The HR contribution. (People Management, May 4, 1995, p.  18) --- ACID TEST ; Test final d cisif ; preuve. Sept " tests d'acidit " sur   l'efficacit de la contribution du personnel l'entreprise ont t discut s lors      de la conf rence sur la restructuration de l'entreprise - La contribution des RH".  (Gestion des personnes, 4 mai 1995, p. 18) acid test ratio : QUICK RATIO - Financial test of solvency comparing a firm s  liquid assets and liabilities. --- RAPPORT D' PREUVE D'ACIDIT ; RATIO RAPIDE -   Test financier de solvabilit comparant les actifs et passifs liquides d'une  entreprise. across the board : Equal for everyone. Menu adoptions come as the industry tries  to lift itself out of rampant value pricing, which has depressed margins across the board. (Advertising Age, Feb. 12, 1996, p. 12) --- AU-DESSUS DU CONSEIL ; galit    pour tous. "L'adoption des menus survient alors que l'industrie tente de se sortir d'une tarification la valeur effr n e, ce qui a r duit les marges tous les      niveaux." ( ge de la publicit , 12 f vrier 1996, p. 12)    act in concert : (TO) - Work together. U.S. insurers and reinsurers also should  act in concert with state and federal governments to prepare for catastrophes in the U.S. (Business Insurance, Jan. 17, 1994, p. 13) --- AGISSEZ EN CONCERT ; (TO)  - Travaillez ensemble. "Les assureurs et r assureurs am ricains devraient aussi   agir de concert avec les gouvernements f d ral et des tats pour se pr parer aux     catastrophes aux tats-Unis." (Assurance des entreprises, 17 janvier 1994, p. 13)  action items : To-do list. ACB [American Community Bankers] is actively seeking to  implement a number of action items specified by the partnership to help families become homeowners. (American Banker, Oct. 25, 1995, p. 8A) --- POINTS D'ACTION ;  Liste des t ches. "ACB[American Community Bankers] cherche activement mettre en   uvre un certain nombre de mesures sp cifi es par le partenariat pour aider les    familles devenir propri taires." (American Banker, 25 oct. 1995, p. 8A)   ad infinitum : Until infinity (Latin). --- AD INFINITUM ; Jusqu' l'infini (latin).  adjusted gross income : (AGI) - A measure of personal income used by the INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE. AGI includes all sources of personal income minus allowances for contributions to INDIVIDUAL RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS, KEOGH PLANS, alimony payments, and other adjustments. --- REVENU BRUT AJUST ; (AGI) - Mesure du revenu personnel  utilis e par le SERVICE DE REVENU INTERNE. AGI comprend toutes les sources de  revenu personnel moins les allocations pour les cotisations aux comptes de retraite individuels, les r gimes KEOGH, les pensions alimentaires et autres ajustements.  ad-lib : (TO) - Improvise. Dailey & Associates, which handles the Southern  California Ford regional marketing effort and coordinated the campaign, encouraged the disc jockeys to ad-lib teaser spots talking about the event and to give their impressions to listeners. (Advertising Age, March 14, 1994, p. 12) --- AD-LIB ;  (TO) - Improvise. "Dailey & Associates, qui s'occupe de l'effort de marketing r gional de Ford Californie du Sud et coordonne la campagne, a encourag les disc-   jockeys faire des clips ad-lib teaser sur l' v nement et donner leurs     impressions aux auditeurs. ( ge de la publicit , 14 mars 1994, p. 12)   administered prices : Prices controlled by government. --- PRIX ADMINISTR S ; Prix  contr l s par le gouvernement.   administrivia : All the trivial activities and reports required by administrators. As a project manager, I thoroughly enjoy the responsibility of coaching,  supporting and managing people and projects but then there is the administrivia.  (Mary Grace Allenchey, AT&T, 1996) --- ADMINISTRIVIE ; Toutes les activit s et  rapports triviaux exig s par les administrateurs. "En tant que chef de projet,  j'aime beaucoup la responsabilit de coacher, soutenir et g rer les gens et les   projets, mais il y a aussi l'administration." (Mary Grace Allenchey, AT&T, 1996) ad nauseum : To the point of making people sick (Latin). --- AD NAUSEUM ; Au point de rendre les gens malades (latin). adoption process : The steps consumers go through in accepting a new product, including awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, and rejection or adoption. --- PROCESSUS D'ADOPTION ; Les tapes que franchissent les consommateurs pour accepter  un nouveau produit, y compris la sensibilisation, l'int r t, l' valuation, l'essai,    le rejet ou l'adoption. ad valorem : Value-added (Latin). --- AD VALOREM ; Valeur ajout e (latin).  affirmative action : Policies to address and redress employment discrimination. While the swirling debate over affirmative action focuses on getting minorities  and women in the door, companies such as Polaroid Corp. are taking a longer view.  (Business Week, Aug. 14, 1995, p. 60) --- ACTION AFFIRMATIVE ; Politiques visant  lutter contre la discrimination dans l'emploi et y rem dier. "Alors que le d bat    tourbillonnant sur l'action positive se concentre sur la participation des minorit s et des femmes, des entreprises comme Polaroid Corp. adoptent une vision   plus long terme." (Business Week, 14 ao t 1995, p. 60)  affordability index : National Association of Realtors index measuring housing  costs in different regions of the United States. --- INDICE D'AFFORDABILIT ;  Indice de la National Association of Realtors mesurant le co t du logement dans  diff rentes r gions des tats-Unis.    after market : Market for uploads/Finance/ american-business-jargon-gb-fr 1 .pdf

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