Crisis guide The Basics Crisis Committee When real-world developments outpace conventional UN procedure delegates often have to resort to quick decisive action to resolve an issue Instead of debating a forced unchanging topic delegates in a crisis committ

The Basics Crisis Committee When real-world developments outpace conventional UN procedure delegates often have to resort to quick decisive action to resolve an issue Instead of debating a forced unchanging topic delegates in a crisis committee will be required to respond to events as they are created by the crisis sta ? a group of sta ? members that work closely with the dais to determine the direction of the topic Instead of acting as general representatives for one country as a whole delegates in a crisis committee often take the role of speci ?c characters from a governmental body or organization For example if the crisis topic was related to the con ict between North and South Korea the committee might consist of members of the South Korean presidential cabinet This is not to say that delegates in a crisis committee will always represent speci ?c charactersdelegates may be asked to each represent a single country as in conventional UN committees If indeed delegates are asked to represent speci ?c people it is important to research that person ? s personality and history as both are necessary for any delegate wishing to stay true to his her character I Rules and Procedure All typical MUN rules and procedure apply to crisis committees though the dais may encourage the delegates to enter caucus types that allow more frequent speaking It is not uncommon for crisis committees to abandon the ordering of speeches for moderated caucuses In addition to normal rules and procedure there are three ways in which delegates can carry out orders and obtain information in a crisis committee They are as follows Directive ?? an instruction an order Directives are used to direct the actions of one ? s own country organization or a ?liated body If each delegate is taking the role of a speci ?c character as opposed to a general UN representative it is the delegate ? s responsibility to know what commands are reasonably within his or her character ? s capabilities For example it would be nonsensical for a ?nance minister to write a directive mobilizing troops- that would be a directive more appropriate for a president or general The most common directives are those used to mobilize military forces as depicted in the example below Directive To The US government From Barack Obama -Send additional troops to Afghanistan Model United Nations at UCLA - Crisis Committee Guide C Communiqués Communiqués are used for making inquiries and for discussions that do not involve giving direct orders For example if you want to ask a delegate whether or not his or her country would look favorably upon a given policy or action you would do so by sending that delegate a communiqué Communiqués can also be used to determine whether or not a delegate ? s own country would be supportive of an action or policy For example if you are representing the United States and want to form a trade agreement with China

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  • Publié le Mai 07, 2022
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