SESSION GUIDE ARALING PANLIPUNAN LEARNING ACTION CELL Quarter __ Daily Lesson Log/ Detailed Lesson Plan and the Integration of Media Literacy in the Teaching and Process Date, Time, Duratio n Title of the Session Session Objectives Key Messages Methodolo gy Materials Facilitators/ Persons In-Charge 2:45-3:00 PM Arrival/Registration Registration and attendance sheets Irene V. Abellana 3:00-3:06 PM Opening Prepare for the training (mind conditioning) Statement of purpose Training schedule LAC House rules Visual Presentation PowerPoint Irene V. Abellana 3:06- 3:25 PM SESSION 1 DLL/DLP Parts and Expected Output/Activity in E Terminal Objective: Update the Araling Panlipunan teachers understanding on DLL/DLP format and its parts based on DepEd Order No. 42, series. 2016. Enabling Objectives: 1. Review AP teachers on the DLL/DLP parts 2. Orient AP teachers on the type of DO No. 42 s. 2016 Visual Presentation/ Discussion Power Point Presentation Girbert Adlawon (LAC Head) activities/output expected from each part. 3:25-3:55 SESSION 2: Media Literacy Integration Terminal Objective: Infuse idea on how to appropriately integrate media literacy in the teaching and learning process. Enabling Objectives: 1. Show integration of media literacy in the teaching and learning process Appropriate Media Integration Group Discussion Power Point Girbert Adlawon(LAC Head) 3:55-4:00 Distribution of Certificates/Evaluation/Closing of LAC Prepared by: GIRBERT N. ADLAWON Dept. Head, Araling Panlipunan Approved: SHIRLEY O. BAYONA Principal ARALING PANLIPUNAN DEPARTMENT LEARNING ACTION CELL REGISTRATION FORM TITLE OF LAC SESSION: Daily Lesson Log/ Detailed Lesson Plan and the Integration of Media Literacy in the Teaching and Proces s February 7, 2020 NAME POSITION AP SUBJECT & SECTION CONTACT NO. ADDRESS SIGNATURE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Prepared by: Approved by: IRENE V. ABELLA GIRBERT N. ADLAWON LAC Secretary Dept. Head, AP LAC SESSION HEAD uploads/Finance/ date-time-duratio-n-title-of-the-session-session-objectives-key-messages-methodolo-gy-materials-facilitators-persons-in-charge.pdf
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