GameFAQs: Eternal Sonata (PS3) FAQ/Walkthrough by DomZ Ninja http://www.gamefaq

GameFAQs: Eternal Sonata (PS3) FAQ/Walkthrough by DomZ Ninja[8/29/2010 8:43:11 AM] Eternal Sonata: FAQ/Walkthrough by DomZ Ninja Version 1.0, Last Updated 2010-05-03 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to Eternal Sonata (PS3) FAQs & Guides Liked this FAQ? 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If you want to find a specific section in the FAQ, press CTRL + F to open a search box. Type in the series of numbers for the desired section that you're trying to find and press Enter. Whabam! The search function will take you there in an instant. 1] - Version History.................................. [0100] 2] - Controls......................................... [0200] 3] - Characters....................................... [0300] 4] - The Basics....................................... [0400] 5] - Walkthrough...................................... [0500] 5.01] Chapter 1: Raindrops..................... [0501] 5.02] Chapter 2: Revolution.................... [0502] 5.03] Chapter 3: Fantaisie-Impromptu........... [0503] 5.04] Chapter 4: Grande Valse Brilliante....... [0504] 5.05] Chapter 5: Nocturne...................... [0505] 5.06] Chapter 6: Tristesse..................... [0506] 5.07] Chapter 7: Heroic........................ [0507] 5.08] Final Chapter: Heaven's Mirror........... [0508] 6] - Mysterious Unison................................ [0600] 7] - Trading Sequence................................. [0700] 8] - Equipment........................................ [0800] 8.1] Weapons................................... [0810] 8.2] Armor..................................... [0820] 8.3] Accessories............................... [0830] 9] - Items............................................ [0900] 10] - Special Attacks................................. [1000] 11] - Achievements.................................... [1100] 12] - Bestiary........................................ [1200] 12.1] Enemies.................................. [1210] 12.2] Bosses................................... [1220] GameFAQs: Eternal Sonata (PS3) FAQ/Walkthrough by DomZ Ninja[8/29/2010 8:43:11 AM] 13] - Thanks/Credits.................................. [1300] ______________________________________________________________________________ 1] VERSION HISTORY [0100] ______________________________________________________________________________ FAQ/Walkthrough #32 ------------------- Version 1.0 (06/13/08) - FAQ/Walkthrough complete and submitted. ______________________________________________________________________________ 2] CONTROLS [0200] ______________________________________________________________________________ - FIELD SCREEN - .-----------------------------.----------------------------------------------. | D-Pad | N/A | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Left Analog Stick | Move | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Right Analog Stick | N/A | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Start | Pause | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Back | N/A | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | X Button | N/A | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Y Button | Open Menu | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | A Button | Talk, Interact | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | B Button | Cancel | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Right Trigger | N/A | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Left Trigger | N/A | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Right Bumper | N/A | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Left Bumper | N/A | '-----------------------------'----------------------------------------------' - BATTLE SCREEN - .-----------------------------.----------------------------------------------. | D-Pad | N/A | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Left Analog Stick | Move | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Right Analog Stick | N/A | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Start | Pause | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Back | N/A | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | X Button | Use Item | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Y Button | Special Attack | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | A Button | Attack | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | B Button | Defend | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Right Trigger | N/A | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Left Trigger | Change View | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Right Bumper | Select Item, Escape (LB + RB) | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Left Bumper | Select Item, Escape (LB + RB) | '-----------------------------'----------------------------------------------' ______________________________________________________________________________ 3] CHARACTERS [0300] GameFAQs: Eternal Sonata (PS3) FAQ/Walkthrough by DomZ Ninja[8/29/2010 8:43:11 AM] NOTE: Character info taken from the Bradygames Official Guide. NOTE: Check out Section 10 for more information on each party member's Special Attacks. ============================================================================== POLKA ============================================================================== Often shunned because of her illness, Polka attempts to use the magic that comes from it to help those around her. Although she is only fourteen years old, her kindness and unyielding hope propel her into events that reach far beyond her small home village of Tenuto. Polka is a very kind person, but that doesn't stop her from being a formidable fighter. Her special attacks inflict a great deal of damage; in fact, her Nether Wave attack is very beneficial early in the game. Her healing abilities are very useful as well. You will use Orange Glow and Earth Heal throughout the game. ============================================================================== FREDERIC ============================================================================== Nearing death, Frederic Francois Chopin, the renowned pianist and composer, discovers a dream world that is just as real as the one he is leaving, perhaps more so. He befriends Polka, a young girl who reminds him of his younger sister, Emelia, who was the same age as Polka when she died. Believing this world is no more than a fevered dream of his own doing, Frederic becomes increasingly invested in it and his new friends, sharing their quest to improve his world. Although likely more accustomed to composing than to fighting, Frederic uses his musical skills to execute special attacks that strike just the right chord to knock most enemies flat. ============================================================================== ALLEGRETTO ============================================================================== Just a couple of years older than Polka, Allegretto has been living on his own in Ritardando most of his life. Together with his younger companion, Beat, Allegretto takes care of the other homeless children in the town by stealing bread from the bakery. Although his reasons are just, he doesn't want Polka to know about his less than illustrious past and goes out of his way to help her. Allegretto's rough and tumble life on the streets of Ritardando has prepared him to fight. He is one of the most powerful characters in the game. His Sky Divider and Shadow Assault should be mainstays of any arsenal. ============================================================================== BEAT ============================================================================== Eight-year-old Beat spends his time hanging out in Ritardando with Allegretto. When he's stealing bread to help the other kids, he is pursuing his passion for photography with a camera left to him by his father. Beat's cheerful personality makes it easy for him to get along with almost everyone he meets, but he isn't afraid to stand up for himself when necessary. Although a bit young, Beat is a great addition to your party. In addition to his useful attacks, Beat can use his camera to take pictures during battle that can be sold at shops. ============================================================================== VIOLA ============================================================================== Along with her faithful pet, Acro, Viola lives quietly in the Chorus Plains tending her goats. When she encounters the party and learns of their mission, however, she agrees to join the troupe, lending her steady bow to their cause. With her powerful bow shots, Viola deals out a great deal of damage. Her biggest asset, however, isn't her ability to inflict damage, it is her Heal Arrow. Other characters can heal, but Heal Arrow is a great healing resource. GameFAQs: Eternal Sonata (PS3) FAQ/Walkthrough by DomZ Ninja[8/29/2010 8:43:11 AM] It heals both Viola and any other party members and, unlike other healing spells, it has unlimited range. Be prepared to use it constantly upon reaching level 15. ============================================================================== SALSA ============================================================================== One of the young guardians of Agogo Forest, Salsa takes her duties seriously and doesn't mind pounding a little sense into anyone or anything that gets in her way. Once she meets up with the party in Forte's Dungeon, she becomes a staunch ally, using her twin circular blades to cut through enemies. Don't uploads/Finance/ gamefaqs-eternal-sonata-ps3-faq-walkthrough-by-domz-ninja.pdf

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