hicaps terminal user guide  contact phone numbers for HICAPS/EFTPOS HICAPS Hel

hicaps terminal user guide  contact phone numbers for HICAPS/EFTPOS HICAPS Help Desk 1300 650 852 your merchant details Merchant No. Manual Merchant No. For Authorisations: •  Credit Card (Credit) Account This is an Australia-wide number 13 25 15 •  Debit Card (Cheque) or (Savings) Account This is an Australia-wide number 1300 650 852 lost or stolen cards Please call the above authorisation line appropriate for the card type used (credit or debit). Call 13 25 15 and select extension 500 when calling about lost or stolen credit cards. terminal number Attach your first log on receipt here! table of contents 1 HICAPS/EFTPOS 4 1.1 HICAPS help desk 4 1.2 glossary 4 1.3 diagram of HICAPS terminal 6 2 HICAPS 7 2.1 terminal provider setup 7 2.1.1 adding a new provider 7 2.1.2 changing and deleting providers 11 2.2 processing a HICAPS claim 12 2.2.1 processing a HICAPS claim transaction (HICAPS terminal) 12 2.2.2 processing a HICAPS claim transaction (practice management system) 15 2.3 cancelling a HICAPS claim 16 2.3.1 cancelling a HICAPS claim (HICAPS terminal) 16 2.3.2 cancelling a HICAPS claim (practice management system) 18 2.4 manual daily transaction summary (HICAPS totals) 18 2.5 settlement transaction report (HICAPS forced settlement) 19 2.6 ordering terminal rolls 20 2.7 performing terminal sign on/logon 21 2.8 customising a HICAPS receipt (optional) 22 3 EFTPOS 23 3.1 processing an EFTPOS transaction 23 3.1.1 processing an EFTPOS transaction following a successful claim transaction 23 3.1.2 processing an EFTPOS transaction 25 3.1.3 processing an EFTPOS transaction (practice management system) 28 3.2 refunding an EFTPOS transaction 28 3.2.1 refunding an EFTPOS transaction 28 3.2.2 refund an EFTPOS transaction (practice management system) 31 3.3 EFTPOS settlement 32 3.3.1 manual EFTPOS settlement 32 3.3.2 automatic terminal settlement 34 3.3.3 merchant password 36 3.3.4 host forced settlement 36   4 terminal functions 37 4.1 the screensaver (idle screens) 37 4.2 main menu 38 4.2.1 logon 38 4.2.2 batch 38 4.2.3 terminal 38 4.2.4 setup 39 4.2.5 tests 39 4.2.6 reprint 39 4.3 transaction menu 40 4.3.1 balance / quote 40 4.3.2 refund / cancel 40 4.3.3 pre-auth 40 4.3.4 completion 40 4.3.5 cash out 41 4.3.6 sale 41 4.4 terminal function keys 42 4.4.1 report [1] key (print EFTPOS and HICAPS reports) 42 4.4.2 setup [2] key (refer help desk) 43 4.4.3 reset [3] key 43 4.4.4 lock [4] key 43 4.4.5 sign on [5] key 43 4.4.6 quote [6] key 44 4.4.7 order [7] key 44 4.4.8 reprint [8] key (reprint EFTPOS and HICAPS transactions) 44 4.4.9 load [9] key 44 4.4.10 initialise [0] key 44 4.4.11 paper feed [*] key 44 4.4.12 alpha [#] key 44 4.5 changing the terminal security password 45 4.6 fallback procedure 46 5 terminal connections 47 6 thermal printer 49 7 HICAPS response codes 51 7.1 transaction level HICAPS response codes 51 7.2 item level HICAPS response codes 53 8 EFTPOS error messages and corrective actions 55 9 manual backup procedure 57 10 merchant requirements to ensure EFTPOS transactions are valid 58 11 terminal functions T4200 series 59 12 Medicare Australia Easyclaim 60   1. HICAPS/EFTPOS 1.1 HICAPS help desk HICAPS Help Desk phone number is 1300 650 852. For HICAPS Help Desk hours of operation, please refer to www.hicaps.com.au Provider information section. HICAPS fax number is 1300 725 726. 1.2 glossary   HICAPS Health Industry Claims And Payments Service. The company responsible for the switching of transactions to health funds from the terminal. issue date The date the membership card was issued. Those cards with issue dates have them printed on the bottom right-hand corner of the card. item cost  The amount charged for the given item of service. item number Numeric code identifying the type of service performed. Refer to the HICAPS Quick Reference Guide or the relevant schedule for a full list of item numbers. member A customer of a Health Fund. MMF The Multi-Merchant Facility. This is a feature of the HICAPS terminal which optionally allows you to settle the EFTPOS funds separately for each provider. patient ID A member listed on the card which identifies a given patient within a Health Fund membership. Practice Management System The PC-based system which allows a transaction to be sent directly to the HICAPS terminal. provider Practitioners who provide Health Services to patients. provider number Is eight characters that uniquely identify each individual provider for a specific location. Provider numbers that HICAPS use are issued by Medicare Australia or Medibank Private. Provider numbers are location specific, so you must have a provider number for each location you wish to practice at. refund Refunds a previous EFTPOS or credit approved transaction. reversal Reverses an approved transaction on the same day the transaction was processed. RRN Receipt reference number (unique 12 digit field). swipe member card Pass the membership card through the card reader on the right-hand side of the HICAPS terminal. tooth number Two digit FDI numeric identifying the tooth on which the service was performed. benefit Value of rebate authorised by a Health Fund. cancel Reverses a transaction processed through the terminal. card A membership card issued by the Health Fund or an EFTPOS or credit card, issued by a bank. claim After treatment is provided, details are sent electronically via the terminal to the Health Fund. claim declined When a Health Fund declines to pay the request a brief response message will print with each declined item and/or claim. claim receipt Either the terminal or the associated Practice Management System prints a receipt, which must be signed by the patient to acknowledge services and approve the transfer of payment to the provider. claim to sale The terminal facility allowing you to start an EFTPOS transaction using the Gap amount returned from the HICAPS Claim. clinical code Two digit numeric identifying the body part/primary condition/ diagnostic intervention on which the service was performed. date (of service) The date the specific item of service was performed – format ddmm. fallback The terminal was unable to contact the bank to process an EFTPOS transaction, but the transaction has been approved/ declined and will be sent to the bank with the next transaction. gap payment The amount remaining after the Health Fund has approved a benefit for the specified services.   1.3 diagram of HICAPS terminal 2. HICAPS 2.1 terminal provider setup Note: To add providers you will need to contact HICAPS in writing. A ‘Change of Practice Details’ form will need to be completed and sent to HICAPS. This form is available from the HICAPS website www.hicaps.com.au or from the HICAPS Help Desk on 1300 650 852. You will receive notification from HICAPS in writing once the providers have been registered. Merchant Function 54 is used for Provider Setup. 2.1.1 adding a new provider step 1 Press the [FUNCTION] key. step 2 Enter [5] [4] and press [ENTER]. step 3 Select a Not Assigned provider field by entering the number and pressing [ENTER] or by scrolling up or down to highlight the Not Assigned provider field and pressing [ENTER]. step 4 Enter the provider’s name by pressing ‘sel’ and using the [1] to [9] keys. To select an alpha character entry either press the ‘sel’ button on the left-hand side of the screen or press the Alpha [#] key on the keyboard. high speed thermal printer account select and option keys backlit graphics screen magnetic stripe card reader alphanumeric keypad smart card reader SELECT PROVIDER 1. Dr Smith A 2. NOT ASSIGNED 3. NOT ASSIGNED 4. NOT ASSIGNED 5. NOT ASSIGNED 6. NOT ASSIGNED PROVIDER NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 CLEAR sel Dr J___   Pressing the Alpha [#] key again will change from upper case to lower case and symbols. E.g. After entering the provider’s name press the [ENTER] key. step 5 Key the provider number for this location then press [ENTER]. This is the 8-character number supplied by Medicare or Medibank Private. If your provider number is shorter than 8 characters you will need to include leading 0’s to make up 8 characters. Alpha character entry is entered the same as for entering the provider’s name. step 6 Select the Merchant name for processing EFTPOS payments for this provider from the list presented then press [ENTER]. The list can contain up to 25 merchant details so please ensure you select the correct merchant from the list. step 7 This option will enable the terminal to prompt to automatically start an EFTPOS transaction for the gap amount. Select the appropriate option for this provider. step 8 Note: If a Claim to Sale is disabled the Claim Deposit is not displayed. This option will enable the terminal to prompt for deposits (optical only). step 9 Select Item Memory enabled or disabled for this provider. Item Memory enables the terminal to recall the last amount entered for this item number. step 10 Clear Item Memory will clear all amounts stored for item numbers. step 11 Confirmation that the item memory uploads/Finance/ t4200-user-guide.pdf

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  • Publié le Apv 21, 2021
  • Catégorie Business / Finance
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