Humanity is Born in Africa, Africans Travel the World A Study Guide Developed b

Humanity is Born in Africa, Africans Travel the World A Study Guide Developed by Kaba Hiawatha Kamene (aka Booker T. Coleman, Jr.) PLEASE NOTE:THIS STUDY GUIDE IS TAUGHT EVERY WEDNESDAY 9PM-10PM EST WWW.TOWNZONETV.COM , Online Streaming Program – Teaching this Curriculum Guide Every Wednesday – 9Pm-10Pm “Per Ankh with Brother Kaba” $10.00 each class 1. Go to 2. Login with your username and password or sign up if your not a member 3. Once logged in type: Per Ankh or dr Kaba in he search box 4. Look for Per Ankh channel logo of dr Kaba , please double click on the logo 5. Now you are at his channel, scroll down until you see event ticket 6. Only click on the event ticket if your ready to pay the $10 (if you had click on the ticket and didn’t pay at that time, you will have to wait about ten minutes before the event ticket redirects you to paypal this is the message you will see – “Payment is pending” please wait and try again in a few minutes­­; Please try clicking on the ticket again on the channel page (not subscriptions ) 7.When you have successfully paid for event ticket ­ you will see a message showing “you successfully paid.” 8.If your on his channel at the time of the event and the 1 event hasn’t started, you will have to keep refreshing the page to see if the live video screen is turned on... This Study Guide is an on-going Process of Becoming. It is dedicated to the Beloved Creator, Ancestors, Original Human Family, T oday’s Human Family and the Human Family Yet to be Born. The Guide is Divided into 3 Parts. Part 1 – Introduction to Humanity is Born in Africa, Africans Travel World – A Systematic View of an African Centered Curriculum Part 2 – Forty Seasons – A Forty Year Curriculum Guide Part 3 – DVD Catalog – Materials that Support This Curriculum Introduction to Africa - Overview Course Objectives: This is an introductory course that begins with the origins of Human life in African presence in the Asia. It is a course that explores the cultural contributions Africa and Africans made to this ancient continent. Civilizations will include those originating in Arabia, India, Persia, Chaldea, Media, Babylonia, China, Japan, Vietnam, and many other places in the Far East. Students will also learn how to develop a lesson plan centering on one aspect of the course. Students will implement interesting and unique teaching/learning methods (i.e. Multiple Intelligences, Emotional Intelligences and Bloom’s Taxonomy. Partial Book List Introduction to African Civilization, Dr. John G. Jackson, Citadel Press:N.Y., 1970 Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire, Drusilla Dunjee Houston Black Classic Press: Baltimore, MD, 1926/1985 When We Ruled The World , Robin Walker, Every Generation Media, UK, 2006. The Star of Deep Beginnings, The Genesis of African Science and Technology, Charles S. Finch, M.D., Khenti Inc., GA., 1998. Memphite Theology, Ancient Egyptian Mystic Wisdom of Ptah, Muata Abbaya Ashby, Cruzian Mystic Books, FL., 2000. African Cosmology of the Bantu-Kongo, Kimbwandende Bunseki Fu-Kiau, PH.D., Athelia Henrietta Press, Canada, 2001. 2 Course Syllabus Class 1 – Introduction Class Question – How did Africa Impact the History of the Earth? -Readings Intro to Africa -JGJ (John G. Jackson) – p 3-59 Wonderful Ethiopians -DDH (Drusilla Dunjee Houston) – p i-v, 3-14 When We Ruled, Introduction, P 3-16 Appendix – Chronological Table – P 672-68 Class 2 – Origin of Life in Africa Class Question – How and Why did Life Originate in Africa? Readings Intro to Africa - JGJ – 60-92 Wonderful Ethiopians -DDH – Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4, p 15-65 When We Ruled – Robin Walker -Ch. 4 – “Land of the Blacks” – P 103-129 Ch. 5 – “Cradle of the Human Race” – P 130-147 Class 3 – The Origin of the Planet Earth -Class Question –What Impact Does Carbon 14/Nitrogen14 Have on Dating Artifacts and Objects? Readings -Intro to Africa, John G. Jackson, p 3-59 -Human Development from an African Ancestry,Gerald Kraus, p X-XV. -Civilization or Barbarism, Dr. Diop, p ix-xvi, 1-58. -Man, God and Civilization, John G. Jackson, p 3-27. - Life’s History Notes, p1/2 3 Class 4 -Ages and Stages of the Earth – Pangaea/Continental Drift Class Question # 1-After the Earth Formed, What Were the Various Changes that Occurred? # 2-What Are the Geological Eras of the Earth? Readings -When We Ruled, Dr. Walker, Pgs. 130-147. -History of Africa, Dr.Asante, P 1-14, 351. Class 5 - The Miocene Age On Earth Class Question # 1-When Did the Miocene Age Occur/What Happened During This Period? # 2- What is the History of Humanity’s Life During the Miocene Period? Readings -Human Dev., GK, p 109-142, 150-154. -Life History Notes, p 2/3 – Humanity’s Ancestors Class 6 - Great Lakes Region – Rift Valley/Hapi (Nile) Valley Class Question # 1- Where Is the Great Lakes Region/How Did Human Life Begin and Become Living In This Area? # 2 – What is the Geographical/Geological and Anthropological Evidence of Africans in theRift/Hapi(Nile) Valley? Readings -Human Dev., GK, p 3-47, 143-146. Class 7 - Hominid/Hominoid Class Question - Who Are the Living Beings that Comprise the Hominid/Hominoid Tree? Readings - Human Dev., GK, p 48-99, 146-149. 4 - Life History Notes - Appendix #2 Gloger, Allen and Bergmann’s Rules, p 16, 17, 18 Class 8 - Morphological Changes – From Animal to Human Class Question #1 - What Changes Impacted Primates? What is the Difference Between Hominid and Hominoid - Animal to Human Animal, Ultimate Transformation? Readings -Scientific America, “The Naked Truth,” p 42-49. -Notes, p4-Power to Grasp, Hind Limbs, Recession of Snout Region, Perfection of Upright Posture, -Notes, p5,6,7 - Loss of Tail, -Notes, p7, -Notes, Appendix #1,11,12,13,14,15 Class 9 - Australopithecines (Robustus/Gracile Class Question #1 -Who Are the Two Members of the 1 st Human Group? #2 - What Occurred During Their Life’s History? #3 - From Robust to Graceful? Readings -Origin of Humankind, GK, p ix-xvi, 1-58. -Life History Notes – p 7, 8, and 9 - What is the Chronology of Humanity’s Life History, Six (6) Physical Transmutations of the Human Family Class 10 - Homo Line- Part 1(Habilis/Erectus) Class Question #1 - Who Are the Two Members of the Middle Human Group? #2 - What Occurred During their Life’s History, From Tool Maker an Erect Human Being? Readings – National Geographic, “The Evolutionary Road,” p 35-62. -Laetoli Notes -Life History Notes p 3,4, Development of Brain, -Life History Notes, p 7 10, and 11 - Six (6) Physical Transmutations of the Human Family 5 Special Focus Class Class 11 - The Laetoli Footsteps of Ancient Tanzania “Following in the Footsteps of our Ancestors We could not have made it without them; Leaving Footsteps for our Descendants to Follow They can not make it without us.” Class Question - What are the Laetoli footsteps of early humans found in Tanzania, East Africa? Purpose - The students will study the ancient Laetoli footprints made by early humans in Africa. These footprints today unravel the questions scientists have regarding the process of life from ancient days to today’s human family. All of humanity has followed in these footsteps and could not have made it without these peoples called, “Australopithecus Afarensis,” The recurring theme is the DVD, “The Historic Journey.” Vocabulary List: Science – volcano, cinders, anthropology, paleontology, archeology, fossil, hominid, Australopithecus Afarensis, speculation Geography – Laetoli, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rift Valley, Sadiman, latitude, longitude, Language Arts - erect, impressions, shuffle, ancestor, descendant Questions Determine what the main ideas are by answering the following questions 1) Where is Tanzania in Africa-Latitude/Longitude lines? 2) Where is Laetoli in Tanzania-Latitude/Longitude lines? 3) What does it mean to following in someone’s footsteps? 4) What would the student want to achieve in life that would inspire future generations to follow in their footsteps? Academic Standards: Geography – Locate Tanzania and Laetoli in Africa. Cite the Latitude and Longitude Lines History/Math – Using a Timeline/Number line, identify the time period when these footsteps were made. 6 History/Culture/Anthropology - Students will be able to identify the species/family group that made these footsteps. Science/Geology – Students will research volcanoes and the ash/residue left behind. Students will describe how footsteps were preserved for over 3.7 million years. Science/Archeology – Students will compare and contrast Australopithecus Afarensis feet with the feet of todays human. Holistic Activity Exit Project - Project includes a (1) Written Essay, (2) Graphic Organizer and (3) Oral Presentation Language Arts - Figurative Language (Flashback/Foreshadow) – Students will research the Laetoli footsteps, describing how all humans have followed in the footsteps of early humans in Africa. This activity will conclude with the students describing the Legacy they plan to leave for future generations to follow and complete. Students will compare and contrast the story told in the DVD, “The Historic Journey.” Background Information – Laetoli Footsteps The Laetoli footsteps are located about thirty (30) miles south of Olduvai. uploads/Geographie/ africa-curriculum-guide.pdf

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