G.S. College of Commerce and Economics, Nagpur (2015-16) PRIYANKA SHARMA BIBLIO
G.S. College of Commerce and Economics, Nagpur (2015-16) PRIYANKA SHARMA BIBLIOGRAPHY Philip Kotler (2006) ―Marketing management‖, 10th edition. . Kothari. C.R.(2005) ―Research Methodology Methods and Techniques‖, 4th edition. L R Potty (2011) ―Research Methodology Kotler & Keller (2008), Marketing management, 8th edition . http://realestate.msn.com/branding/titanindustries.aspx?cpdocumentid http://watches.about.com/od/history/a/Deontological.htm http://productquality.about.com/b/2003/12/31/product http://encartaupdate.msn.com/wristwatches.aspx G.S. College of Commerce and Economics, Nagpur (2015-16) PRIYANKA SHARMA G.S. College of Commerce and Economics, Nagpur CUSTOMER SATISFACTION ON FASTRACK WATCHES Name- Contact no- Address- Q.1. Do you own Fastrack watch? Yes No Q.2. What is your reason for selecting fastrack watches ? Style Prestige symbol Others Brand value Q.3. How long you have been using the fastrack watches? 0-6 months 6-12 months 12-18 months More than 18 months G.S. College of Commerce and Economics, Nagpur (2015-16) PRIYANKA SHARMA Q.4. In your most recent customer service experience how did you contact the representative? In person By phone Through retailer/dealer Other (specify______________) Q.5. How did you come to know about the brand via ? Ads Social network Family Peer group Others Q.6 .How many times you went to repair the watch? Never One time Two time Three time More than three times G.S. College of Commerce and Economics, Nagpur (2015-16) PRIYANKA SHARMA Q.7. Did the representative? Quickly identify the problem Appear knowledgeable and competent Help you understand the cause and solution to the problem Handle issue with courtesy and professionalism Q.8. About how long it take to get this problem resolved? Immediate resolution Less than a day 2-3 days More than a week Problem is still not resolved Q.9. Fastrack watches are affordable? Yes No Q.10. Do you have the watches of competitors? Yes No G.S. College of Commerce and Economics, Nagpur (2015-16) PRIYANKA SHARMA Q.11. Fastrack is excellent for the following ? Excellent for the following Strongly agree agree neutral disagree Strongly disagree 1. Overall quantity 2. Purchase experience 3. Usage experience 4. After purchase experience (warranty ,repair etc. ) Q.12. Put tick mark for your choice. Sr. no. Strongly agree agree disagree Strongly disagree 1. Style range is good 2. It is worth the money 3. Advertised collection is available in the store 4. Satisfied with what I paid for what I what Q.13. Do you purchase the rival brand? Yes No G.S. College of Commerce and Economics, Nagpur (2015-16) PRIYANKA SHARMA Q.14. Will you buy fastrack again, recommend other to buy fastrack wathes, or will buy other brand? Sr. no. Definitely will Probably will Not sure Probably will not Definitely will not 1. Buy fastrack again 2. Recommend others to buy fastrack watches 3. Will buy other brand Q.15. Any suggestions? _____________________________________. SIGNATURE: uploads/Geographie/ bibliography - 2023-03-28T045546.914.pdf
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