www.eatlocalcorv.org 1 A Local Food Directory Updated for the 2010 / 2011 Growi

www.eatlocalcorv.org 1 A Local Food Directory Updated for the 2010 / 2011 Growing Season T his is the third edition of the Central Ohio River Valley (CORV) Local Foods Guide. CORV covers Greater Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky, and Southeast Indiana; listings are verified before printing. The CORV initiative is a grassroots effort to connect community members with local growers and with fresh, healthy local food. It aims to promote self-sufficiency, sustainability, and the wise use of resources. Check out eatlocalcorv.org for more information and blog updates. Eat, enjoy, share! ~ CORV Local Foods Initiative eat fresh. eat local. eat here! 9 Grown within a 50-mile radius of downtown Cincinnati or 9 Grown within a 100-mile radius of downtown Cincinnati by growers who regularly sell within a 50-mile radius. 9 Those which are likely to last for generations because they do not deplete our natural resources. What are sustainable growing practices ... What’s local... www.eatlocalcorv.org 2 z Freshness z Flavor z Nutrition z Your health z Your knowledge of growing practices z Community connections z Your connection to the land z Farmers’working conditions z Farmers’incomes z The local economy z Crop variety z Our food security z The health of the planet How to eat more locally and sustainably... Each of us takes part in and can influence our food system. Shifting toward a more local and sustainable diet doesn't have to be all or nothing. Some ways to get started: Visit a nearby farmers' market. Plant something you like at home – whether it's herbs on your windowsill, tomatoes in a pot, or a variety of vegetables in your yard. Ask for local foods at your grocery store, and find out what that store means by “local.”Try a restaurant that features locally grown food. Buy extra of your favorite foods when they are in season and preserve them to eat later. Plan one meal a week around locally grown vegetables. Join a CSA or herdshare. Try out Cincinnati’s Climate Protection Plan’s recommendation to eat less meat to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by having a meatless day once a week. Ask about growing and raising practices to encourage sustainable, humane ones. Check out our resources for groups to join or support. Eating locally and sustainably can increase... Producer: Deborah Jordan, deborah@eatlocal- corv.org Co-Producer & Website: Susan Miller-Stigler susan@eatlocalcorv.org Technical support from Ken Stigler Content Support: Katherine Prince Kitchen Cabinet: Corina Bullock, Civic Garden Center; Joanne Drilling, Chef; Jim Lowenburg, Running Creek Farm; Mary Lu Lageman, Grailville; Lauren Niemes, Nutrition Council; Diana Porter, Farm Market of College Hill; David Rosenberg, Wooden Shoe Hollow; Amy Stross; Val Taylor, Ohio Valley Foodshed Project Support: April Laskey, Maggie Palazzolo Graphic Design: Breanna Parker breannaparkerdesign@gmail.com, www.breannaparker.com Printer: Peerless Printing, using soy-based ink (513) 721-4657, www.peerlessprinting.com Photographs: Ken Stigler Photography; Luke Ebner, Eco Garden; Richard Stewart, Carriage House Farm. All photos were taken locally. Project Mentor: Imago, 700 Enright Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45205 www.imagoearth.org A big thank you to all those who contributed. A carrot icon next to your listing highlights your support. Special thanks to our sponsors listed below. Alliance Institute for Integrative Medicine 6400 E. Galbraith Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236 513-791-5521, www.myhealingpartner.com Bonnie Mitsui, Turner Farm 7400 Given Road, Cincinnati, OH 45243-1540 513-561-7400, www.turnerfarm.org Cincinnati Waldorf School 5555 Little Flower Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45239 513-541-0220, www.cinciwaldorf.org Dojo Gelato 1801 Race Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202 513-328-9000, www.dojogelato.com Double J Farm 3070 Wehr Rd.Hamilton, OH 45011 513-284-7330, countryroad@fuse.net Farm Fresh Delivery 877-827-FARM, farmfreshdeliverycinti@gmail.com www.cincinnati.farmfreshdelivery.com Farmers’Fair – “Celebration of local foods” www.farmersfair.org Ken Stigler Photography 513-277-1173, www.kenstiglerphotography.com Nutrition Council 2400 Reading Road, Cincinnati, OH 45202 513 621-3262, www.nutritioncouncil.org Ohio Valley Foodshed Project www.OhioValleyFoodshed.org http://cincinnatilocavore.blogspot.com Park + Vine 1109 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202 513-721-7275, www.parkandvine.com Debbie and Dick Lewis Westheimer Perelandra Farm Acknowledgements Farms p3 Growing Practices p9 CSA p10 Farm Markets p11 Farmers’ Markets p12 Restaurants p14 Wineries & Vineyards p14 Harvest Guide p15 Community Resources p15 Table of Contents www.eatlocalcorv.org 3 Local Farms GENERAL QUESTIONS FOR GROWERS: „ Did you grow this produce yourself? „ Where is the farm or plot of land and how big is it? „ How long have you been growing or farming? „ Do you accept WIC? „ What practices do you use to control pests, disease, or weeds and to tend the soil on your farm? „ Is your farm open to the general public to visit? „ What is this?...How do you cook this product? ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS FOR MEAT, CHICKEN, AND EGG PRODUCERS: „ Do you use antibiotics or hormones, steroids, or other growth promoters? „ What type of feed do you give your animals? „ How are your animals raised? „ How much time do your animals have outside? „ How large is your operation? *GROWING PRACTICES, WHEN GIVEN, ARE LISTED NEXT TO THE FARM NAME. GROWING PRACTICE DEFINITIONS ARE LISTED ON PAGE 9 Ohio ADAMS COUNTY Graceful Grazers *FR, GF, HF, HR, HB 937-217-3181; juliereimund@wildblue.net www.gracefulgrazers.com PO Box 142, Winchester, OH 45697 Product(s): 100% grass fed beef; pastured whole chicken; pastured turkey; free range eggs; heritage large black hogs Location(s) sold: Farm sales The Heirloom Beef Company *GF, HF, HR, NR, OTHER-GRASS ONLY david@heirloombeef.com www.heirloombeef.com 23173 St Rt 247, Seaman, OH 45679 Product(s): Grass fed, dry aged beef Location(s) sold: directly to consumer via order - call or visit website The Queen's Blessing Farm *PF, GF, HR, NR, HB 513-515-5867 thequeensblessing@gmail.com www.thequeensblessingfarm.com 455 Rickey Rd Winchester, OH 45697 Product(s): Raw local honey, grass fed lamb, fresh eggs, produce in season Location(s) sold: Farm, West Chester FM Yoder Family Farm *SA, CRCC, PF, GF, HF, HR 937-386-3322- leave message 3525 Graces Run Rd.Winchester, OH 45697 Product(s): Dairy herd share; pastured eggs; vegetables Location(s) sold: Farm, Madison's at Findlay, College Hill FM, Eastgate drop off point BROWN COUNTY Back Acres Farm *SA, CRCC, PF, GF, HF, HR, NR 513-405-4379; pattycakes3@verizon.net Georgetown, OH Product(s): Eggs; beef, lamb and pork; poultry; raw milk, cheese; wide variety of seasonal vegetables; dairy herdshares – registered jersey cows Location(s) sold: Findlay Market, Anderson FM, Green Corner Market, Northside FM, Walnut Hills FM, some products at Susan's Natural World Dean Family Farm * GF, HR 937-378-2105 bdeanjr@deanfamilyfarm.com 10924 Smokey Row Rd Georgetown, OH 45121 Product(s): Chicken; eggs; rare red wattle pork; vegetables Location(s) sold: Contact us for more information Mark’s Pure Honey *PF, HR 513-373-2724; wesselerm@yahoo.com Mount Orab, OH Product(s): Raw local honey Location(s) sold: Maderia FM, Shop Around the Corner, Salt of the Earth Martin Hill Farms Ltd. *SA, CRCC, PF, OTHER– ENERGY CONSERVATION PRACTICES farmermike@growmaster.com www.growmaster.com Aberdeen, OH 45101 Product(s): CSA, fresh produce, cottage made jerky, jellies, etc. when available; seedlings in spring Location(s) sold: Northside FM, Mt. Washington FM, CSA pick ups Hyde Park, Northside, Mt. Washington BUTLER COUNTY Double J Farm *SA, CRCC, PF, GF, HR, NR, HB countryroad@fuse.net 3070 Wehr Rd, Hamilton, OH 45011 Product(s): Herd shares for Jersey cows; pastured brown eggs; grass fed beef; produce in season; home made sourdough bread and rolls; many WAPF type items Location(s) sold: only at the Farm Gravel Knolls Farm *SA, CRCC, PF, GF, FR, HF, HR, NR 513-652-7653; jrosselot2@cinci.rr.com www.gravelknollsfarm.com 9424 Cinti.-Dayton Rd West Chester, OH 45069 Product(s): Naturally raised vegetables, brown eggs, pasture raised poultry, pastured lamb Location(s) sold: Farm, West Chester FM Locust Run Farm *O 513-756-9272; locustrun@nuvox.net 209 Sample Rd (SR 732) Oxford, OH 45056 Product(s): Seasonal produce including squash, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, and greens; lettuce all season Location(s) sold: Oxford FM Uptown, Nativity Church Tailgate Market, Pleasant Run Presbyterian Church FM Robert K. Harris Farm *O 513-524-9419; wmiller618@aol.com 6325 Timothy Ln Oxford, OH 45056 Product(s): Certified organic corn, wheat, spelt, soy bean, hay; certified organic angus beef Location(s) sold: Farm, 1/4's and 1/2 share's of beef available, also at Oxford Uptown Farmer's market when product available www.eatlocalcorv.org 4 Schaefer’S Meats *GF (GRAIN FINISHED), HF, OTHER- NO GMO'S, NO ANTIBIOTICS 513-726-5307 5024 Jacksonburg Rd, Trenton, OH Product(s): Pasture raised beef, lamb, pork and poultry; seasonal vegetables Location(s) sold:West Chester FM CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Mohr Animal Acres *FR, GF – WITH SUPPLEMENT IF NUTRITIONAL NEED, HF, HR, NR 937-484-5950; mohr5@ctcn.net www.mohranimalacres.biz 1262 West State Rt 296, Urbana, OH 43078 Product(s): Chem-free beef, pork, lamb, goat and poultry; goat's milk soaps and lotions Location(s) sold: Farm, Hyde Park FM, Wyoming FM CLERMONT COUNTY B& D Goats *C, FR, HR, NR 513-553-1422; Diane@b-dgoats.com www.b-dgoats.com 2644 St Rt132, New Richmond, OH 45157 Product(s): Goat’s milk herd share; soaps, lotions; goat’s milk fudge, ice cream and cheese; jams, jellies; chicken & duck eggs; baked goods Location(s) sold: Hyde Park FM, Anderson FM, Madeira FM, Montgomery FM, Keegan's Seafood, and Sunrock Farm Can-Du Farm *SA, CRCC, PF, LS (NO SYNTHETIC INSECTICIDES) candufarms@fuse.net 2935 State Route 125, Bethel, OH 45106 Product(s): Tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, okra, onions, garlic Location(s) sold: Milford FM, Mt. Carmel FM, Anderson FM, Hyde Park FM Earth-shares *O, SA, CRCC, PF membership@earthsharescsa.org www.earthsharescsa.org 932 Obannonville Rd. (Grailville Retreat Center) Loveland, OH 45140 Product(s): Organically grown vegetables and herbs Location(s) sold: at Farm through CSA Farm Beach Bethel *SA, CRCC, PF, OTHER–BIODYNAMIC 513-734-6928 farmbeachbethel@roadrunner.com www.farmbeach.net uploads/Geographie/ corv-guide.pdf

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