Progress Menus 100% - Evolution Chart 100% - Digimon Recruit 100% - Restaurant
Progress Menus 100% - Evolution Chart 100% - Digimon Recruit 100% - Restaurant 100% - Passwords 100% - Cards 100% - Skills 90% Description Tentomon Shop 0% Maps 60% Roughly done, still needs to be worked on. Also need to finish the last of the Sub-Area translation Titles 40% Missing some names and almost all description Accessory 85% Colosseum 20% Almost all missing, Ill work with that. Items 50% Description Story 0% Digimon Data 0% Priority Low Normal High NOTICE For anyone who wants to start editing the maps here is the link メインメニュー [MAIN MENU] アイテム Item ほめる Praise Menu Screenshot Translation しかる Scold ねかせる Sleep デジヴァイス Digivice デジヴァイス [Digivice] パートナー情報 [Partner Info] Digimon パートナー情報 Partner Info タイプ・成長段階 Type / Evolution Stage スキル Skill 性質 Nature 年齢 Years Technique Set 属性 Attribute 体重 Weight アクセサリ Accessory 寝起き Time Active デジメモリ Digimemory 性格 Personality 攻撃力 Attack 進化情報 Evolution Info HP HP 防御力 Defense Player ナイマー情報 Tamer Info MP MP 素早さ Speed 称号 Titles 最大HP Maximum HP 賢さ Brain 大事なもの Key Item 最大MP Maximum MP 匹 Animals カード Cards ライフ Life 形態 Form Log メール E-Mail ご機嫌 Happiness 幼年期1 Childhood 1 ニュースログ News Log Discipline 幼年期2 Childhood 2 キーワード Keyword 呪い Curse/Bad 成長期 Growth phase マップ Map 個 Individual 成熟期 Mature stage System セーブ・ロード Save/Load 完全体 Full body オプション Options 究極体 Ultimate body セーブ/ロード [Save/Load] アーマー体 Body armor セーブ Save テイマー情報 [Tamer Info] ロード Load テイマーランク Tamer Rank 削除 Delete File 称号 Title タイトル画面に戻る Back to the title screen 育てたデジモン Digimon Raised オプション[Options] 所持金 Money メッセージの表示速度 Message Speed プレイ時間 Play Time メッセージが自動送り Automatic Message Scrolling クエストクリア数 Cleared Quest BGMの音量 BGM Volume トレーニング回数 Number of Times Trained SEの音量 SE Volume 戦闘した回数 Number of Times Battled バトルコマンドの操作 Battle Command Shop カメラの上下操作 Camera Type Up/Down 買う Buy カメラの左右操作 Camera Type Left/Right 売る Sell データインストール Data Install やめる Quit データインストールモードのON/OFFを変 更 Data Install Mode ON/OFF 所持金 Money SLOW SLOW 購入 Purchase FAST FAST 売却 Sale ON ON 所持数 The number of possession OFF OFF 合計 Total M A X MAX 自販機 Vending machine MIN MIN 所持数: The number of possession: ノーマル Normal 購入する個数を決めてください Please choose the number to purchase リバース Reverse 売却する個数を決めてください Please choose the number to sell クイック Quick 取引する個数を決めて下さい Please choose the number to deal ホールド Hold 肉先物取引 Meat futures trading 本日の相場 Today's market Training Equipment 取引限度数 Limit the number of trading Japanese Name English Name Description Warehouse ここで STOP Stop it Here Raises Max HP & Atk. 倉庫に入れる Add to warehouse 同じのどーれだ Which One is the Same Raises Max MP & Def. 倉庫から出す Take out of warehouse 丸太粉砕撃 Pulverize the Log Raises Atk. & Spd. やめる Quit パンチをガード Guard the Punch Raises Def. & Brain 預ける Deposit 爆弾回避 Evade the Bombs Raises Spd. & Max HP 取り出す Retrieve 立体あみだくじ 3D Ghostleg/Ladder Lottery Raises Brain & Max MP 所持数 Amount in possession 倉庫数 Amount in warehouse Digimon Type 手持ちには In hand/ In possession データ Data 倉庫には In warehouse ワクチン Vaccine 入っています Contains ウィルス Virus あります There are フリー Free 預ける数を決めてください Please enter the amount of item to deposit 不明 Unknown 引き出す決めてください Please enter the amount of item to retrieve 倉庫の空き容量 Warehouse space Battle Commands [Battle Command 1] [Battle Command 2] [Battle Command 3] [Battle Command 4] [Battle Command 5] [Battle Command 6] [Battle Command 7] [Battle Command 8] [Battle Command 9] Battle Command 1 ( ほどほど ) Use lowest SP cost attack (Requires 300 Brain) Battle Command 2 ( 思いっきり ) Use Strongest attack only (Requires 200 Brain) Battle Command 3 Battle Command 4 (まかせた) Attack at will Battle Command 5 (アイテム) Use an Item Battle Command 6 (にげる) Run Battle Command 7 ( たえる ) Guard/Wait (Requires 200 Brain) Battle Command 8 ( 離れろ) Avoid the enemy (Requires 100 Brain) Battle Command 8 ( 移動 ) Move (Replaces Avoid at 400 Brain) Battle Command 9 ( ターゲット変更 ) Change Target (Requires 300 Brain) At 500 Brain, the top three commands get replaced by the Techniques Miscellaneous Status Effects Japanese Name English Name Effect (Duration) 毒 Poison continuously deals damage to the digimon (40 seconds) 麻痺 Paralyze digimon will not be able to attack or guard (5 seconds) スロウ Slow digimon's movement and attack speed is reduced (10 seconds) 混乱 Confuse digimon won't listen to commands, and will move randomly (10 seconds) 液晶化 Corrupt digimon will only use default attacks (20 seconds) 気絶 Knockout (?) In-Depth FAQ [Thanks to Molivious] Baby I Name [Japanese] Name [English] Evolution Method Evolve From ドドモン Dodomon Time Blue Digitama ボタモン Botamon Time Yellow Digitama ジャリモン Jarimon Time Red Digitama ユラモン Yuramon Time Green Digitama ポヨモン Poyomon Time Violet Digitama Baby II Name [Japanese] Name [English] Evolution Method Evolve From ワニャモン Wanyamon Time Dodomon コロモン Koromon Time Botamon ギギモン Gigimon Time Jarimon バドモン Badomon Time Yuramon トコモン Tokomon Time Poyomon Rookie Name [Japanese] Name [English] Evolution Method Evolve From ハグルモン Hagurumon Highest Stat is Brains and more than 15 Weight Wanyamon/Gigimon/Badomon キャンドモン Candlemon Highest Stat is MP/10 + More than 15 Weight Koromon/Gigimon/Tokomon アグモン Agumon Highest Stat is Brains or Attack + More than 15 Weight Koromon カメモン Kamemon Highest Stat is Defense + More than 15 Weight Wanyamon/Koromon/Gigimon ガオモン Gaomon Highest Stat is Speed or MP/10+ More than 15 Weight Wanyamon ララモン Lalamon Highest Stat is Speed or MP/10+ More than 15 Weight Badomon ギルモン Guilmon Highest Stat is Defense or Attack + More than 13 / 15 Weight Gigimon パタモン Patamon Highest Stat is Brains or Attack + More than 15 Weight Tokomon ピコデビモン Picodevimon/Demidevimon Highest Stat is Speed or MP/10+ More than 15 Weight Gigimon/Tokomon/Koromon テントモン Tentomon Highest Stat is HP/10 + More than 15 Weight Badomon/Tokomon ピヨモン Piyomon/Biyomon Highest Stat is Defense + More than 15 Weight Tokomon/Badomon ゴマモン Gomamon Highest Stat is Attack + More than 15 Weight Wanyamon/Badomon ガブモン Gabumon Highest Stat is HP/10 + More than 15 Weight Wanyamon/Koromon Champion Name [Japanese] Name [English] Evolution Method Evolve From HP MP 攻撃力 [Attack] 防御力 [Defense] 素早さ [Speed] 賢さ [Brains] 体重 Weight 戦闘勝利 Battles 育成ミス Care Mistake 機嫌 (hap), しつけ (dis) Mood スキル数 Technique -ガオガモン- Gaogamon 1000 - - - 100 - 20 - Less than 1 Discipline 90+ 14+ Gaomon/Gabumon/Gomamon -ガルルモン- Garurumon - 800 - - 80 - 30 - Less than 1 Happiness 75+ 14+ Gaomon/Gabumon/Patamon -レオモン- Leomon - - 80 - 80 80 20 10+ wins Less than 1 - 35+ Gaomon/Lalamon/Gomamon -グレイモン- Greymon 1000 - 80 100 - - 30 - Less than 1 Happiness 80+ 28+ Gabumon/Agumon/Demidevimon -ジオグレイモン- GeoGreymon - - 120 - 80 80 30 14+ wins Less than 1 - 35+ Agumon/Guilmon -エアドラモン- Airdramon - 800 - - 80 80 35 - Less than 1 Discipline 90+ 35+ Candlemon/Biyomon/Tentomon -グラウモン- Growlmon 800 800 80 - - - 25 - Less than 1 Discipline 90+ 35+ Guilmon/Candlemon/Agumon -メラモン- Meramon 800 - 80 - 80 - 25 15+ wins Less than 10 - 28+ Guilmon/Candlemon/Hagurumon/DemiDevimon -カブテリモン- Kabuterimon 800 - 80 80 - - 30 - Less than 10 Happiness 90+ 35+ Tentomon/Kamemon//DemiDevimon -サンフラウモン- Sunflowermon 800 - - - 80 - 20 - Less than 3 - 14+ Hagurumon/Tentomon/Lalaamon -バードラモン- Birdramon - 800 - - 80 80 20 15+ wins Less than 3 - 35+ Guilmon/Candlemon/Lalamon/Biyomon -テイルモン- Tailmon 800 - - - 80 80 10 15+ wins Less than 1 - 14+ Gabumon/Kamemon/Patamon -エンジェモン- Angemon - - 80 - 80 80 20 - 0 Discipline 90+ 35+ Agumon/Patamon/Biyomon -デビモン- Devimon - - 80 - 80 80 20 - Less than 3 Discipline 70+ 35+ Hagurumon/Patamon/DemiDevimon -ヌメモン- Numemon - - - - - - - - - - - All -スカモン- Sukamon - - - - - - 15 - - - - All -ガードロモン- Guardromon 800 - 80 - 80 30 15+ wins Less than 10 - 28+ Hagurumon/Tentomon/Kamemon -イッカクモン- Ikkakumon 800 80 - - 80 30 - Less than 3 Discipline 70+ 14+ Gaomon/Biyomon/Gomamon -シードラモン- Seadramon - - - 80 80 80 30 - Less than 10 Happiness 60+ 14+ Lalamon/Kamemon/Gomamon Ultimate Name [Japanese] Name [English] Evolution Method Evolve From HP MP 攻撃力 [Attack] 防御力 [Defense] 素早さ [Speed] 賢さ [Brains] 体重 Weight 戦闘勝利 Battles 育成ミス Care Mistake 機嫌 (hap), しつけ (dis) Mood スキル数 Technique -マッハガオガモン- MachGaogamon 2000 - 200 200 300+ - 30 - less than 5 Discipline 90+ 40+ Gaogamon/Ikkakumon -ワーガルルモン- WereGarurumon - 2000 200 200 250+ - 40 - less than 5 Happiness 80+ 40+ Garurumon/Leomon/Gaogamon -もんざえモン- Monzaemon 2000 2000 - 200 200 200+ 40 45 0 - 49+ Leomon/Gaogamon/Numemon -メタルグレイモン- MetalGreymon 2500 2000 - 300 200 200 55 25 less than 10 Discipline 95+ 40+ Greymon/GeoGreymon -ライズグレイモン- RiseGreymon 2000 2000 300 - 250 200 45 25 less than 5 - 40+ GeoGreymon/Guardromon -メガドラモン- Megadramon 2000 3000 300 200 200 250 55 25 less than 10 - 40+ Greymon/Airdramon/Birdramon/Sedramon -メガログラウモン- WarGrowlmon 2500 - 300 300 50 25 less than 5 - 40+ Growlmon/Seadramon/Guardromon -ブルーメラモン- Bluemeramon 2000 - 300 - 200 200 30 25 less than 15 - 35+ Meramon/Devimon/Growlmon -アトラーカブテリモン- MegaKabuterimon 3000 - 200 250 200 35 - less than 10 Happiness 80+ 40+ Garurumon/Kabuterimon/Birdramon -ライラモン- Lilamon 2000 2500 - - 250 200 35 uploads/Geographie/ digimon-guide.pdf
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- Publié le Jan 15, 2022
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 1.6584MB