Farmer Field School Implementation Guide FARM FORESTRY AND LIVELIHOOD DEVELOPME

Farmer Field School Implementation Guide FARM FORESTRY AND LIVELIHOOD DEVELOPMENT Farmer Field School Implementation Guide FARM FORESTRY AND LIVELIHOOD DEVELOPMENT 4 This guide is based on the experience gained from the Intensified Social Forestry Project (ISFP) in Semi Arid Areas in Kenya, financed by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and implemented by the Kenya Forest Service. The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) concerning the legal or development status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The views expressed in this information product are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of FAO, JICA or KFS. All rights reserved. Reproduction and dissemination of material in this publication for educational or other non commercial purposes are authorized without any prior written permission from the copyright holders provided the source is fully acknowledged. Reproduction of material in this information product for resale or other commercial purposes is prohibited without written permission of the copyright holders. Applications for such permission should be addressed to FAO. FAO, JICA, and KFS 2011 5 Principal Authors: Takayuki Hagiwara, Natural Resources Management Officer, FAO Investment Centre Shinji Ogawa, Farmer Field School Specialist, Former ISFP JICA Expert Patrick M. Kariuki, Former ISFP Project Manager, Kenya Forest Service Jane N. Ndeti, Former ISFP Assistant Project Manager, Kenya Forest Service James M. Kimondo, Former ISFP Co Manager, Kenya Forest Research Institute Reviewed by: Arnoud Braun, Director at the Farmer Field School Foundation Deborah Duveskog, FFS Specialist Godrick Khisa, FFS Specialist Roland van Asch, Agricultural Economist Contact information: Director, Investment Centre Division Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00153 Rome, Italy E mail: Investment Office of Public Relations Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Nibancho Center Building 5 25, Niban cho, Chiyoda ku, Tokyo, Japan 102 8012 E mail: jicagap Director, Kenya Forest Service (KFS) KFS Headquarters in Karura, Off Kiambu Road, Opposite CID headquarters P.O. Box 30513 00100 Nairobi, Kenya E mail: 6 7 Project Management 1. Patrick M. Kariuki, Project Manager 2. Jane N. Ndeti, Assistant Project Manager District Forest Officers (DFOs) 1. Paul N. Karanja 2. James R. Chomba 3. Joseph M. Njigoya Assistant District Forest Officer 1. Wellington Muli Ndaka 2. George K. Nduati 3. Kenneth M. Riungu Divisional Forest Extension Officers 1. Elvis K. Fondo 2. Peter O. Aloo 3. Kariuki Kooro 4. Theophilus M. Muasya 5. Christopher Maina 6. Silas Mutea 7. Samuel M. Gachagua 8. Phineas Rewa 9. Benedict N. Kakuku 10. S.M Mbuko Intensified Social Forestry Project Staff Members 11. Charles M. Makau 12. Remmy Manzi 13. Charles Kavithi 14. Paul Musembi 15. J. N. Muiruri 16. Benedict Mainga 17. Joseph Ndirangu 18. Christopher A. Kapula 19. Maina Karimi KEFRI 1. James M. Kimondo, Former KEFRI Kitui Centre DIrector 2. M. T. E. Mbuvi, KEFRI Kitui Centre DIrector JICA Experts 1. Yuichi Sato, Chief Technical Advisor (2004 2006) 2. Shinji Ogawa, Social Forestry Extension (2004 2007) 3. Takanobu Nawashiro, Project Coordinator (2004 – 2006) 4. Yoshiaki Hata, Chief Technical Advisor (2006 2009) 5. Shinji Abe, Project Coordinator (2006 2009) 8 Foreword 12 Preface 14 Acknowledgement 16 Introduction 19 The Purpose of the Guide 19 Structure of the Guide 20 The ISFP Experience 20 Use of this Guide in Other Projects 21 After FFS: Integration of FFS with RuralInvest 22 Part I: Key Principles of Farmer Field School 25 What is Farmer Field School? 25 What are the core principles of FFS? 27 How does FFS benefit farmers? 29 How does FFS help development agencies? 31 What are the weaknesses of FFS? 34 Part II: FFS Planning and Management 39 Implementation Structure 39 Programme Cost and Fund Disbursement 42 Curriculum Development 45 Capacity Development 48 Expansion Planning 50 Monitoring and Evaluation 52 Part III: Field Manual for Field Facilitators 59 Implementation Processes 59 Implementation Steps 60 Implementation Calendar 61 Step 1: Ground Working and Promotion 63 Step 2: Group Organization 75 Step 3: Selection of Enterprise and Host Farm 97 Step 4: Selection of Host Farm and Learning Site Preparation 109 Step 5: Farm Enterprise Planning 119 Table of contents 9 Step 6: Establishment of Enterprise Sites 133 Step 7: LFFS Weekly Session 139 Step 8: Tree Nursery Establishment 161 Step 9: Exchange Visit 171 Step 10: Farmer Facilitator Selection 177 Step 11: Participatory Evaluation 181 Step 12: Field Day 205 Step 13: Preparation of Project Proposals with RuralInvest Module 3 213 Step 14: Graduation 222 Annex 1. Enterprise Catalogue 232 Annex 2. Study Guide 260 Annex 3. Repository of Templates 302 3 1. FFS Session Checklist 1 303 3 2. FFS Session Checklist 2 306 3 3. Mobile Phone Weekly FFS Report 308 3 4. Facilitator’s Monthly Report 309 3 5. Problem Report by Facilitators 310 3 6. Empowerment Process Report 311 3 7. Group Location Map 313 3 8. RuralInvest Module 2 Format 314 3 9. Final Session Report 320 3 9 1. Ballot Box Exercise 321 3 9 2. PCE Analysis 322 3 9 3. Result of Cost Benefit Analysis 324 3 9 4. Result of Self Evaluation Session 325 3 9 5. Result of Way Forward Session 331 3 10. RuralInvest Module 3 Format 333 Annex 4. Example of TOF Programme for Extension Facilitators 345 Annex 5. Example of TOF Programme for Farmer Facilitators 349 Reference and Future Reading 351 10 AESA Agro Ecosystem Analysis AfDB African Development Bank ASAL Arid and Semi Arid Areas CDA Coast Development Authority CTA Chief Technical Advisor DCCF Deputy Chief Conservator of Forests DFO District Forestry Officer DFEO Divisional Forestry Extension Officer DM District Manager FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FD Forest Department FFs Farmer Facilitators FFS Farmer Field School FFFS Farm Forestry Field School GOJ Government of Japan GOK Government of Kenya ICIPE International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development IGA Income Generating Activities ILRI International Livestock Research Institute IPM Integrated Pest Management ISFP Intensified Social Forestry Project JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency KARI Kenya Agricultural Research Institute Ksh Kenya Shilling Abbreviations & Acronyms 11 LFFS Livelihood Farmer Field School M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MENR Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources MOA Ministry of Agriculture MOU Memorandum of Understanding NFE Non Formal Education NGO Non Governmental Organization PC Project Coordinator PCE Participatory Comparative Experiment PFO Provincial Forestry Officer PM&E Participatory M&E PMU Project Management Unit PTD Participatory Technology Development Q&A Question and Answer SFTP Social Forestry Training Project SLDP Sustainable Livelihood Development Project SOFEM Social Forestry Extension Model Development Project SSIS Small Scale Irrigation System TCP Technical Cooperation Programme TOF Training of Facilitators UNDP United Nations Development Programme 12 The Government of Kenya and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) have a longstanding partnership for the development of social forestry in the semi arid areas of Kenya. JICA’s initial assistance started with the Social Forestry Training Project (SFTP) in 1985 for a period of 12 years. The main focus of the project was to develop tree nursery and tree planting technologies in the semi arid areas as well as to provide social forestry training for farmers and government staff. The Social Forestry Extension Model Development Project (SOFEM) started in 1997, following SFTP’s completion. It aimed to develop an extension model for the promotion of farm forestry among local residents in semi arid areas of Kenya. These two projects were implemented jointly by the Kenya Forest Research Institute (KEFRI) and JICA. The Intensified Social Forestry Project in semi arid areas of Kenya (ISFP) commenced in 2004 for a period of five years. The project consolidated the main lessons learned and key technologies acquired in the previous two projects. Although the previous two projects achieved their project goals, both could not reach a substantial number of farmers; for example, SOFEM worked with only 98 farmers. ISFP was tasked to cover a wider geographic area and a greater number of beneficiaries as well as organize delivery of farm forestry extension services whilst empowering farmers and improving extension service quality. The main purpose of ISFP thus became to intensify social forestry activities in the target areas. The Kenya Forest Service (KFS), the key institution responsible for forest administration and management, became the main implementer of the project, with close collaboration of KEFRI. Foreword 13 Building on past experiences, ISFP brought a new dimension to forestry extension and created a systematic extension management system. With assistance from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the project introduced the Farmer Field School (FFS) methodology, which had previously mainly been applied for agricultural extension service delivery in the country. It customised the approach to farm forestry, leading to the Farm Forestry Field School (FFFS) approach. Currently this approach has become the standard uploads/Geographie/ ffs-guide.pdf

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