Clash of Clans - War Guide: IMMORTAL.UNITED This chart is based on 20 player wa

Clash of Clans - War Guide: IMMORTAL.UNITED This chart is based on 20 player war participation. If more than 20 players Add +1 – if less -1. Terms: (Atk = Attack) (Clean = 3 star) (Hr = Hour) Review this timetable. If unable to meet required Atk timeline opt out of war. 24:00hr – 18:00hr Players 15-20 – Atk Any - Should use both Atk Goal: War Bonus only – Don’t worry about stars – do your best! 18:00hr – 15:00hr Player 10-14 – Atk Specified # Goal: Clean 14 Atk 20 13 Atk 19 12 Atk 18 11 Atk 17 10 Atk 16 Player 10-14 Second Atk: Any Goal: War Bonus 15:00hr – 09:00hr Player 9-1 Atk Specified # Goal: 3 Star 9 Atk Lowest opponent not 3 starred Members 8-1 Should Atk Lowest opponent not 3 starred leaving +1 for any member above your number to #9 who has not yet used their 1st Atk E.g. If player 9 has not used 1st Atk, player 8 should Atk 2nd lowest opponent not yet 3 starred. 09:00hr – 00:00hr Player Any Second Atk Goal: 3 Star Any player with Atk left should Atk lowest opponent not 3 Starred. Note: You should make best efforts to atk within this timetable. If you are unable to do so then you are free to atk at will by following the guidelines herein. However, all higher level players should atk and clean lower (easy) opponents per the war strategy guidelines at the specified time – regardless if lower level members use their atk’s or not. If any member does not use their atk and a higher level team members cleans the easy targets, and there’s no one left for you to atk, it’s no ones fault but your own. Unused Atks: If you do not use your atk’s properly or atk during the 24 hour war window you should opt out of war (do not participate). If you continue to participate in war without using your atk’s then you shall be removed from the clan. Disclaimer: This strategy is not flawless but may be built upon. If you have suggestions, please contact me to discuss – Shane the Great. uploads/Geographie/ war-guide.pdf

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