Dr. Reena Bhatt ISSUED IN PUBLIC INTEREST BY: MBZ Wellness NOTE: No supplement,

Dr. Reena Bhatt ISSUED IN PUBLIC INTEREST BY: MBZ Wellness NOTE: No supplement, diet, or lifestyle modification - aside from physical distancing, also known as social distancing, and practising proper hygiene - can protect you from developing COVID-19. The strategies outlined below will boost your immune health, but they don't protect specifically against COVID-19. NOTE: Vitamin C is very essential for tissue repair, body growth, heart health, immunity and skin defence system. But the body can't produce it and we need to take it in food or supplement form daily. Intake of vitamin C has to be 90 mg daily. It is a water- soluble vitamin and is found in many fruits and vegetables such as oranges, amala, guavas, bell pepper, lemons, spinach, kiwi, and pineapple. Vitamin C helps encourage the production of WBC, which in turn protects the body against infections. If vitamin C is not sufficient in your daily diet, including vitamin C supplements is recommended. 1 ISSUED IN PUBLIC INTEREST BY: MBZ Wellness Sleep is most essential to maintain good health. It is during sleep that all major processes viz. relaxation, repair, rejuvenation, healing and growth take place in our body. So for improving immunity, 8 hours' quality sleep is essential. In case you do not get proper sleep, take support of sleep-improving herbal teas or natural supplements. Also practising meditation and relaxation techniques may help you fall asleep fast. You can do yoga, follow the sleep regime, listen to soothing music and use aroma therapy to get right sleep. 2 ISSUED IN PUBLIC INTEREST BY: MBZ Wellness Curcumin is a natural key compound present in turmeric roots that gives it a bright yellow colour and healing power to fight against infection. Apart from its use as a spice, turmeric has a very im portant role in relieving infection, inflammation, acting as a natural pain reliever. Consuming turmeric is a natural way to help boost the immune system by increasing the immunomodulating capacity of our body. It works as an antibacterial substance and helps prevent cold and flu. Include more turmeric in your diet or as supplement to get immunity against seasonal changes affecting you. 3 ISSUED IN PUBLIC INTEREST BY: MBZ Wellness When we are under constant stress, our immune system reduces the ability to fight against bacteria, viruses and cancerous cells. The stress hormone corticosteroid can suppress the effectiveness of the immune system. So manage your stress and reduce it through exercise, yoga and meditation. Deep breathing and relaxation techniques also help do the same. Make a habit of reading motivational books and watching inspiring videos. Develop a creative hobby. And if you're already feeling really stressed out taking adrenal support supplements can be helpful. 4 ISSUED IN PUBLIC INTEREST BY: MBZ Wellness The most well-know and sure-fire way to boost your immune system and overall health is drinking plenty of water. Our body is 60 to 70% water. Drink around 2.5 litres of water daily and look for pale yellow urine. This will provide cells with clean oxygenated blood and flush out toxins. All vital organs and muscles will be cleansed and well hydrated to function at their best. Water also helps absorb important vitamins, minerals and nutrients from food, enhancing the chances of staying healthy. 5 ISSUED IN PUBLIC INTEREST BY: MBZ Wellness Numerous viruses and bacteria reside within and around us. But they only attack us when the body's internal environment becomes unbalanced. Yoga and meditation bring balance and harmony in body and mind. Yoga provides a gentle natural support to the immune system, lowers stress and harmonises hormones. It also helps stimulate the lymphatic system to flush out toxins from the body. Pranayama and breathing techniques fully support and improve functional abilities of lungs and increase lung capacity for quality oxygenation. 6 ISSUED IN PUBLIC INTEREST BY: MBZ Wellness Homeopathy works when there are acute, specific symptoms present currently. It also helps stimulate and strengthen the body's “own” immune system in general. When homeopathic medicine is prescribed as a specific preventive, it will boost your own immune system. It prevents recurrence too, so it has long-term benefit. For instance, Arsenic Album is a homeopathic medicine useful in treating a wide range of conditions such as common cold, cough, asthma, food poisoning and fatigue. So it can be taken for prevention or treating such symptoms after consulting a homeopath. 7 ISSUED IN PUBLIC INTEREST BY: MBZ Wellness All research proves that 30 minutes' moderate exercise every day is a must for any individual to stay healthy physically and mentally. Walking, cycling, swimming, and outdoor sports will make you feel more energetic, rejuvenated and de-stressed. Exercise helps flush bacteria out of the respiratory track so there is less chance of getting infection. It improves blood circulation and heart function, boosting immunity through active circulation of antibodies and WBC. Also rise in body temperature during exercise will help body fight infection better. 8 ISSUED IN PUBLIC INTEREST BY: MBZ Wellness For being healthy and disease-free, improving overall diet habit plays a very important role. Whole plant foods mean more vegetables and fruits in their original form. And also high- fibre grains, seeds, beans and nuts. All these foods are low gluten and high fibre. They are very easy to digest and full of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidants. These help to keep cells healthy and boost immunity. So fill two-thirds of your plate with these plant-based foods. 9 ISSUED IN PUBLIC INTEREST BY: MBZ Wellness Immunity boosting vitamins are B6, B12 and vitamins A, C, D and E. The best source is to get them from daily food, as body absorbs and uses them when they come straight from dietary sources. Vitamin supplements are just to fill the gaps in diet. Vitamin B6, which is very important for biochemical reactions in immune system, comes from bananas, potatoes and chickpeas. Cod liver oil, sweet potatoes, carrots, black-eyed peas, spinach and broccoli are rich of Vitamin-A. Vitamin E is a very powerful antioxidant that helps fight infections. Sources of vitamin E are almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, spinach and broccoli. 10 ISSUED IN PUBLIC INTEREST BY: MBZ Wellness One of your immune system's key jobs is to patrol the gastrointestinal tract and prevent germs, bacteria, and other pathogens from entering the bloodstream and making you sick. Yogurt (curd) is the best dietary source of probiotics that help balance gut bacteria. Good bacteria present in the gut will improve digestion, heart health, reduce allergies and support immune system. Yogurt is also high in protein and good source of vitamin A and Zinc. So take the most natural source - homemade dairy yogurt - to boost your immunity. 11 ISSUED IN PUBLIC INTEREST BY: MBZ Wellness Eating a low-fat diet strengthens our immune system, so limit your dietary fat. Long-term consumption of fatty foods and oil impairs WBC function and hampers the body's ability to fight bacteria in blood. Avoid white flour items - pastries, cookies, pizza, hydrogenated vegetable oil, butter, ice cream and red meat. Good fats are poly- and mono-unsaturated fats that are important for good health of heart and circulation system. Boost immunity with olive, peanut, sesame oil, avocados, nuts, sunflower seeds, soybeans and tofu. 12 ISSUED IN PUBLIC INTEREST BY: MBZ Wellness Garlic provides a wide variety of health benefits and so it has been used as a medicinal herb for centuries. Garlic contains a compound “alliin” that helps the immune system fight germs and removes toxins from body. When raw garlic is crushed, chewed or sliced and consumed, it has highest health benefits. Regular intake of garlic prevents common cold and flu. Garlic supplements and garlic powder available to fulfil the need, but natural food source is the best. 13 ISSUED IN PUBLIC INTEREST BY: MBZ Wellness Omega-3 is type of poly-unsaturated fatty acid with a long chain, so it's very important for good health. It has powerful health benefits for body and brain. It enhances the functional activity of immune 'B' cells and supports immune system to fight against viruses. The natural food source for Omega-3 is fatty fish, but one can take Omega-3 supplement for equal benefits. Also some vegetarian food sources for Omega-3 are chia seeds, flax seeds, walnut, spinach, cauliflower, berries and leafy greens. But in veg foods, the quantity is very little. 14 ISSUED IN PUBLIC INTEREST BY: MBZ Wellness Sun has the highest natural healing powers for various health problems. The major role that sunlight plays is in help producing Vitamin D. Vitamin D is necessary in adequate quantity for calcium absorption by bones and has direct impact on the immune system. Take sunbath on an empty stomach and eat half an hour post that. Take a cold water bath after taking sunbath. Apply coconut, olive oil or sesame oil on exposed skin before taking sunbath. Also cover your head and face with wet towel and sit under direct sun for about 10 minutes. Ideal time is before 8 am and after 5 pm uploads/Geographie/ immunity-guide.pdf

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