Collaboration Analytics Implementation Guide Solution Team 8/10/2011 Contents 1

Collaboration Analytics Implementation Guide Solution Team 8/10/2011 Contents 1. Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 2 2. Assumptions .......................................................................................................................................... 2 3. Legal ...................................................................................................................................................... 2 4. Staffing Model ....................................................................................................................................... 3 a. Zero Build Estimate ........................................................................................................................... 3 b. Customize Build Estimate ................................................................................................................. 3 5. Scheduling ............................................................................................................................................. 4 6. Readiness Checklist ............................................................................................................................... 5 7. Execution Checklist ............................................................................................................................... 6 © 2011 Avanade Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 1 © 2011 Avanade Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 2 1. Overview The Collaboration Transformation Analytics Solution provides is an accelerator that allows organizations to aggregate data from their SharePoint and OCS servers into an OLAP cube. Included in the Solution are starter reports for analyzing how effective the organizations are adopting and utilizing their collaboration tools. This guide provides a framework for executing a project on a customer site. Included in this guide are a list of assumptions, prerequisites, project schedule and a completed AEM to consider during project scoping and execution 2. Assumptions  Collaboration Analytics Solution integrates with these 3 data sources application. We assume that there will be single location to capture data for these applications. But for bigger application with more than 1 data capture location, it will require additional analysis and build effort.  SharePoint 2007 or 2010 (some limitations on 2010 support)  OCS 2007 R2  Active Directory  Any additional application (like SAP for financials) or non-supported versions (like Lync™) would require additional analysis and build effort to include in the solution  The plan and estimates included in this document covers reports that are shipped with the solution with very limited modifications. Adding more reports or making non-trivial changes to existing reports would require additional analysis and build effort.  This guide (and the included estimates) is meant to be used as a reference point and guideline. Each customer environment is unique and requires thorough analysis before an actual estimate can be built 3. Legal The Customer must be informed that this Avanade Solution, named Collaboration Analytics (“CA”) embeds Microsoft LogParser, an Open Source component. Therefore, the Customer must acknowledge and agrees that in order to use the “CA” it will need to separately execute a specific Microsoft End User License Agreement (EULA) (attached in this document) for the LogParser. The Customer will be solely responsible for compliance with the terms of the Microsoft EULA. EULA.RTF © 2011 Avanade Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 3 4. Staffing Model To provide guidance, there are two staffing model estimate provided a. Zero Build Estimate In this estimate, we have not considered any changes in the code. We will deliver reports in “as- is” format.  1 BI developer to deploy and configure complete solution. He will also responsible for processing and verification of data in the current format. He should be Sr. Consultant. Zero Build Estimate b. Customize Build Estimate For small size project, we recommend 2-3 onshore developers.  1-2 ETL developers to configure the provided ETL packages, make any tweaks necessary to accommodate customer requirements. This person should be Consultant.  1 report developer (PPS and/or SSRS) to wire up reports and make any minor customizations. The report developer is the likely candidate to work closely with the business users at the customer to make any modifications to reports and possibly lead the implementation. This person should be a Consultant or Sr. Consultant level. With Customization Estimate © 2011 Avanade Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 4 5. Scheduling A sample Project Plan Gantt chart is provided below. It shows a sample work breakdown for a team consisting of a project manager, a lead developer and additional developer. The project plan was based on the example where Avanade was asked to deploy the Collaboration Transformation Analytics Solution to a customer with some changes to the ETL process and starter reports. A sample AEM has also been included to show how a delivery team can assess and estimate the effort to deploy and implement a custom solution based on the Collaboration Transformation Analytics Solution. The AEM includes some example assumptions, build tasks and a completed staffing sheet. The Staffing sheet includes a developer lead who is also a SSAS developer and an additional SSRS developer. The staffing can also be made so that the developer lead is the SSRS developer with an additional SSAS/SSIS developer. The example AEM only contains a handful of assumptions, but it important to document assumptions clearly and thoroughly to ensure the scope fits into capability of the Solution. The tasks in the build tab can vary depending on the number of reports that need to be customized as well as how extensive the changes to the ETL and OLAP cube need to be made. In comparison, there is a second AEM that contains 0 build hours. It is strictly based on performing analysis and deploying the Collaboration Transformation Analytics Solution without any customizations. © 2011 Avanade Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 5 6. Readiness Checklist The following tasks should be accomplished before starting any deployment and execution of the Collaboration Transformation Analytics project ☐ Ensure customer has agreed to the licenses for LogParser. ☐ Ensure whatever data are being reported on (SharePoint and OCS), corresponding source application are in place and fully functional before the deployment is started. ☐ SharePoint usage analysis logging needs to be enabled. This solution depends on importing SharePoint usage log files found on the SharePoint front end servers. These log files must exist before the deployment is started. ☐ Active Directory in place and contains the necessary profile information to populate the required reports. Optionally, some profile data may be in the SharePoint profile system instead of all in AD. The important aspect is that several reports depend on address and departmental information about each user. This has to be present in either AD or the SharePoint profile system before starting the deployment. ☐ Need read access to the OCS LCR database. This has some sensitive user information (chat history) so it may take time to get access to it. Allow ample time in the estimate during Analysis phase for receiving. Create a customer assumption in the estimate that clearly calls out this dependency. ☐ Because of the sheer volume of data pulled from SharePoint (mainly the entire site structure) and the frequency it needs to be updated, the ETL jobs pull directly from the SharePoint content database’s, not the API. This of course is not supported by Microsoft, so we suggest mirroring the content DB’s and reading from the mirrors instead. Alternatively, a job can be scheduled to walk the entire SharePoint site structure via the API and store the necessary data in a database that the ETL jobs reference. This would be additional work, however. ☐ A reporting infrastructure needs to already exist. This may include any combination of Excel Service, PowerPivot, Performance Point and SQL Reporting Services. ☐ Make sure to read and understand the included Deployment Guide, Cube Documentation and Extensibility Guide prior to starting the project. Add additional effort in the estimate during the Analysis phase to review these important documentations. © 2011 Avanade Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 6 7. Execution Checklist The following checklist contains high level tasks that are involved in a Collaboration Transformation Analytics project ☐ Receive Active Directory extraction in the format defined in the deployment guide from customer IT team. ☐ Work with customer IT team to prepare all the data sources. This task could include database mirroring of the SharePoint Content DB and OCS LCR DB. Work with customer IT team to get proper access to AllDocs, AllLists, AllUserData, Sites and UserInfo tables from SharePoint content database as well as all the tables of OCS LCSCDR database to extract Communication data ☐ Work with customer IT team to setup a job to consolidate SharePoint web analytics logs from all front-end servers to a single location that is accessible by the ETL code. A Windows scheduled task performing an XCOPY command from the SharePoint usage log directory to a single location accessible by the ETL process is sufficient. ☐ Follow the Deployment Guide to deploy and configure the ETL scripts and databases. ☐ Using deployment guide, deploy the cube and execute the ETL packages prior to starting build tasks for the reports. The reports have a direct dependency on the structure of the cube and data available in the cube. ☐ Follow the instructions in the Deployment Guide and verify that data has properly moved from the source to the cube. Estimate this task accordingly depending on the volume of data being transferred. ☐ Solicit requirements for which out of the box reports should be used and if any adjustments need to be made. Be careful of scope creep here and try to steer the customer to stay within the realistic boundary of what the Solution’s capability. ☐ Using deployment guide, deploy the supplied starter reports and wire them up to the SSAS environment. Assuming the reporting infrastructure is already in place, so this should be quick. ☐ Make necessary tweaks to uploads/Geographie/ implementation-guide 2 .pdf

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