*Based on 2011 Pharmacy Times survey Vitamin D Supports teeth, bone and immune

*Based on 2011 Pharmacy Times survey Vitamin D Supports teeth, bone and immune health† Fish Oil  The Omega 3’s in fish oil help protect the heart by keeping cell membranes flexible and healthy† Vitamin B-12 Essential for energy production† †  This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. MANUFACTURER’S COUPON EXP DATE 12/31/12 Coupon good only in USA for product/quantity indicated. LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE. Any other use constitutes fraud. Void if copied, transferred, sold, or where prohibited, restricted or taxed. Consumer pays sales tax. Retailer: Pharmavite LLC will reimburse an authorized retailer of our product the face value of this coupon plus 8¢ handling if submitted in compliance with our redemption policy, available upon request. Mail to CMS Dep’t #31604, Pharmavite 1 Fawcett Drive, Del Rio, TX 78840. Cash value .001¢. © 2012 Pharmavite LLC. SAVE $2 on any Nature Made ® Vitamins uploads/Geographie/ nm-riteaid-ad-wcoupon.pdf

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