Gamefaqs eternal sonata ps3 faq walkthrough by domz ninja

GameFAQs Eternal Sonata PS FAQ Walkthrough by DomZ Ninja Eternal Sonata FAQ Walkthrough by DomZ Ninja Hosted by GameFAQs Version Last Updated - - View Download Original File Return to Eternal Sonata PS FAQs Guides Liked this FAQ Click here to recommend this item to other users ETERNAL SONATA FAQ Walkthrough Copyright c - DomZ Ninja Author DomZ Ninja E-mail domzninja at hotmail dot com Updated Version NOTE This guide does contain spoilers TABLE OF CONTENTS See that series of numbers to the right of each section If you want to ?nd a speci ?c section in the FAQ press CTRL F to open a search box Type in the series of numbers for the desired section that you're trying to ?nd and press Enter Whabam The search function will take you there in an instant - Version History - Controls - Characters - The Basics - Walkthrough Chapter Raindrops Chapter Revolution Chapter Fantaisie-Impromptu Chapter Grande Valse Brilliante Chapter Nocturne Chapter Tristesse Chapter Heroic Final Chapter Heaven's Mirror - Mysterious Unison - Trading Sequence - Equipment Weapons Armor Accessories - Items - Special Attacks - Achievements - Bestiary Enemies Bosses http www gamefaqs com ps -eternal-sonata faqs AM CGameFAQs Eternal Sonata PS FAQ Walkthrough by DomZ Ninja - Thanks Credits VERSION HISTORY FAQ Walkthrough ------------------- Version - FAQ Walkthrough complete and submitted CONTROLS FIELD SCREEN - ? ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- D-Pad N A ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Left Analog Stick Move ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Right Analog Stick N A ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Start Pause ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Back N A ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- X Button N A ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Y Button Open Menu ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- A Button Talk Interact ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- B Button Cancel ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Right Trigger N A ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Left Trigger N A ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Right Bumper N A ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Left Bumper N A '-----------------------------'----------------------------------------------' BATTLE SCREEN - ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- D-Pad N A ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Left Analog Stick Move ? ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Right Analog Stick N A ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Start Pause ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Back N A ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- X Button Use Item ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Y Button Special Attack ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- A Button Attack ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- B Button Defend ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Right Trigger N A ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Left Trigger Change View ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Right Bumper Select Item Escape LB RB ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Left Bumper Select Item Escape LB RB '-----------------------------'----------------------------------------------' CHARACTERS http www gamefaqs com ps -eternal-sonata faqs AM CGameFAQs Eternal Sonata PS FAQ Walkthrough by DomZ Ninja NOTE Character info taken from the Bradygames O ?cial Guide NOTE Check out Section for more information on each party member's Special Attacks POLKA Often shunned because of her illness Polka attempts to use the magic that comes from it to help those around her Although she is only fourteen years old her kindness and unyielding hope propel her into events that reach far beyond her small home village of Tenuto Polka is a very kind person but that doesn't stop her from being a formidable ?ghter Her special attacks in ict a great deal of

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  • Publié le Mai 11, 2022
  • Catégorie Business / Finance
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 651.8kB