Integration Audit Stock V1.0 identification document Titre dans Dome-Info : Arm

Integration Audit Stock V1.0 identification document Titre dans Dome-Info : Armoire DOME-Info : Projets et Applications Sociétés de Financement Classeur :  W-FINANCEMENT RESEAUX DE DISTRIBUTION Catégorie de Classeurs (arborescence) : Rédacteur du document : Mónica Burucua Sigle entité : DSIN/SISF/SOFI/PAHF Date création : 01/08/2013 Date dernière mise à jour : 29/12/2022 WHOLESALE SIS WHSIRBA-9 Audit de Stock Index de révision Date version Auteur(s) Page(s) Objet de la modification 01/08/2013 1.0 Mónica Burucua Creation Imprimé le : 29/12/2022 page : 1/13 Armoire Dome-Info :  Projets et Applications Sociétés de Financement Integration Audit Stock V1.0 Summary 1. Fiche de suivi 3 2. Identification 4 3. Analyse fonctionnelle 4 Although all the platforms have a similar functionality in the audit registry, the information is not saved in the same databases. 4 3.1 Functional definition of input files 4 3.2 Functional definition of output files 5 Spécifications techniques (pour l’informatique) 8 3.3 Identification des objets 8 3.4 Technical analysis 9 4. Tests 13 4.1 Environment of tests (MUD) 13 4.2 Environment of Pré-Production 13 5. Mails of validation 13 5.1 Validation of the correction 13 5.2 Validation of MEP 13 6. Annexes 13 DOCUMENTS LIES Nom document Libellé Auteur A. Imprimé le : 29/12/2022 page : 2/13 Armoire Dome-Info :  Projets et Applications Sociétés de Financement Integration Audit Stock V1.0 1. Tracking card FICHE DE SUIVI Identification le : Par : Libellé : Audit de Stock (All platforms) Criticité (C3 Urgent, C2 : Critique, C1 Peu critique) : C1 Commentaire DATES JALONS Prise en compte Le :14/04/2013 Commentaires Par :Mónica Burucua Précisions Demandé le :14/06/2013 Par :Mónica Burucua Retour le :18/06/2013 Par :Pascal Blasutto Analyse Début le :21/06/2013 Par :Argibay/Burucua Fin le :29/07/2013 Argibay/Burucua Validation Demandé le : Par : Retour le : Par : Réalisation Début le :01/08/2013 Par :Burucua/ Orieta/Castagnola Fin le : Recette Début le : Par : Fin le : Validation de mise en production Demandé le : Par : Retour le : Par : Mise en production Le : Par : Changement : Etats : IDENTIFIEE EN COURS A VALIDER VALIDEE TERMINEE Imprimé le : 29/12/2022 page : 3/13 Armoire Dome-Info :  Projets et Applications Sociétés de Financement Integration Audit Stock V1.0 2. Identification 3. Functional analysis Although all the platforms have a similar functionality in the audit registry, the information is not saved in the same databases. 3.1 Functional definition of input files 1. Interface of integration format type 2 (problems) File format for problems: File format for problems Order Number Name Values Picture Pos. Initial Long 1 TYPE 1=Act, 2=Problem ALPHANUMERIC(01) 1 1 2 ACTION 1=Add, 2=Modif, 3=Supress ALPHANUMERIC(01) 2 1 3 CODSF Code SF ALPHANUMERIC(07) 3 7 4 CDFAMPRC Code FP ALPHANUMERIC(05) 10 5 5 IDINTIN Inspector Number NUMERIC(7) 15 7 6 DTREAU Audit Operation Date ALPHANUMERIC(08) 22 8 7 COMMENT ALPHANUMERIC(50) 30 50 79 8 NUBIEN1 First part of the VIN ALPHANUMERIC(09) 80 9 9 NUBIEN2 Second part of VIN ALPHANUMERIC(08) 89 8 10 CDTYPPB Code problem NUMERIC(3) 97 3 11 DTREPPB Date of solution anticipated of the problem ALPHANUMERIC(08) 100 8 12 DTRECPB Effective date of the problem solution ALPHANUMERIC(08) 108 8 13 FREE ALPHANUMERIC(64) 116 184 300 2. Interface of integration format type 1 (Acts) File format for audit of all platforms: File Audit all Platforms Order Number Name 1 TYPE 1=Act, 2=Problem CHAR(01) 1 1 2 ACTION 1=Add, 2=Modif, 3=Supress CHAR(01) 2 1 3 CODSF Code SF CHAR(07) 3 7 4 CDFAMPRC Code FP CHAR(05) 10 5 5 IDINTIN Inspector Number DECIMAL(7,0) 15 7 6 DTREAU Audit Operation Date CHAR(08) 22 8 Imprimé le : 29/12/2022 page : 4/13 Armoire Dome-Info :  Projets et Applications Sociétés de Financement Integration Audit Stock V1.0 7 COMMENT CHAR(50) 30 50 79 8 NBVHP Number of vehicles anticipated for audit DECIMAL(5,0) 80 5 9 NBVHUP Number of vehicles seen in the CE and anticipated DECIMAL(5,0) 85 5 10 NBVHPAI Number of paid vehicles DECIMAL(5,0) 90 5 11 PAYR1 Vehicles paid between 0 - 7 days DECIMAL(5,0) 95 5 12 PAYR2 Vehicles paid between 8 - 12 days DECIMAL(5,0) 100 5 13 PAYR3 Vehicles paid 13 + days DECIMAL(5,0) 105 5 14 NBVHUNP Number of vehicles seen in the CE and not anticipated DECIMAL(5,0) 110 5 15 NBDOBQP Number of documents anticipated in the bank DECIMAL(5,0) 115 5 16 NBDOCEP Number of documents anticipated in the CE DECIMAL(5,0) 120 5 17 NBDOBQVP Number of vehicles seen in the bank DECIMAL(5,0) 125 5 18 NBDOCEVP Number of vehicles seen in the CE DECIMAL(5,0) 130 5 19 NBPBAU Number of audit problems DECIMAL(5,0) 135 5 20 NBVHVEND Number of sold vehicles DECIMAL(5,0) 140 5 21 DTCPTRDU Nate of the audit report CHAR(08) 145 8 22 FREE CHAR(27) 152 148 300 3.2 Functional definition of output files 1. File format for problems with error : File format for problems Order Number Name Values Picture Pos. Initial Long 1 TYPE 1=Act, 2=Problem ALPHANUMERIC(01) 1 1 2 ACTION 1=Add, 2=Modif, 3=Supress ALPHANUMERIC(01) 2 1 3 CODSF Code SF ALPHANUMERIC(07) 3 7 4 CDFAMPRC Code FP ALPHANUMERIC(05) 10 5 5 IDINTIN Inspector Number NUMERIC(7) 15 7 6 DTREAU Audit Operation Date ALPHANUMERIC(08) 22 8 7 COMMENT ALPHANUMERIC(50) 30 50 79 8 NUBIEN1 First part of the VIN ALPHANUMERIC(09) 80 9 9 NUBIEN2 Second part of VIN ALPHANUMERIC(08) 89 8 10 CDTYPPB Code problem NUMERIC(3) 97 3 11 DTREPPB Date of solution anticipated of the problem ALPHANUMERIC(08) 100 8 12 DTRECPB Effective date of solution of the problem ALPHANUMERIC(08) 108 8 13 Error description ALPHANUMERIC(64) 116 184 300 2. File format for acts with error Imprimé le : 29/12/2022 page : 5/13 Armoire Dome-Info :  Projets et Applications Sociétés de Financement Integration Audit Stock V1.0 File Audit all Platforms Order Number Name 1 TYPE 1=Act, 2=Problem CHAR(01) 1 1 2 ACTION 1=Add, 2=Modif, 3=Supress CHAR(01) 2 1 3 CODSF Code SF CHAR(07) 3 7 4 CDFAMPRC Code FP CHAR(05) 10 5 5 IDINTIN Inspector Number DECIMAL(7,0) 15 7 6 DTREAU Audit Operation Date CHAR(08) 22 8 7 COMMENT CHAR(50) 30 50 79 8 NBVHP Number of vehicles anticipated for audit DECIMAL(5,0) 80 5 9 NBVHUP Number of vehicles seen in the CE and anticipated DECIMAL(5,0) 85 5 10 NBVHPAI Number of paid vehicles DECIMAL(5,0) 90 5 11 PAYR1 Vehicles paid between 0 - 7 days DECIMAL(5,0) 95 5 12 PAYR2 Vehicles paid between 8 - 12 days DECIMAL(5,0) 100 5 13 PAYR3 Vehicles paid 13 + days DECIMAL(5,0) 105 5 14 NBVHUNP Number of vehicles seen in the CE and not anticipated DECIMAL(5,0) 110 5 15 NBDOBQP Number of documents anticipated in the bank DECIMAL(5,0) 115 5 16 NBDOCEP Number of documents anticipated in the CE DECIMAL(5,0) 120 5 17 NBDOBQVP Number of vehicles seen in the bank DECIMAL(5,0) 125 5 18 NBDOCEVP Number of vehicles seen in the CE DECIMAL(5,0) 130 5 19 NBPBAU Number of audit problems DECIMAL(5,0) 135 5 20 NBVHVEND Number of sold vehicles DECIMAL(5,0) 140 5 21 DTCPTRDU Nate of the audit report CHAR(08) 145 8 22 Error description CHAR(27) 152 148 300 File Definition: 01 WSAU-PFRFAU0. 03 WSAU-TYPE PIC X(01). 03 WSAU-ACTION PIC X(01). Imprimé le : 29/12/2022 page : 6/13 Armoire Dome-Info :  Projets et Applications Sociétés de Financement Integration Audit Stock V1.0 03 WSAU-CODSF PIC X(07). 03 WSAU-CDFAMPRC PIC X(05). 03 WSAU-IDINTIN PIC 9(07). 03 WSAU-DTREAU PIC X(08). 03 WSAU-COMMENT PIC X(50). 03 WSAU-RESTO PIC X(221). 03 WSAU-RESTO-ACT REDEFINES WSAU-RESTO. 05 WSAU-NBVHP PIC 9(05). 05 WSAU-NBVHUP PIC 9(05). 05 WSAU-NBVHPAI PIC 9(05). 05 WSAU-PAYR1 PIC 9(05). 05 WSAU-PAYR2 PIC 9(05). 05 WSAU-PAYR3 PIC 9(05). 05 WSAU-NBVHUNP PIC 9(05). 05 WSAU-NBDOBQP PIC 9(05). 05 WSAU-NBDOCEP PIC 9(05). 05 WSAU-NBDOBQVP PIC 9(05). 05 WSAU-NBDOCEVP PIC 9(05). 05 WSAU-NBPBAU PIC 9(05). 05 WSAU-NBVHVEND PIC 9(05). 05 WSAU-DTCPTRDU PIC X(08). 05 FILLER-ACT PIC X(148). 03 WSAU-RESTO-PROB REDEFINES WSAU-RESTO. 05 WSAU-NUBIEN1 PIC X(09). 05 WSAU-NUBIEN1 PIC X(09). 05 WSAU-CDTYPPB PIC 9(03). 05 WSAU-DTREPPB PIC X(08). 05 WSAU-DTRECPB PIC X(08). 05 FILLER-PROB PIC X(184) Technical specifications (for the computer science) 3.3 Objects identification Imprimé le : 29/12/2022 page : 7/13 Armoire Dome-Info :  Projets et Applications Sociétés de Financement Integration Audit Stock V1.0 Programmes Batch Nom Chain Detail PFRPBAU0 Intregration of acts and problems of audit PFRFXXX Copy with format of the file input acts-problems PFRXXX-O Copy with format of the file output acts-problems PFRBDAU1/2/3/4/5 Bind plan PFRBHAU1/2/3/4/5 Bind pack OBSERVATION: To prepare the program to execute in all the platforms. Imprimé le : 29/12/2022 page : 8/13 Armoire Dome-Info :  Projets et Applications Sociétés de Financement Integration Audit Stock V1.0 3.4 Technical analysis BATCH PFRPBAU0 – Integration of acts and problems of audit (daily process) File PFRFAU0 must enter ordered by TYPE: Type = 1 (acts) and Type =2 (problems) Procedure: Validations for all the types of registries and action:  WSAU-CODSF exists in the database INGQVSF0, if sql = 100  error. If not, keep SF-IDINT  SF-IDINT exists in the database INGQVIN0 if sql = 100  error. If not, keep IN-IDPAYS  WSAU-DTREAU <= “date of process“ (LCGQZZA0) ZA-CDPARM uploads/Geographie/ sis-integration-audit-stock.pdf

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