timeglider guide  timelines  creating/editing  opening a timeline  publishi

timeglider guide  timelines  creating/editing  opening a timeline  publishing/embedding  events  creating and editing events  date display  size and importance  images & links, etc  users  managing users  data  exporting & importing  printing Welcome! We're still filling out this guide. In the weeks to come, we'll add more details related to Plus features like collaboration, managing users, and importing and exporting data. You can alwayswrite to us if you have questions, and we'll get back to you as soon we can. creating a timeline A "timeline" is sort of like a folder for the events it contains. That folder has its own properties that define the entire timeline apart from the events in it, including its title, description, and whether it will have a public URL. When you first arrive at Timeglider as a new user, you see an empty timeline "stage" — an empty space with the "ruler" at the bottom of the app, and thetimelines menu. At the bottom of that menu, there is a "+ new" button. Click the "+ new" button to create a new timeline. T o display the timelines panel, if it's not visible, click on "timelines" in the application header. Enter information into the following fields: timeline title Keep the title brief and informative. This will show persistently in a header above the timeline if it is published. Otherwise, it is really for reference in the timeline menu panel. timeline description This is helpful for when a visitor lands on your published timeline and needs an introduction, guidance, credits, or other information. The description can contain basic html tags: img, a, strong and em. focus date The values of the zoom level and focus date are mere guesses at first! As you fill out the events in your timeline, it will become more and more clear how these ought to be set. See also the snapshot feature for setting timeline values. When a timeline is loaded, it needs some date at which to start. This is the "starting point" of the timeline, as the user can in most cases drag or zoom the timeline away from it. Sometimes the focus date is best set as the middle of the information, but in other situations, the beginning of a narrative series of events is more appropriate. By clicking the calendar icon by the date field, you can use our date picker (shown above) to select a date using a calendar view. zoom level As with the focus date, a timeline needs a scope or zoom-level at which to begin. Any visitor might decide to immediately zoom in or out, but you ought to choose this value carefully before publishing your timeline to make sure the initial view is optimal. size-importance Timegli der's special sauce — which makes it possible to look at large amounts of data in a zooming timeline — is the size-importance feature. With this box checked, an importance value given to events also determines their relative size as you zoom in and out, making them larger and smaller respectively. This check-box turns this feature on or off. (It can be handy to turn size-importance off to make sure you see all events, as less important events can fade from view as one zooms out.) image lane height Images that get placed in the image lane are sized according to the height of the lane. This can be set to a small number to start, or to zero if you don't plan on putting any images in your timeline. As you do add images, you can adjust it as you go — depending on how high your events go, how many images you have, and other factors. public URL checkbox If you want to share your timeline with others (using a web link), check this box, and after you hit "save", a URL will be generated for the timeline. After you hit "save", you can either go to the "sharing" button at the top of the app, or click the timeline title on the timelines menu panel, and then select "publish/share", and you will see the url. Leave this box unchecked if you want to make it impossible to visit this timeline except with your logged in account. Click on "save" to create the timeline. creating a snapshot After you have created a timeline, the best way to set the zoom level, focus date, and image lane height (all at once) is to take a snapshot. Here's how: Zoom and drag the timeline to achieve the best scope and centered quality, and (optionally) expand or narrow the image lane. Then click the timeline title in the timeline menu (bringing up all options) and click on snapshot. This will change the zoom level, focus date, and image lane height to the visible settings. opening a timeline After creating a timeline, its title will appear in the timeline menu panel (at right). By clicking on the timeline title, then selecting "open timeline" it will be highlighted to indicate will be active in the stage. Click the title of the timeline in the timeline panel, then the "open timeline" option to show the timeline on the stage. (If the timeline has no events in it you won't see much, but you'll be prompted to create your first event.) The timeline panel (clicking on a timeline title) is the hub for accessing other features for a timeline: getting to the list view, creating a legend, taking asnapshot, and publishing/sharing options. opening a timeline After creating a timeline, its title will appear in the timeline menu panel (at right). By clicking on the timeline title, then selecting "open timeline" it will be highlighted to indicate will be active in the stage. Select the "open timeline" option to show the timeline on the stage. If the timeline has no events in it you won't see much, but you'll be prompted to create your first event. The timeline panel (clicking on a timeline title) is the hub for accessing other features for a timeline: getting to the list view, creating a legend, taking asnapshot, and publishing/sharing options. publishing and embedding a timeline A timeline does not need to be visible to the public at any URL unless you choose for it to be. (See the public url field.) To get the public url of the timeline, you first need to click the "public url" checkbox in the main timeline properties and click "save". Then click on the timeline title again from the timeline menu panel, and select "publish/share". This will open the tab in the properties panel that has the main URL, and an embed code for placing the timeline in an iframe into blogs or other web pages. sharing panel The sharing panel is a central place to find all publishing/embedding information for your timelines. Click on the "share" button in the header of the app, and then select the timeline you want to share from the pulldown menu. The share panel gives you the ability to customize a link or embed code with "min_zoom" and "max_zoom" values. In the resulting timeline, users will not be able to zoom beyond these values, making the zoom slider shorter, too. Also, if you have a timeline that you want to keep at a single, fixed zoom level, choose the same values in the min_zoom and max_zoom pulldowns. collaborating and adding other editors to a timeline Guide under construction: Contact us if you need help with this. timeline presentations Guide under construction: Contact us if you need help with this. creating/editing an event With a timeline open (its title highlighted in the timelines menu panel), the simplest way to create a new event is to double-click on the stage at or near the date of the event. You can drag and zoom the timeline until the date of the event you want to create is between the far left and far-right of the screen (by looking at the timeline "ruler"). You can even double-click right on the ruler itself. Once a timeline is open, a context menu appears in the upper right part of the app. There is also a "new event" button there. The event editor appears when you click on "new event", or double-click the stage: Here's an overview of properties that belong to any event on a timeline. event title Event titles should be as short as possible. This allows for more space in the timeline for other events. A title like "Camembert introduced in Normandy in 1791" could likely be shortened to just "Camembert" — dates are shown in the timeline rule itself, and details like "in Normandy" can be reserved for the description. event icon T o the left of the event title field, there is an icon. You can click on this to bring up the icon menu. Icons allow you to differentiate different sorts of events: good things, bad things, inventions, locations, and uploads/Geographie/ timeglider-guide.pdf

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