Ultima adventures QUICK-START guide Introduction to UA What is this Guide for T

Ultima adventures QUICK-START guide Introduction to UA What is this Guide for This guide aims to help new players get fully immersed in, and adventuring around the world as quickly as possible, as in nearly immediately after spawning. Ultima Online, for many people, involves macroing to gain skills. Whilst you are likely to do that as well, this guide is built around the ways to achieve fun times in-game without that at first or the need to use any exploits to jump ahead For this guide, I will assume that you are familiar with the basics of UO, and that you can and will Google the generic basics of skills/abilities and what they do without the need for them to be detailed here. Adventure’s online server is filled with helpful and charitable players, and it's likely they are more than willing to help give a new player a leg up with better starting equipment etc, but this guide assumes you will be working on your own just in case you are offline or want achieve it all for yourself - having said that, whether you are playing online or offline, join the discord if you haven't already, and say hello :). This guide is not directed at soul bound/perm death characters, but may still be helpful, Please note it is NOT recommended you make this type of character as your first on the game. Because Ultima Adventures is an all skills game it can differ considerably to standard shards, and the start-up, build choices (that do exist) and the progression are all likely very different than what you are used to. I will also try and give some detail on these to help you work your own way forward once you're done with the early stages but this should not be considered a complete guide as adventures is vast, full of secret and fun features that are better to discover than be told about. Ultima Adventures at a glance ● NO non-consensual pvp, NO griefing (online server) ● Multi account, macro/botting, multi house’s all allowed within reason (online server) ● Unlimited skills (but limited to 2.4k until you finish a quest) ● Stat cap of 250 (or 225 if you're restricted) ● Completely different map and world to Ultima Online ● Easier to acquire good items i.e artifacts and to upgrade them, like a single player game ● MANY custom systems, such as extra spell systems, new uses for skills, new craft’s and Monsters ● A need to engage in the world to discover its secrets, read books, talk to npc’s etc ● Battle of good and evil effects all things in the game (prices, monster strength, death loss strength) and grants access to Balance points to spend on related items/acts ● Loss on death (unless revived by a player/alt account at the cost of Balance Points) or recall/gate (skill points for unrestricted and fame/karma loss for restricted characters) ● Random non static spawns, and npc Player killer gangs that can appear anywhere ● Simulated random global biohazard event ● When you die, you are, after 30 seconds, offered an option to auto-rez without finding a healer. The loss for death is increased by using this, but the first few are loss free, (30 minute cooldown) ● Pet slots can go much higher than 5 in adventures, but start at 2 by default. ● You need to eat and drink to avoid stam and health loss, as well as slower gains ● Edited or extra gain systems for skills to make using them to level more fun and possible without macroing Recommended game settings Enable or check out these options, leave everything else as it is unless you know you want to change it PaperDoll - options General General Auto run, auto open doors maybe auto open corpses (be careful with this as it can land you a criminal accidentally) Mobiles Show hp (i prefer line) Gumps and context Use Custom Healthbars gump Save health bars on logout Close healthbar gump when = mobile is dead Grid Loot = both Misc Enable Drag-select to open health bars Inform when skills change by = set to 0 Sound Turn the volume and music down lots in my experience it's deafening Macros Create macro buttons that say each of the following Vendor Buy Bank Guards! Sell All guard All follow me All kill All stay Combat-Spells Cast spells by one click Info Bar Show info bar Add item and set the new item top followers Containers Container scale = as big as you can live with, i have it at max Double click to loot items Paperdoll - Help Click Quick bar - very helpful menu if you don't always have the hotkey handy for common things Settings Loot options - simple auto looter Immersion breaking Paperdoll - options General Miscellaneous Enable Circle of transparency Terrain & statics Tree’s to stumps Building your character If you're experienced at Ultima then you can likely work this out for yourself, but these options will leave you on the right track if you're not sure how to get started, and if you are experienced but not used to the kind of game Adventures is, some of this may still be helpful anyway. The first thing to remember about your starting build is that it doesn’t affect your character in the long run (except for bushido because of its effect on parrying and shields), just the skills you don’t have to get from 30 (purchasable) to 50. You can also buy tomes that train skills whilst offline up to 70 (or 100 with advanced manuals) so any skill can be gained if your patient even without macros Picking the wrong skills won't ruin anything, but might make the start harder on yourself than it needs to be. These suggestions are options that should be achievable within an hour or so of setup in the shops of town to get into combat with some confidence and realistically get stuck into the easy dungeons or other activities, usually because they ensure you can deal with poison effectively and present good options to fight with other than just auto attack. Remember death will happen, and probably more often than you would think, and sometimes from sources like traps or random spawns that will seem a bit of a surprise at first, always be ready to run away from a fight you can't win, be prepared to lose items and have to get back to where you where. This guide will assume you are going to spend your starting 5k on getting set up, dont worry more gold will come and I will detail a few ways to make gold later, peacefully, should you need to recover from nothing later in the guide I will assume your first toon will be a Good character, evil is more difficult as it makes you an outlaw and I'd suggest trying it second but some advice will be given for evil folks as well later in the guide. Always select advanced character, the defaults are generally not as good as the below options for adventures, look below for advice on what to pick Immediate steps for all characters First things first, pick a suggested startup from the below list then follow the steps below mixed with the specific steps for each setup Once in game IMMEDIATELY press ctrl and shift in game to see the way that the game identifies all usable items on screen, this is VERY helpful for finding interactable items. If you have decided to go maverick and have chosen your own starting skills then ask yourself this, Have you spawned into the world?, are you past the intro?, if yes then these first steps are for you no matter what this character will eventually do anyway :) During the intro sequence you will be asked a few questions by FinalTwist, for a normal mode character answer yes, yes, no for an easy mode character answer yes, no, no for a soulbound (NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW PLAYERS) answer yes to the third question Start gaining stats Each Stat can only gain once every 15 minutes, so it’s important you start gaining them all straight away, I'd suggest you gain everything to start with and then turn something down when you hit the limit as they're all beneficial in some way or another, many skills will grant gains well for one or two stats but camping is the number one way to gain all 3, and in addition is an amazing skill anyway in adventures (NEVER pay for the starting 30 of Camping). As soon as you can (i.e once you run outside of the building you spawn in), equip the dagger in your bag and double click it, then click on a nearby tree, do this again and again until you have some kindling in your bag (classic assist can record and create a macro to hotkey this) Then double uploads/Geographie/ ultima-guide.pdf

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