Guitar setup guide A ??Dope As Fuck ? Guitar Setup Dope As Fuck Setup Guide First and foremost I must congratulate you on having curiosity and the courage to try and learn the sacred art of becoming a guitar-tech or as I like to call us ??Tone Warriors ?

A ??Dope As Fuck ? Guitar Setup Dope As Fuck Setup Guide First and foremost I must congratulate you on having curiosity and the courage to try and learn the sacred art of becoming a guitar-tech or as I like to call us ??Tone Warriors ? We are here to grant uninterrupted inspiration from the muse to the musician We are the slayers of string buzz and the keepers of one of the greatest musical tools ever created Behind every guitar legend stands a Tone Warrior without us there would be no Clapton no Hendrix no Stevie Ray and for sure no Slash We are artists my friends we are guitar techs and we are Tone Warriors Welcome You are one of us now XXX A setup guide by Modern Guitar Tech Luis M Copyright modernguitartech com What the Fuck is a Guitar Setup C R equired Weapons aka- Tool List The Setup Check List Tune and play the guitar Write down current setup specs before we move anything and make any needed notes Remove Old Strings Clean the fuck out of the guitar Install Fresh Strings Sight The neck or use capo trick Truss rod adjustment Set action string height Play guitar and reassess Check Nut height Check Pickup Height Set Intonation Clean and reward yourself with beer Write down your specs Neck Relief String height Nut action Pickup Height- Tool List I cannot emphasize the importance of buying good quality tools Cheap tools will ruin your instrument Most stu ? is available at your local hardware store but some you should get from an online luthier supply store I ? ll add an ?? ? to those Side Cutters wire cutters Digital Tuner String Winder Capo Screw Driver set and small set Small Crescent Wrench Allen Wrench Set w Ball Ends a Metric b USA Nut Driver Socket set ESP Tool a Metric b USA Razor Blade or X-Acto Knife Polishing Cloth or Shop towels Cleaners like Naphtha or mineral spirits a Silicone Free Polish Feeler gauges Radius Gauges Machinist Ruler Or String Action Ruler The Setup Check List CHello my name is ??Truss Rod ? Hello My Name is Truss Rod A good setup requires a good understanding of what the truss rod does Truss Rod- is the steel rod that runs inside the neck of the guitar It stabilizes the lengthwise forward curvature of the neck according to the string tension Layman ? s terms- truss rod keeps the wooden neck at a speci ?c angle by countering the pull of strings and natural tendencies in the wood Why Because a neck made of wood is prone to bending due to climate changing to a di ?erent gauge of guitar strings or pissing o ? your girlfriend Things to keep in mind ? Up until recently most truss rods were only adjustable by tightening or loosing the nut Some modern guitars now have a duoadjusting truss rod meaning they are adjustable in both directions Step Hey

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  • Publié le Sep 07, 2022
  • Catégorie Business / Finance
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 44.9kB