Hoi3 v 13 update guide V Update to the Manual Strategy Guide Recc of Maj Edwin Hanks ADC Col Rensslaer Rev v November CV Update to the HOI III Manual Strategy Guide Recc of Maj Edwin Hanks ADC Col Rensslaer Rev v November Introduction Now that HOI has bee

V Update to the Manual Strategy Guide Recc of Maj Edwin Hanks ADC Col Rensslaer Rev v November CV Update to the HOI III Manual Strategy Guide Recc of Maj Edwin Hanks ADC Col Rensslaer Rev v November Introduction Now that HOI has been patched to version hereafter referred to as v many of the most obvious and haunting bugs and imbalances have been ?xed No process is going to remove all of them from a project of this size and complexity but v is a major step forward which should enable players to gain further enjoyment from this game The purpose of this HOI v Update Guide is to explain the major changes which have been made and how they will modify the way you play the game But ?rst I want to explain what this Manual Guide Update is not This guide is not a comprehensive explanation of every single thing that ? s changed in v If you want that much detail it is critically important to also read the ??patch notes ? ?? the developers ? Johan ? s notes of exactly everything that has changed That is the comprehensive record of everything and includes many examples of ??bug ?xes ? ?? things that now work as they were supposed to in the ?rst place though I do mention a few important ones The purpose of this guide is to explain how the game should work and so for the most part I ignore bug ?xes The focus here is on functionality changes gameplay advances and gamebalance improvements seeing all the installations and levels in enemy territory Now you will only see that such an installation exists but not its level unless you have a higher intelligence level due to adjacent military units or over ying aircraft This means that you may see an airbase and if you ? re not remembering this rule you may conclude the province has only a minor level- airbase Then you might be surprised to ?nd it ? s level or more when you try to attack it Keep this ??fog of war ? e ?ect in mind and realize you don ? t always see everything that ? s there It may be best to keep a pad of paper or a handy palmtop computer and make a note of what level each enemy airbase is and how recently it was attacked how badly damaged etc There ? s some new functionality that should be helpful for major building projects though you won ? t probably use it often When you do ?nd need of it this may be exceedingly useful By selecting a ?rst province and then holding down the shift key you can actually select multiple provinces now The purpose of this is to issue mass construction orders ?? say you want to build a line of fortresses for example or an array of anti-aircraft guns When multiple provinces are selected it will say so in place

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  • Publié le Apv 16, 2021
  • Catégorie Business / Finance
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 83kB