Hittite vocabulary book 1 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Los Angeles Hittite Vocabulary An Anatolian Appendix to Buck ? s Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the Principal Indo- European Languages A dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the requireme

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Los Angeles Hittite Vocabulary An Anatolian Appendix to Buck ? s Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the Principal Indo- European Languages A dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in Indo-European Studies by David Michael Weeks C ? Copyright by David Michael Weeks CCONTENTS LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS III ABSTRACT OF THE DISSERTATION XIII PREFACE THE PHYSICAL WORLD IN ITS LARGER ASPECTS MANKIND SEX AGE FAMILY RELATIONSHIP ANIMALS PARTS OF THE BODY BODILY FUNCTIONS AND CONDITIONS FOOD AND DRINK COOKING AND UTENSILS CLOTHING PERSONAL ADORNMENT AND CARE DWELLING HOUSE FURNITURE AGRICULTURE VEGETATION MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL ACTS OTHER MISCELLANEOUS NOTIONS MOTION LOCOMOTION TRANSPORTATION NAVIGATION POSSESSION PROPERTY AND COMMERCE SPATIAL RELATIONS PLACE FORM SIZE QUANTITY AND NUMBER TIME SENSE PERCEPTION Cii HITTITE VOCABULARY EMOTION TEMPERAMENTAL MORAL AND AESTHETIC NOTIONS MIND THOUGHT VOCAL UTTERANCE SPEECH READING AND WRITING TERRITORIAL SOCIAL AND POLITICAL DIVISIONS SOCIAL RELATIONS WARFARE LAW RELIGION AND SUPERSTITION INDEX OF HEADINGS CLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AfO Archiv für Orientforschung AI Jaan Puhvel Analecta Indoeuropaea Innsbrucker Beitr? ge zur Sprachwissenschaft Innsbruck AIED Henrik Birnbaum and Jaan Puhvel eds Ancient Indo-Euro- pean Dialects Berkeley and Los Angeles AJPh American Journal of Philology Alimenta Harry A Ho ?ner Jr Alimenta Hethaeorum Food Produc- tion in Hittite Asia Minor New Haven Alp K? rperteilnamen Sedat Alp ??Zu den K? rperteilnamen im Hethitischen ? Anatolia ANET James B Pritchard ed Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament Princeton nd ed Antiquitates Indogermanicae M Mayrhofer et al eds Antiquitates Indogermanicae Gedenkschrift für Hermann Güntert Innsbrucker Beitr? ge zur Sprachwissenschaft Innsbruck AO Archiv Orientálni BB Bezzenberger ? s Beitr? ge Bechtel Hittite Verbs George Bechtel Hittite Verbs in -sk- A Study of Verbal Aspect Ann Arbor Beitr? ge ? Pokorny Wolfgang Meid ed Beitr? ge zur Indogermanistik un Keltologie Julius Pokorny zum Geburtstag gewidment Innsbruck Benveniste Origines Émile Benveniste Origines de la formation des noms en indo- européen Paris Berman Stem Formation Howard Berman The Stem Formation of Hittite Nouns and Adjectives Ph D Dissertation University of Chicago Chicago Civ HITTITE VOCABULARY BHD ? Kerns Bono Homini Donum Essays in historical linguistics in memory of J Alexander Kerns Amsterdam Bi Or Bibliotheca Orientalis BSL Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris Carruba Beschw? rungsritual Onofrio Carruba Das Beschw? rungs- ritual für de G? ttin Wi ?urijanza StBoT Wiesbaden CHD Hans G Güterbock and Harry A Ho ?ner eds The Hittite Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of Chicago Chicago ?? op Indogermanica minora Bojan op Indogermanica minora I K anatolskim jezikom Slovenska Akademia Znanosti Umetnosti Razred za Filolo ?ke in Literarne Vede Razprave Ljubljana Couvreur Hett ? Walter Couvreur De hettitische ? Louvain DLL Emmanuel Laroche Dictionnaire de la langue louvite Paris DSS Carl Darling Buck A Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the Principal Indo-European Languages Chicago EHGl Harry A Ho ?ner English-Hittite Glossary RHA - EHS Heinz Kronasser Etymologie der hethitischen Sprache vol Wiesbaden Ertem Flora Hayri Ertem Bo azk? y metinlerine g? re Hititler devri Anadolu ?

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