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C-30, et ses amendements subséquents. • USER TRANSFORMATION OF GOVERNMENT HOUSING PRO]ECTS: CASE STUDY, EGYPT A Thesis Submitted to the Facult)' of Graduate Studies and Research in Partial Fu1fillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Architecture Rafik Salama School of Architecture Mc Gill University Montreal March,1995 © Rafik Salama, 1995 1+1 National Library of Canada Bibliothèque nationale du Canada Acquisitions and Direction des acquisitions et Bibliographie Services Branch des services bibliographiques 395 Wellington Street Ottawa. Ontario K1AON4 395, rue Weliington Ottawa (Onlurio) K1AON4 The author has granted an irrevocable non-exclusive licence allowing the National Library of Canada to reproduce, loan, distribute or sell copies of hisjher thesis by any means and in any form or format, making this thesis available to interested persons. The author retains ownership of the copyright in his/her thesis. Neither the thesis nor substantial extracts tram it may be printed or otherwise reproduced without hisjher permission. L'auteur a accordé une licence irrévocable et non exclusive permettant à la Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou vE:rldre des copies de sa thèse de quelque manière et sous quelque forme que ce soit pour mettre des exemplaires de cette thèse à la disposition des personnes intéressées. L'auteur conserve la propriété du droit d'auteur qui protège sa thèse. Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés ou autrement reproduits sans son autorisation. ISBN 0-612-07913-9 Canada • • USER TRANSFORMATIüN OF COVERNMENT HOUSING PRO}ECTS: CASE STUDY, EGYPT Rafik Salama Master of Architecture Thesis Minimum Cost Housing Program School of Architecture McGill University • ABSTRACT Public IlOusing l'l'presents a sigllificant percentage of t.lre 1I0i/sing stock ill lI/allY developing countries. Its shortcomings have been identified alld exall/illed 1>.11 many scholars and experts ill ail Ilttempt ta investigate tlle possi1>ilities of growfli and adaptability in future projects. Yet, for many years and tllrouSIl tlleir Oll'II initiative, public housing dwellers have beell engaged ill a/terafiOIl alld extension activities aimed at adaptillg their dwellings ta better suit tlleir needs. These activities have resulted in the transformatioll of CI/tire 110usillS developments in many parts of the world. Understanding this phelIVlIlellOl1 is a prerequisite ta any attempt ta l'l'ovide better housing ellvironlllellts al/d tli improve existing ones. Therefore, this study examines the development of transformatiolls ill differe/Ii public housing projects in Egypt and attempts io ideIltify some of tlle illlplicit factors that control change at bath dwelling and community leve/s. A wide array of transformation activities were recorded during a survey of twellty projects ill Cairo and Alexandria, from which it lOas possible ta establish a typology of transformations and ta distinguish between different pattems th1'Ougll wllicll thl'Y takl' place. Olle project (Ain el Sira) was chosen as a case study ill arder ta examine change of dwelling characteristics from bath extl'mal al/d illtemal aspects. By going beyond simple description into empirical analysis of tlle phenomenon, the study identifies two categories of factors that infiuellCl' tlle process of transformation: factors which are related ta the housing unit and direct/y influence household decisions, and others whicll are related ta tlle housing environment and affect the behavioural patterns of the community. Interesting correlations were found between different housing charactaistics al/d the type, pattern and extent of transformation activity carried out by IlOuseholds. Il was found that user transformation of public housing projects shou/d not be considered as a simple space enlargement process, but rather a result of a complex set of inter-related determinants associated with bath context and dwelling characteristics. The findings also revealed that in favourab/e conditions, users were capable of successfully undertaking transformation activities which not only increased the range of used spaces within housing developments, but also created dynamic multi-functional l'states that better respond ta changing needs of househo/ds. i • RÉSUMÉ Le lo:.:ement social représente Wle part importante du stock résidentiel dans beaucoup dl! pays en voie de développement. Un grand nombre de spécialistes ct d'experts ont détenni/lé les inconvénients de ce typc de logement en essayant d'examiner les possibilités d'évolution et d'adaptation dans de futurs projets. Toutefois, pendant longtemps, les habitants des logements sociaux se sont, de leur propre initiative, lancés dans des modifications ct des extensions visant à mieux adapte" leurs lugements à leurs besoins. Ces changements ont totalement transformé certains développements résidentiels dans plusieurs pays. Si l'on veut parvenir à offrir de meil/eltres conditions de logement et à améliorer les conditions actuelles, il est essentiel de bien comprendre ce phénomène. Cette étude analyse donc l'évolution des transformations qui ont eu lieu dans différents projets de logement social en É8.1fpte et tente de cerner certains facteurs qui, implicitement, jouent un l'ole déterminant au niveau de l'habitation et de la communauté. Suite à une enquête faite sur 20 projets au Caire et à Alexandrie, il a été possible d'établir une typologie des transformations et de les classer selon les dIfférentes catégories auxquelles elles se rattachent. L'un des projets (Ain El Sira) a été choisi pour une étude de cas en vue d'examiner les changements apportés aux caractéristiques externes et internes des logements. En dépassant le stade descriptif et spéculatif, et en analysant de façon expérimentale ce phénomène, cette étude détermine deux catégories de facteurs qui agissent sur le processus de transformation: des facteurs relatifs à l'unité de logement qui ont un effet direct sur les décisions des habitants, et d'autres relatifs à l'environnement du logement qui affectent le mode de vie et le comportement de la communauté. Par ailleurs, il ne faut pas considérer les modifications apportées aux logements sociaux comme un simple processus d'élargissement de l'espace habitable, mais comme le résultat d'une série de déterminants connexes associés tant au COPltexte qu'à l'habitat. Les résultats ont aussi révélé que sous des conditions favorables, les habitants ont réussi à faire des transformations qui ont, non seulement augmenté l'espace utilisable au sein des développements résidentiels, mais qui ont aussi crée des cités dynamiques, multi-fonctionnelles, mieux axées sur les besoins en perpétuelle évolution des habitants. u ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1wish to express my deepest gratitude to my thesis advisors Prof. \)l'rek Drummond, whose wise guidance, inspiring comments and constructivl' advice have been invaluable to me, and l'rof. Vikram Bhat! for his valuabk' suggestions, insightful ideas, and continuing support during the entirl' periml of my studies. 1would also like to thank Dr. Eric Dluhosll of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for his assistance and for making his valuable research work available to me at the early stages of this study. Particular thanks are due to Ms. Maureen Anderson whose unfailing padence, help and support 1will always value. 1am also very grateful tu Marcia King for her friendship and assistance which \Vere a great encouragement to me, and to my friend Ghislaine Orfali for her proficiency in translating the abstract l'rom English to French. 1 extend my thanks to Samia Sakr of the Development and l'opular Ilousing Company and Dr. Madiha El Safty of the American University in Cairn for supplying me with important information regarding public housing projects in Egypt. 1would like to express my sincere thanks to my dear friend Mohammed \Vhose contribution was essential in conducting the field work, and to the residents of the surveyed projects for their hospitality, patience and understanding. Without their cooperation, this work could not have becn achieved. Last but not least, 1thank my parents who encouraged and supported me ail along, my wife and my daughter who endured the hardship of my return to studies, and my friends who encouraged and helped me during the courHe of this work. iii • TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract Acknowledgements Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Preface 1.2 The Research 1.2.1 Importance of the Study 1.2.2 Rationale 1.2.3 Definition 1.2.4 Research Problem uploads/Industriel/ salama.pdf

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