M22/3/BUSMT/HP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M 24 pages Markscheme May 2022 Business management H
M22/3/BUSMT/HP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M 24 pages Markscheme May 2022 Business management Higher level Paper 2 © International Baccalaureate Organization 2022 All rights reserved. No part of this product may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without the prior written permission from the IB. Additionally, the license tied with this product prohibits use of any selected files or extracts from this product. Use by third parties, including but not limited to publishers, private teachers, tutoring or study services, preparatory schools, vendors operating curriculum mapping services or teacher resource digital platforms and app developers, whether fee-covered or not, is prohibited and is a criminal offense. 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No se podrá reproducir ninguna parte de este producto de ninguna forma ni por ningún medio electrónico o mecánico, incluidos los sistemas de almacenamiento y recuperación de información, sin la previa autorización por escrito del IB. Además, la licencia vinculada a este producto prohíbe el uso de todo archivo o fragmento seleccionado de este producto. El uso por parte de terceros —lo que incluye, a título enunciativo, editoriales, profesores particulares, servicios de apoyo académico o ayuda para el estudio, colegios preparatorios, desarrolladores de aplicaciones y entidades que presten servicios de planificación curricular u ofrezcan recursos para docentes mediante plataformas digitales—, ya sea incluido en tasas o no, está prohibido y constituye un delito. En este enlace encontrará más información sobre cómo solicitar una autorización por escrito en forma de licencia: https://ibo.org/become-an-ib-school/ib-publishing/licensing/ applying-for-a-license/. – 2 – M22/3/BUSMT/HP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M The markbands and assessment criteria on page 3 should be used where indicated in the markscheme. Marks Level descriptor 0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below. 1–2 • Little understanding of the demands of the question. • Few business management tools (where applicable), techniques and theories are explained or applied, and business management terminology is lacking. • Little reference to the stimulus material. 3–4 • Some understanding of the demands of the question. • Some relevant business management tools (where applicable), techniques and theories are explained or applied, and some appropriate terminology is used. • Some reference to the stimulus material but often not going beyond the name of a person(s) and/or the name of the organization. 5–6 • Understanding of most of the demands of the question. • Relevant business management tools (where applicable), techniques and theories are explained and applied, and appropriate terminology is used most of the time. • Some reference to the stimulus material that goes beyond the name of a person(s) and/or the name of the organization. • Some evidence of a balanced response. • Some judgments are relevant but not substantiated. 7–8 • Good understanding of the demands of the question. • Relevant business management tools (where applicable), techniques and theories are explained and applied well, and appropriate terminology is used. • Good reference to the stimulus material. • Good evidence of a balanced response. • The judgments are relevant but not always well substantiated. 9–10 • Good understanding of the demands of the question, including implications, where relevant. • Relevant business management tools (where applicable), techniques and theories are explained clearly and applied purposefully, and appropriate terminology is used throughout the response. • Effective use of the stimulus material in a way that significantly strengthens the response. • Evidence of balance is consistent throughout the response. • The judgments are relevant and well substantiated. – 3 – M22/3/BUSMT/HP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M Section A 1. (a) Define the term productivity rate. [2] Productivity rate is a measure of the efficiency of production and can be defined as the rate of output to input of production. It is also a measure of the added value of the business. Award [1] for a basic definition that conveys partial knowledge and understanding. Award [2] for a full definition that conveys knowledge and understanding similar to the above and refers to inputs and outputs or similar words such as resources and production. N.B. no application required. Do not credit examples. (b) Using the information provided above and in Table 1, calculate: (i) the total contribution per month for the production of 20 000 chocolate-filled donuts (show all your working); [2] Total contribution = contribution per unit x number of units = 3 x 20 000 = $60 000 OR Total contribution = total revenue – total variable costs = 100 000 – (2 x 20 000) = $60 000 Award [1] for correct working and [1] for the correct answer. Award up to a maximum of [2]. Working should include some reference to the contribution calculation. Award a maximum of [1] if $ sign is omitted. (ii) the monthly profit if Roscas sells sugar donuts and chocolate- filled donuts (show all your working). [2] Profit = sales revenue – total costs Monthly profit = (100 000 + 70 000) – (15 000 + 1000) – (25 000 + 40 000) = $89 000 Award [1] for correct working and [1] for the correct answer. Award up to a maximum of [2]. Award a maximum of [1] if $ sign is omitted, however do NOT penalize more than once if repeated in any question part i.e. part (b)(i) and (b)(ii). Award [1] if profit for only one of sugar or chocolate is provided. Award [1] to incorrect answers where there is a single numerical error in what is otherwise correct working. – 4 – M22/3/BUSMT/HP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M (c) Using the information provided above and in Table 2, calculate: (i) the payback period for the new machine (show all your working); [2] Annual Net Cash Flow $000 Cumulative Cash Flow $000 0 –2000 –2000 1 600 –1400 2 650 –750 3 670 –80 4 700 620 5 710 1330 2000 1920 700 − x 12 = 3 years and 1.37 months or 42 days Award [1] for correct working and [1] for the correct answer. Award up to a maximum of [2]. Accept any other method of calculation. Accept answer discrepancies due to decimal rounding. (ii) the average rate of return (ARR) for the new machine (show all your working). [2] ARR = ((total returns – capital cost/years of usage)/capital cost)) x 100 Total returns = $3 330 000 Net return per annum = 3 330 000 2000 000 5 − = $266 000 ARR = 266 000 2000 000 x 100 = 13.3 % Award [1] for correct working and [1] for the correct answer. Award up to a maximum of [2]. Award a maximum of [1] if % sign is omitted. Do not penalize if workings are left in 000’s. – 5 – M22/3/BUSMT/HP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M 2. (a) State two features of a cooperative. [2] Two features include: • A cooperative society works on the principle of sharing and welfare. If any surplus (or loss) is generated, it is distributed/shared amongst the members (shared profits or losses of members). • An elected managing committee has the power to take decisions. Members have the right to vote, by which they elect the members who will constitute the managing committee (shared decision making between members). • There is limited liability of the members of a cooperative society. Liability is limited to the extent of the amount contributed by members as capital (limited liability of members). Accept any other relevant feature. An explanation is not required. Award [1] for each correct feature stated. Award a maximum of [2]. Application is not expected. N.B. whilst the command term is “features” it is also true that some features may also be advantages. – 6 – M22/3/BUSMT/HP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M (b) Using Table 3 and the information provided above, prepare a monthly cash-flow forecast for LLC for the first four months of operations. [6] January February March April Opening balance 5000 (1900) (2400) (900) Cash inflows Cash sales 6000 8000 8000 8000 Credit sales 0 6000 8000 8000 Total inflows 6000 14 000 16 000 16 000 Outflows Rent 4500 4500 4500 4500 Labour 2500 2500 2500 2500 Cost uploads/Industriel/business-management-paper-2-hl-markscheme 2 .pdf
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- Publié le Dec 08, 2022
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 1.2839MB