8.33 USER GUIDE 8.33 USER GUIDE COM.ET2.ST08.1000-IMP-01-01 Edition : 4.0 Editi

8.33 USER GUIDE 8.33 USER GUIDE COM.ET2.ST08.1000-IMP-01-01 Edition : 4.0 Edition Date : 19 April 1999 Status : EATMP approved Class : General Public Edition: 4.0 Page i 8.33 USER GUIDE IMPORTANT NOTE Since the initial print of the 8.33 User Guide, Edition 4.0, several corrections have been made. These corrections are listed below according to page number and section, accompanied by a description of the change. PAGES AFFECTE D SECTIONS AFFECTE D DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 5 Sentence ‘If your aircraft is UHF equipped, insert the letter ‘U’ in field 10 of the filed flight plan’ inserted at the end of paragraph. 16 5.2.1 Dual radio requirement emphasised. 40 – 45 14.5 Latest Update of 8.33 EUR State Contact Person details. 48 Annex A ‘132.020’ changed to ‘132.025’ and ‘132.070’ changed to ‘132.075’ in column D of the ‘Designation of VHF Channels with 8.33 and 25 kHz Spacing’ Table. (See note below) Other minor corrections to spelling and formats have also been incorporated. Note: It should be noted that 25kHz FREQUENCIES are specified by ICAO in Annex 10 with 5 digits (2 digits after the decimal point) and 8.33kHz CHANNELS are specified with 6 digits (3 digits after the decimal point). It is imperative that the word “CHANNEL” and the 3 DIGITS after the decimal point are used in the 8.33kHz airspace. The numbering scheme is illustrated in the table given in Annex A of the 8.33 User Guide Ed. 4.0. Edition: 4.0 Page i(a) 8.33 USER GUIDE ADDENDUM to 8.33 User Guide Edition 4.0 The provisions related to flight planning in support of the 8.33 kHz Channel Spacing Implementation Programme, as described in ICAO Doc. 7030, have been reviewed by members of the ATM Procedures Project of EUROCONTROL. As a result of this review, the 8.33 Programme Management Cell has decided to include this addendum with Edition 4.0 of the 8.33 User Guide, to restate the procedures in precise, unambiguous wording, so that there is no possibility for misinterpretation. It must be emphasised that the procedures have not changed. This addendum is simply intended to clarify the wording. Indication in the flight plan of 8.33 kHz channel spacing capable radio equipment For flights conducted wholly or partly above FL245 in the ICAO EUR Region, in addition to the letter S and/or any other letters, as appropriate, the letter Y shall be inserted in field 10 of the flight plan for aircraft equipped with 8.33 kHz channel spacing capable radio equipment, or the indicator STS/EXM833 shall be included in field 18 for aircraft not equipped, but the entire flight is planned in accordance with published exemptions from the mandatory carriage requirement. State aircraft equipped with UHF radios should insert the letter U in field 10. Aircraft equipped with 8.33 kHz channel spacing capable radio equipment, normally capable of operating above FL245, but planning to fly below this level, shall include the letter Y as specified above. Note - The indicator STS/EXM833 must only be used in accordance with an exemption published in an Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) for the relevant State(s). The absence of the letter Y and/or presence of the indicator STS/EXM833 will be taken as a lack of 8.33 kHz capable equipment. In case of a change in the 8.33 kHz capability status for a flight planned to operate in the area specified in the ICAO EUR Region, a modification message shall be sent with the appropriate indicator in the relevant field. Note - The modification message shall include any required amendment to the Requested Flight Level resulting from a change to 8.33 kHz capability. All flights subject to RPL, with a Requested Flight Level above FL245, are assumed to be 8.33 kHz equipped. In case a flight is operated with a non-equipped aircraft, a modification message for the day of operation shall be sent no earlier than 20 hours before the estimated off-block time. Note - The modification message shall include any required amendment to the Requested Flight Level resulting from a change to 8.33 kHz capability. Page i(b) Edition: 4.0 8.33 USER GUIDE Document Identification and Status Title: 8.33 USER GUIDE Edition: 4.0 Date: 19 April 1999 Number: COM.ET2.ST08.1000-IMP-01-01 Name: C. HAMEL Prepared Position: Chairman of the 8.33 Programme Management Cell by: Date: Signature: Name: J. Van Doorn Reviewed Position: Director Infrastructure, ATC System and Support. by: Date: Signature: Name: W. PHILIPP Approved Position: EATMP Senior Director by: Date: Signature: Information contained in this document is in line with the EUROCONTROL “Plan for the 8.33 kHz Channel Spacing Implementation In Europe” (Edition 2.0) as approved by the ECAC States and the ICAO EANPG/38. Page ii Edition: 4.0 8.33 USER GUIDE Document Change Record The following table records the history of the successive editions of the present document. EDITION DATE REASON FOR CHANGE SECTIONS PAGES AFFECTED 1.0 6 May 1997 Approved by the EATMP 8.33 Programme Management Cell 2.0 21 May 1997 Editorial changes mentioned during COM Team 9 in paragraphs and of edition 1.0 3.0 23 July 1998 Approved by EATMP 4.0 19 April 1999 Upgrades further to 8.33 Regional co-ordination meetings with the ICAO EUR Region States Edition: 4.0 Page iii 8.33 USER GUIDE FOREWORD IMPORTANT INTRODUCTORY NOTE This will be the final edition of the 8.33 kHz Channel Spacing Implementation Programme User Guide before the date of mandatory carriage (7th October 1999) of 8.33 kHz radio equipment above FL245 in the ICAO EUR Region. The 8.33 kHz programme has been designed and developed to increase VHF capacity in Europe in order to facilitate airspace restructuring and management. The programme will enable an increase in airspace capacity within the ECAC Region. In order to achieve the benefits anticipated from the programme, the date of mandatory carriage must be enforced. No exemptions will be granted by the 8.33 States. This means that non- equipped aircraft will not be permitted to fly in the 8.33 airspace after 7th October 1999. From 1st October 1998, for flights operating on a repetitive flight plan (RPL), if a non-equipped aircraft is planned to fly in airspace where 8.33 carriage is mandatory; a CHG message must be sent to indicate non-equipped status. It is the legal responsibility of the Aircraft Operator to ensure that false information about the 8.33 status of an aircraft is not included in a flight plan. Some States intend to initiate ground checks to confirm the validity of flight planning information. Operators not strictly complying with the equipage and exemption requirements could compromise safety. If such a situation arises, ATC will ensure that identified non-8.33 equipped traffic is kept clear of 8.33 sectors and will initiate the appropriate reporting action. FL 195 IN FRANCE Although the document may refer to FL 195 as the applicable flight level for 8.33 kHz over France (please refer to ICAO Doc. 7030 - 06/98), it must be noted that initially France will not implement 8.33 kHz below FL 245, as published in AIC 01/99 dated January 7th 1999 (refer also to the note in paragraph 1.2.2). MAP A map of the 8.33 kHz area is included in this guide at Annex I. The sector data in this map has been taken directly from the EUROCONTROL CEU Sector Chart, dated 25th March 1999. Sector boundaries are shown for all sectors above FL245, but for ease of reading, sector names have been omitted. Also included are the State FIR/UIR boundaries and the boundaries of the IFPS Zone and the EUR Region. Note: In order to improve readability, all changes from the previous edition (8.33 User Guide Edition 3.0, 23 July 1998) are marked with a vertical bar on the page margin. Page iv Edition: 4.0 8.33 USER GUIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................................................5 1.1 BACKGROUND.........................................................................................................................................................5 1.2 DECISIONS ................................................................................................................................................................5 1.3 DELAY........................................................................................................................................................................5 2. SCOPE ........................................................................................................................................................................6 2.1 WHO IS IT FOR ? .......................................................................................................................................................6 2.2 WHO PRODUCED IT ?..............................................................................................................................................6 2.3 USER GUIDE CONTENTS .......................................................................................................................................6 2.4 ICAO AND OTHER DOCUMENTATION..............................................................................................................6 3. GENERAL..................................................................................................................................................................7 3.1 CARRIAGE.................................................................................................................................................................7 3.2 AREA...........................................................................................................................................................................7 3.3 IMPORTANT REMARKS.........................................................................................................................................7 3.4 STATE AIRCRAFT....................................................................................................................................................7 3.5 8.33 STATES...............................................................................................................................................................7 3.6 OTHER STATES ........................................................................................................................................................8 3.7 AMENDMENTS TO RELEVANT ICAO DOCUMENTATION ...........................................................................8 3.8 AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION CIRCULAR (AIC) OF STATES.................................................................8 3.9 PLANNING.................................................................................................................................................................8 4. OPERATIONAL ASPECTS ...................................................................................................................................9 4.1 GENERAL...................................................................................................................................................................9 4.2 FLIGHT PLANNING PROCEDURES BEFORE 7TH OCTOBER 1999....................................................................9 4.3 FLIGHT PLANNING PROCEDURES AFTER THE 7TH OCTOBER 1999........................................................... 11 4.4 FLIGHT PLANNING PROCEDURES FOR FLIGHTS WITH REQUESTED CRUISING LEVEL BELOW FL245........................................................................................................................................................................ 16 4.5 COMMUNICATIONS PROCEDURES................................................................................................................. 16 4.6 AIR-GROUND COMMUNICATION FAILURE ................................................................................................. 18 4.7 USE OF UHF BY STATE AIRCRAFT .................................................................................................................. 18 4.8 MEDICAL FLIGHTS AND FLIGHTS ON SEARCH AND RESCUE MISSIONS (HOSP AND SAR ONLY)18 5. IFPS PROCEDURES ............................................................................................................................................ 20 5.1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................................... 20 5.2 ‘8.33 NON-COMPLIANCE’................................................................................................................................... 20 5.3 IFPS PROCESSING FROM 00.00 UTC ON 1ST OCTOBER 1998 UNTIL 23.59 UTC ON 6TH OCTOBER 1999 20 5.4. IFPS PROCESSING FROM 00.00 UTC ON 7TH OCTOBER 1999......................................................................... 21 5.5 STATUS 'UNKNOWN'........................................................................................................................................... 22 5.6 RPL SUBMISSION.................................................................................................................................................. 22 5.7 RE-ROUTING.......................................................................................................................................................... 22 5.8 OCCASIONS WHEN IFPS WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PROVIDE ATC WITH PRIOR WARNING OF NON- EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT PLANNED TO ENTER THE AIRSPACE OF MANDATORY CARRIAGE........... 23 5.9 uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ 833-khz-user-guide.pdf

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