ASSESSOR’S Guide (For Undergraduate assessment) (2015-16) Medical Council Of In

ASSESSOR’S Guide (For Undergraduate assessment) (2015-16) Medical Council Of India New Delhi – 77 INDEX Sr. No. Contents Page No. 1. Introduction 3 2. Stages of Assessment 4  Planning  Organization  Coordination  Cross checks  Reporting 3. General Instructions 6 4. Verification of Teaching Faculty / Others 7 5. Infrastructure 9 6. Declaration Form 10 7. Schedule of Assessment 11 8. Annexure I (Conflict of Interest) 12 1 Introduction The role of the Assessor in establishing the standards of medical education cannot be overemphasized. In the present scenario, there is a massive effort being made to expand medical education both in terms of numbers and geographical distribution. In recent years, besides the Government, educational institutions are being set up by various Trusts and commercial groups. The issues related to maintenance of standards have become very crucial. The Council’s decisions regarding establishment of college, permission for renewals, and recognition or continuation of recognition at various stages are made based on the report submitted by the assessors. Hence, the Assessor is the face of MCI and the assessment report should be such that the competent authority can clearly take its decision on whether minimum standard requirements are met or not. You, the Assessor are a medical teacher, with experience and knowledge regarding the needs and complexities of a medical teaching institution. However, the assessment of a college for regulatory purposes is a specific activity that involves verification that the establishment has the minimum standard requirements. These have been drawn up over the years and also undergo periodic changes. In all likelihood, you would not be aware of these. Since the purpose of the assessment process is to ensure that these are met; hence it is important that you are familiar with them. These refer to the adequacy of clinical material, teaching faculty & infrastructure. Your final opinion based (Adequate / Inadequate) on your experience will be important for taking the decision and should be unbiased. Finally, as Ambassador of the profession, you should treat your colleagues with respect and at no time during the assessment process reveal any prejudice or bias. Also your demeanor should be polite and not reveal your impressions to the host institution. 2 Stages of Assessment The assessment team consists of: i) Four professors from Govt. Medical Colleges – 02 professors from Clinical department and one each from Pre-clinical & Para-clinical departments, for assessments to be carried out for: (a) Increase of seats / Renewal of permission for 200 / 250 seats (b) Recognition of 200/ 250 MBBS seats ii) Three professors from Govt. Medical Colleges – one professor each from Clinical, Pre- clinical & Para-clinical departments, for assessments to be carried out for: (a) Increase of seats for 50/100/150 MBBS seats. (b) Renewal of permission for 50/100/150 MBBS seats. (c) Renewal against increased intake (d) Continuance of Recognition iii) Two/Three professors from Govt. Medical Colleges – one professor each from Clinical, Pre-clinical & Para-clinical departments, for assessments to be carried out for: (a) Compliance Verification Assessments Videography of assessment is mandatory to be arranged by the college. It should be supervised by the assessors & handed over to the coordinator to be submitted along with the assessment report. “If the institute does not arrange for Videography, it should be recorded and the signature of the Dean be obtained on it. Thereafter, Assessors may take photographs as they deem fit on their mobile phones / cameras. A catalogue of the photographs showing the date, time & place of these photographs should be prepared and submitted along with the photographs to the Council and a copy whereof should be handed over to the Dean and acknowledgement be obtained.” A soft & hard copy of the assessment report, signed on all pages by all assessors & the Dean/Principal/Director of the Institute and must contain the name of the assessors, should be submitted in a sealed envelope to the Council within 48 hours of completion of the assessment. 1. Planning The team should plan activities in such a manner that the assigned task is accomplished within the allotted time. The Institution also should be instructed about the planning. All the Assessors should focus on the task allotted to them and should avoid arguments & explanation/guidance. 3 2. Organization & Work Distribution The team should divide the various departments among themselves so that department wise details as provided in Standard Inspection Form A, B or C is verified and enumerated in the assessment report by at least one of the assessors. The quantitative data required in the form may be collected directly from the college and this should be duly authenticated on each page by the Head of the institute. The hard copies of Faculty Declaration Form with supportive documents duly filled & signed are handed over to the Assessors at the time of assessment. The Declaration Form must be signed by Faculty, Head of the Department and College Dean/Principal. 3. Coordination The tasks need to be coordinated in such a manner that visit to RHTC, UHC, Hospital Clinical departments and pre & para clinical departments in the medical college are all visited within the time available. 4. Cross checks Assessors need to cross check data provided by the college with their own observations at the time of assessment e.g. number of operations performed with the OT register / number of blood bags issued by blood bank, investigations – Microbiological, Pathological, Bio- chemical & Radiological to be cross checked etc. with the bed occupancy / OPD attendance. They should verify the records from the source data. 5. Reporting Each assessor should complete the part of report they have been allotted and handover to the Coordinator. The final report should be jointly made by all team members and signed by all assessors. It will be the responsibility of the Coordinator to ensure that whatever information is provided by the college authorities to them is properly formatted and filled in and to submit the same information along with the assessment report, in a sealed envelope, to this Council. No separate letter / page to be submitted with the main report. In case of dissent a small note / remark may be added in the main report and this could be from any one of the signatories. 6. The team should be careful as wrong reporting has serious consequences. “Observations which do not conform to the Regulations of the Council or which are based on personal whims should be avoided.” 7. Assessors should not give any extra comments and should focus on the desired information only. They should avoid using any subjective/superlative remarks in the assessment report. 8. Assessors should submit a summary of the report stating whether the college under reference has adequate or inadequate clinical material, infrastructure and faculty as per MCI norms. 4 General Instructions  Assessment is to be carried out after due consideration of State/National Holiday.  The Assessor should briefly meet the Dean / Director / Principal at the start of the assessment explaining him about the plan of Assessment and for making constructive changes / suggestions.  The assessment process should be completed within the working hours of the institution i.e. starting from sharp 9:00 A.M. till 06:00 P.M. or closing time of college / hospital OPD as far as possible.  Normal / routine functioning of the institution should not be disturbed.  Not to accept any transportation, hospitality and any gift in any form from medical college authorities or anybody who is connected with the Medical College. Note that if at any stage they are found to have accepted, the assessment report sent by them would be treated as cancelled and invalid and the Assessor shall be debarred by MCI from Panel of Assessors / Assessor’s Bank.  Leave allowed as per MCI /EC guidelines and norms with necessary documents and authenticated by the head of the institution should be documented and recorded.  Officers / officials posted to special duties (for e.g. in OTs, peripheral centers, labor- rooms, procedure rooms, etc.) and on official duties outside the institution are to be verified and recorded. Their attendance registers, duty rosters and other related documents to confirm their roles should be verified and documented to the satisfaction of the assessor.  Any instances of non-compliance by the Dean of the host Institute, of instructions given by the Assessors should be reported and such report should be signed by all the Assessors.  The Assessors should report any instance of misbehavior or commission of an act not befitting the dignity of the Council or any instance of doubtful integrity by the other Assessors / by college to the Council immediately. Any case of established cheating / defrauding the Council would be enough to stall the process of assessment, if the Coordinator deems fit.  The Coordinator has the right to call off the assessment after informing the Secretary, MCI, and taking necessary advice and directions from the Council or seek police protection in case of uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ assessors-guide.pdf

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