CI SfB (4-) Nn2 ® The stylish light weight bitumen shingle t

CI SfB (4-) Nn2 ® The stylish light weight bitumen shingle tile strip roofing system Design and installation manual Complementary leaflet to the Bardoline instructional film available online BARDOLINE Shingles ® By Onduline Bardoline fixing guide: Contents: 01 Introduction 01 Bardoline shingle material composition 02 Product specification and packaging 03 Colour range 02 Roof design 01 Roof structure 02 Roof types and terminology 03 Recommended tool kit 03 Roof construction 01 Minimum recommended roof slope 02 Bardoline roof build up 04 Fixing shingles details 01 Aligning shingle tile strips 02 Fixing shingle tile strips 03 Eaves preformed tray detail 04 Eaves detail strip application 05 Verge preformed verge strip detail 06 Verge detail strip application 07 Verge alternative fixing options 08 Ridge and hip using shingle tile tab pieces 09 Fixing Bardoline ridge and hip tiles 05 General fixing details 01 Ridge fabricated detail 02 Prefabricated ventilated ridge 03 Side wall abutment 04 In line roof ventilator 05 End wall abutment 06 Valley lining options 06 Roof renovation system 01 Roof preparation 02 Cold roof application 03 Warm roof application 07 Wall cladding application 01 Fixing specification This guide provides comprehensive design and installation guidance, you can either select & click on the specific information you require from the index below or view this guide and instructional video in full. Please remember the covering of roofs can be hazardous. Always work from a secure ladder or platform and use the appropriate safety equipment. Guidance can be found in Health and Safety Guide HSG33 working on roofs. Note: Professional advice should be sought to detail your specific project specification and mechanical fixing requirements as required. Bardoline 1. Ceramicised granules: high temperature process vitrifies the colour pigments providing assured colour stability, Ext. S.AA fire resistance and UV protection. 2. Asphalt: specially formulated oxidised asphalt for stability in fluctuating temperatures. 3. Pre-impregnated 125g/m2 Classic ( 95g/m2 Base grade) bonded glass fibre mat: guarantees outstanding mechanical resistance. 4. Heat sensitive adhesive strip just apply gentle heat with hot air gun to bond the tile tabs of the overlapping tile. 5. Silicon sand: under surface finish to the tile strip. Bardoline is manufactured from high quality materials, using the latest production technology to provide first rate weathering performance. Composition 1. 4. 2. 2. 3. 5. Bardoline shingle tile strips For an attractive and durable roof, please take the time to read this instructional guide. Make all relevant preparations before fixing the Bardoline shingles in accordance with these simple design and fixing instructions. It will also save you time and money in the long run! Nominal Thickness 3.0 mm Weight 8.5kg/m2 Package 21 tiles pack Effective surface area 3.05m2 14 tiles pack Effective surface area 2.03m2 Nominal Thickness 3.4mm Weight 10.7kg/m2 Package 21 tiles pack Effective surface area 3.05m2 14 tiles per pack Effective surface area 2.03m2 Material specification and packaging Pro 125S shingles DIY 100G shingles Bardoline is available in two durable qualities: DIY 100G ideal for the domestic garden house and timber frame building market and the Pro 125S designed for high end specification housing, commercial and industrial projects. Introduction Note: Other colours are available to special order only (typical minimum quantity 6000 m2 Red shingles Green Red multi-colour (clay effect) Slate Grey Brown • Durability • Light weight • Versatility • Ease of fixing • Cost effective • Attractive appearance • Virtually maintenance free • Low maintenance • Material guarantee* • Auto shingle alignment Benefits: *Terms and conditions apply Shingle tile strip alignment Interlocking side tabs automatically aid the horizontal alignment of the shingle tile strips. Slots postioned in the top of the shingle tile strip engage with the edge of the next course to provide assured alignment of the tile tabs vertically. Auto tile tab alignment: Bardoline colour range Return to Contents Interlocking tile tabs to ensure horizontal tile strip alignment 1.000 m 145 mm 195 mm 340 mm 242 mm Heat activated bitumen tile tab adhesive strips Attractive durable ceramicised granule surface finish Slots act as guide to ensure vertical tile alignment End wall abutment: Ridge: Hip: Side wall abutment: Verge: Barge board: Valley: Purlins / battens: Roof decking: Eaves: Fascia board: Roofing terminology: Duo-pitch roof: Mono-pitch roof: Hipped roof: Roof types: 5 It really is worth taking the time to first check your roof and carefully set out the design for the support structure on your project. It will save you time and money! New build project: Just follow the information contained in this leaflet to create a long lasting trouble free roof covering. Existing roofs: Survey your roof structure this will allow you to decide if it requires maintenance, upgrading or strengthening prior to fixing the Bardoline shingles. Make note of the roof construction; normally built using a decked roof laid on rafters or purlins supported on a trussed roof structure. Support structure design: A fully supporting rigid deck must be provided below the Bardoline. Any irregularity in the decking will be apparent through the tile strips. The roof should be constructed in accordance with relevant Building Standards and Codes of Practice, with all timber treated with preservatives. Exterior quality plywood board is the preferred decking for Bardoline; it should be a minimum of 12 mm thick with all fixing head finished flush with the sheet surface. The board should be be fully supported on at least three purlins and laid in a broken bond pattern. If close boarding is used it should be a minimum of 15mm thick and should be interlocking to avoid movement distortion in the decking. Note: Alternatively suitable roofing grade 18 mm Stirling / OSB boards can also be used below Bardoline fixed in strict accordance with the manufacturers instructions. If you are in doubt over your roof condition or design professional advice should always be sought Protective gloves: 9 10 Hammer: Tin snips: Tape measure: Roofers knife: Straight edge: Protective glasses: Protective hard hat: 2 3 4 5 6 8 1 7 Hot air gun: Angle to form ridge tiles: 11 Power saw for decking: 12 Hand saw for decking: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Recommended tool kit Roof types and terminology Roof design: Roof structure Return to Contents So let’s get started with the first two steps to create your durable, attractive and long lasting roof you can be proud of... Roof construction: Onduline underlay must be used on roof slopes below 200 degrees, the membrane laid with a 15 cm end laps and nailed at 10 cm centres using large headed galvanised clout nails. Note: Select one of the range of Ondutiss underlays either conventional or vapor permiable to match your design requirements. Bardoline shingle tile strips must be laid on a roof deck in accordance with relevant British Standards and Codes of Practice. Minimum roof slope: 12.50 degrees. Minimum deck thickness: 12 mm to 18 mm. Note: Any irregularity in the surface of the decking will become apparent through the shingle strips in service. Finally fix the Bardoline tile strips in accordance with the instructions set out in the Bardoline fixing instructions. Note: Remember before fixing the shingles to your roof take time to look at the instructional video available on the Onduline website. 12.50 200 Make ready the roof Deck a Lay Onduline roof underlay b Fix Bardoline tile strips c Bardoline roof construction a, b, c, Minimum recommended roof slope First calculate the slope of your roof using a protractor. Then measure your roof and take note of the materials and tools required to cover your roof including any Bardoline shin- gle tile strip system accessories required for your project. The minimum recommended roof slope to which Bardoline roof strips can be fixed is: 12.50 degrees. Bardoline roof strips must always be laid on an Onduline roof underlay membrane on roof slopes below 200 degrees. (Indeed its good practice to always use an underlay) Return to Contents Fixing shingles Securing shingle strips Fix using 5 x 20mm large head- ed galvanised clout nails per tile strip. Nail through the adhesive strip band into the top edge of the lower course. Fixing shingles Lay the shingles diagonally across the roof taking care to keep them square to the line of the eaves and verge at all times in a broken bond pattern. Fixing shingle tile strips Lay the tile strips diagonally, square to the eaves and ridge. Fixing tile strip Interlocking side and top slots aid positioning shingle strips. Start alternate trimmed to a form tile bond pattern. Horizontal alignment tag Ensure the shingles are positioned square to the line of the eaves and verge. Interlocking side tags provide horizontal alignment of shingle tile strip. Vertical alignment slot Guide slots are cut into the top edge of the tile strip, which when opened form a slot into which the next course is engaged for vertical alignment. Fixing tile tab Bond the tile tabs by gently heating the bitumen tab on the lower course with a hot air gun Note: Take care uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ bardoline-fixing-guide.pdf

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